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  1. root

    Что такое PimEyes и как с помощью него пробивать людей?

    PimEyes - это довольно новый и эффективный сайт, который поможет найти все фотографии, которые когда-либо выкладывал человек в сеть, распознав его лицо. Это самый лучший инструмент для поиска фото людей. За считанные секунды он может обработать миллионы фотографий в интернете, и выдать вам...
  2. S

    Snoop - intelligence tool based on open data (OSINT world)

    I welcome private detectives and forum guests! I want to share the OSINT tool that I created: Snoop project Snoop Project is one of the most promising OSINT nickname search tools. What does snoop do? His main job is to find username / nickname in public data and reports. Available...
  3. Андрей Захаров

    Notary and restoration of lost ties

    Notary and restoration of lost ties. In the course of detective work, quite often you have to deal with orders to search for various people who are not specifically hiding, but have lost their friendly, family ties with customers. When searching for such persons and collecting information...
  4. Симферополь

    Thanks to Konstantin Mikhailovich. SCF "Budaev and partners".

    A client from Tula contacted with a search in the Crimea. Worked out. Traces, as it happens, led back to Tula. Recommended to her (more than once checked by time and teamwork!) Respected Konstantin Mikhailovich)) The thing, it must be said, was very confusing, for which she received the talking...
  5. Симферополь

    Thanks to Kudashev Nail.

    We gave Nail a customer with a 27-year history of unsuccessful searches. It was necessary to search in one of the remote regions of our immense ... As a result, after a couple of days, Nail found a man and made personal telephone contact with him. Fortunately, the latter, being a long-distance...
  6. Группа К

    Detective audit

    Dear Colleagues! In the scientific and practical journal “Accounting. Analysis. Audit ”No. 3/2017 (founder of FSBEI“ Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation ”) an article by detective A.E. Krioni "External control of small businesses by detective methods." The...
  7. Растаман

    Агентство поиска информации и человека Саратов, Энгельс. Частный детектив Энгельс, детективное агентство Энгельс.

    وكالة المباحث. المباحث الخاصة. جمهورية سخا (ياقوتيا. ساراتوف. وكالة المباحث الخاصة - المحقق الخاص نيل بايازيتوفيتش كوداشيف. نحن نقدم مجموعة كاملة من خدمات المباحث. رخصة رقم 14/09 - 053 صادرة عن وزارة الداخلية بجمهورية ساخا (ياقوتيا) في 22 أبريل 2010. "من يملك المعلومات هو يملك العالم"...