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شبكة اجتماعية

  1. root

    Why you need to teach children about privacy on the web

    Take care of your data from a young age Experts in the field of information security pay attention to the spread of the problem of oversharing - the excessive provision of personal information on the Internet. Most often, children and adolescents, not knowing about the possible negative...
  2. root

    Bots are coming

    Bots are coming Defending against AI fraudsters on social media Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies that help businesses simplify their interactions with customers on the Web are increasingly being used for...
  3. root

    Report: Slowdown of Twitter in Russia

    Report: Slowdown of Twitter in Russia We present to your attention the translation of the report of the international group of Internet experts Censored Planet, who spent study of the slowdown in Russia of traffic of the American social network Twitter. According to them, this will mark a new...

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