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Untraceable, dynamic IMEI stealth phones

частный детектив Румыния

15 سبتمبر 2011
مستوى التفاعل
الموقع الالكتروني

Recently we've found a very interesting website, that is selling a special kind of mobile phones: anti-interception, anti-tracking cell phones.

The approach of whole thing is pretty new, in terms of mobile security: instead of protecting your mobile communications by using crypto phones, its better to know exactly when your mobile phone get intercepted by third parties, hence you can develop deception techniques, intoxication procedures, etc.

Please let me quote them:

"Assuming that you are a target for an intelligence agency or any entity having enough financial resources to buy a GSM interceptor, have a guess on what they will do in case the you use an encrypted cell phone.
For sure they will use some other ways to get the info they need. They will not wait for some security flaws, they will not try to perform a deciphering attempt. They will simply bug your home, office and vehicle, will spy on your computer, will intercept your mail and will use covert human intelligence sources and whatever it takes to obtain relevant information about you and your activities. They can easily bypass the communication protection provided by the encrypted phones by simply collecting relevant informations from other sources. Simple as that.

On today market there are a variety of devices to encrypt your conversation. Though using of encryption to protect your privacy might be the prudent choice, the method has its own disadvantages:
A.You never know if encryption you use is indeed trustworthy and there is no reliable way to check it. Most of the encryption applications developers are not making public the source code. There can be (and most of the time there are) back doors used by law enforcement agencies.
Introducing a back door into a crypto system does not even require active cooperation of the manufacturer of the equipment. All it takes is one bribed programmer to compromise an entire product.
Some manufacturers of cryptographic equipment have a track record of hidden cooperation with intelligence agencies and interested private parties. Some of them are not even using publicly scrutinized and standardized crypto algorithms (like Diffie-Hellman, SHA256, AES and Twofish), but “proprietary” encryption methods that are not available for public evaluation. Several “proprietary” crypto-algorithms that were not subject to public review have been shown to be easily breakable in the past, like the COMP128 algorithm that is in use in many GSM networks for authentication, so the “proprietary crypto” approach has to be regarded as very risky.
B. Using of such devices might make you look suspicious and attract undesired attention to you.
C. If you are targeted by an intelligence agency, encrypting your mobile communications does not mean that you are 100% protected against eavesdropping. Think about that: will they drop you just because you use encrypted communication? No, for sure.. Being a challange for them, will find another ways to get the informations thet need. Sure, for a short period of time your secrets will remain... secret. But any decent agency will find at any time security breaches, gathering info they need about you, by any means.
Actually by encrypting your phone conversations, you are telling them that you have something important to hide and you force agencies to use other ways to gather intelligence.
D.An encrypted call is not so... encrypted, as you think. Even if you use a crypto phone, the GSM operator or the entity that operates a GSM interceptor can find out pretty much information such as:

- The phone number dialled by you or the phone number that is calling you. Hence, they can figure out the caller location and even his real identity. It is only a matter of time. They can (and they will do) tape his cell phone in order to find out who it is and what your relation with him is.
- The conversation length, time stamped.
- Your location at the moment of phone conversation.
- Your geographical location at every moment, by some simple and effective triangulation techniques.

Other crypto phone proven weaknesses:

- Some GSM interceptors can perform a DoS attack on your crypto phone, making that phone unavailable for use, for as long as they want. This occurs when crypto phone uses GPRS/data connection in order to transmit encrypted voice.
- Many modern GSM interceptors can downgrade your crypto phone connection from 3G to 2G, by simply jamming 3G uplink frequencies, which is a standard procedure. By doing that, many crypto phones that use data connections will fail and become useless.
- With carrier help, the phone IMEI can be blocked on the network.
- A GSM interceptor can perform a DoS attack on a BTS by continuously sending RACH bursts to all phones in the given area. This will affect all cell phones, including crypto phones from a certain area.

So, even if you use a crypto phone,there can be figured out the phone number and the person identity you are talking over the phone, your accurate locations, communication patterns etc. They will not know what you are talking about, but they will know when, for how long, where and who with. Sure, the voice call itself usually cannot be decrypted in a resonable period of time. But information above can be (and will be) used to find out in the end, your secrets.

That is why crypto phones can be used only for a short period of time as secure communication devices. In fact, being predictable is one of the worst choice on intelligence battlefield. And using a cryto phone means that you are more than predictable.

The only conclusion that you can make: instead of protecting your secretive communications in blind by using crypto phones, it is better to know when someone wants to find out your secrets and when they are trying to locate you. Then you can act advisedly, taking the right decisions and even influencing them by different deception techniques.

Do not assume that your secrets are hunted by various entities, all the time. This is not going to happen. Find out exactly when you are a target and for how long."

You can read more, here: https://x-cellular.com
Original message

Recently we've found a very interesting website, that is selling a special kind of mobile phones: anti-interception, anti-tracking cell phones.

The approach of whole thing is pretty new, in terms of mobile security: instead of protecting your mobile communications by using crypto phones, its better to know exactly when your mobile phone get intercepted by third parties, hence you can develop deception techniques, intoxication procedures, etc.

Please let me quote them:

"Assuming that you are a target for an intelligence agency or any entity having enough financial resources to buy a GSM interceptor, have a guess on what they will do in case the you use an encrypted cell phone.
For sure they will use some other ways to get the info they need. They will not wait for some security flaws, they will not try to perform a deciphering attempt. They will simply bug your home, office and vehicle, will spy on your computer, will intercept your mail and will use covert human intelligence sources and whatever it takes to obtain relevant information about you and your activities. They can easily bypass the communication protection provided by the encrypted phones by simply collecting relevant informations from other sources. Simple as that.

On today market there are a variety of devices to encrypt your conversation. Though using of encryption to protect your privacy might be the prudent choice, the method has its own disadvantages:
A.You never know if encryption you use is indeed trustworthy and there is no reliable way to check it. Most of the encryption applications developers are not making public the source code. There can be (and most of the time there are) back doors used by law enforcement agencies.
Introducing a back door into a crypto system does not even require active cooperation of the manufacturer of the equipment. All it takes is one bribed programmer to compromise an entire product.
Some manufacturers of cryptographic equipment have a track record of hidden cooperation with intelligence agencies and interested private parties. Some of them are not even using publicly scrutinized and standardized crypto algorithms (like Diffie-Hellman, SHA256, AES and Twofish), but “proprietary” encryption methods that are not available for public evaluation. Several “proprietary” crypto-algorithms that were not subject to public review have been shown to be easily breakable in the past, like the COMP128 algorithm that is in use in many GSM networks for authentication, so the “proprietary crypto” approach has to be regarded as very risky.
B. Using of such devices might make you look suspicious and attract undesired attention to you.
C. If you are targeted by an intelligence agency, encrypting your mobile communications does not mean that you are 100% protected against eavesdropping. Think about that: will they drop you just because you use encrypted communication? No, for sure.. Being a challange for them, will find another ways to get the informations thet need. Sure, for a short period of time your secrets will remain... secret. But any decent agency will find at any time security breaches, gathering info they need about you, by any means.
Actually by encrypting your phone conversations, you are telling them that you have something important to hide and you force agencies to use other ways to gather intelligence.
D.An encrypted call is not so... encrypted, as you think. Even if you use a crypto phone, the GSM operator or the entity that operates a GSM interceptor can find out pretty much information such as:

- The phone number dialled by you or the phone number that is calling you. Hence, they can figure out the caller location and even his real identity. It is only a matter of time. They can (and they will do) tape his cell phone in order to find out who it is and what your relation with him is.
- The conversation length, time stamped.
- Your location at the moment of phone conversation.
- Your geographical location at every moment, by some simple and effective triangulation techniques.

Other crypto phone proven weaknesses:

- Some GSM interceptors can perform a DoS attack on your crypto phone, making that phone unavailable for use, for as long as they want. This occurs when crypto phone uses GPRS/data connection in order to transmit encrypted voice.
- Many modern GSM interceptors can downgrade your crypto phone connection from 3G to 2G, by simply jamming 3G uplink frequencies, which is a standard procedure. By doing that, many crypto phones that use data connections will fail and become useless.
- With carrier help, the phone IMEI can be blocked on the network.
- A GSM interceptor can perform a DoS attack on a BTS by continuously sending RACH bursts to all phones in the given area. This will affect all cell phones, including crypto phones from a certain area.

So, even if you use a crypto phone,there can be figured out the phone number and the person identity you are talking over the phone, your accurate locations, communication patterns etc. They will not know what you are talking about, but they will know when, for how long, where and who with. Sure, the voice call itself usually cannot be decrypted in a resonable period of time. But information above can be (and will be) used to find out in the end, your secrets.

That is why crypto phones can be used only for a short period of time as secure communication devices. In fact, being predictable is one of the worst choice on intelligence battlefield. And using a cryto phone means that you are more than predictable.

The only conclusion that you can make: instead of protecting your secretive communications in blind by using crypto phones, it is better to know when someone wants to find out your secrets and when they are trying to locate you. Then you can act advisedly, taking the right decisions and even influencing them by different deception techniques.

Do not assume that your secrets are hunted by various entities, all the time. This is not going to happen. Find out exactly when you are a target and for how long."

You can read more, here: https://x-cellular.com

Плотников Юрий Михайлович

Private access level
Full members of NP "MOD"
21 يوليو 2010
مستوى التفاعل
Россия, Хабаровск. +7 914 544 16 90.
الموقع الالكتروني
Re: Non-marking, dynamic IMEI phones stealth

Thanks, interesting!
Original message
Re: Не оставляющий следа, динамические IMEI телефонов стелс

Спасибо, интересно!


Вице-Президент IAPD
Private access level
Full members of NP "MOD"
24 نوفمبر 2010
مستوى التفاعل
Молдова, Кишинев, тел.(Viber): +37369270011
الموقع الالكتروني
Re: Non-marking, dynamic IMEI phones stealth

Interesting, but honestly, the source page reads better ...
Original message
Re: Не оставляющий следа, динамические IMEI телефонов стелс

Интересно, но скажу честно, на странице первоисточника читается лучше...

Борис Вячеславович

Private access level
Full members of NP "MOD"
31 يناير 2013
مستوى التفاعل
г. Пенза, Пензенская область. 8-927-375-3811
الموقع الالكتروني
Re: Non-marking, dynamic IMEI phones stealth

Original message
Re: Не оставляющий следа, динамические IMEI телефонов стелс


Краев Евгений Леонидович

Private access level
Full members of NP "MOD"
11 نوفمبر 2009
مستوى التفاعل
Россия, г.Мурманск.
Re: Non-marking, dynamic IMEI phones stealth

Thanks, interesting!
Original message
Re: Не оставляющий следа, динамические IMEI телефонов стелс

Спасибо, интересно!


29 فبراير 2016
مستوى التفاعل
Re: Untraceable, dynamic stealth phones IMEI

They will not know what you are talking about, but they will know when, for how long, where and who with. Sure, the voice call itself usually cannot be decrypted in a resonable period of time.????
Original message
Re: Untraceable, dynamic stealth phones IMEI

They will not know what you are talking about, but they will know when, for how long, where and who with. Sure, the voice call itself usually cannot be decrypted in a resonable period of time.????


30 يوليو 2011
مستوى التفاعل
Re: Non-marking, dynamic IMEI phones stealth

More like a "divorce." To put it mildly, all the "virtues" are greatly exaggerated.
For the operation of ANY cell phone, he must contact the BS (base station), which means that as soon as he does this, his location will be immediately fixed. If you change IMEI but don’t change the SIM card, it’s just stupid: you can track not only by IMEI but also by number and IMSI. And if you change both IMEI and SIM-card, then the phone will have to be turned off and disassembled. Well, for 10 or even 100 calls of patience, is that enough to do, and then? Yes, and the phone for such a permutation is not enough for a long time - it will break. And then pay a few hundred bucks for changing IMEI with some cool program, when you can easily change it yourself, for free and without any programs - the toad will strangle me personally.
As for encryption, firstly, it is turned on only if the BS allows it, secondly, it is done only between the subscriber and the BS itself, and then (from the BS to OPSOS) the decrypted signal goes. Yes and crack GSM , as has long been known, it’s not a problem at all. And it will take only $ 30 to spend. You can, of course, outwit the system: for example, connect via the Internet channel, but then the one with whom you are connecting must have the corresponding program - otherwise he will not be able to decrypt the data and the conversation will fail. Or use the Internet channel and programs like Skype - but this is a perversion.
Well, why pay 300 $ -400 $ -... bucks?
Original message
Re: Не оставляющий следа, динамические IMEI телефонов стелс

Больше похоже на "развод". Мягко говоря, все "достоинства" сильно преувеличены.
Для работы ЛЮБОГО сотового телефона он должен связаться с БС (базовой станцией), а это значит что как только он это сделает - его местоположение тут же будет зафиксировано. Если изменять IMEI но не менять SIM-карту - то это просто глупость: отслеживать можно не только по IMEI но и по номеру и по IMSI. А если менять и IMEI и SIM-карту - то телефон придется выключать и разбирать. Ну, на 10 или даже пусть 100 звонков терпения это проделывать хватит, а потом? Да и телефона на такие перестановки долго не хватит - сломается. И потом платить несколько сотен баксов за смену IMEI какой-то крутой программой, когда его можно легко сменить самому ,бесплатно и без всяких программ - лично меня жаба задушит.
Что касаемо шифрования - так во-первых оно включается только если БС разрешит, во-вторых оно производится только между абонентом и самой БС а дальше (от БС к ОПСОСу) идет уже расшифрованный сигнал. Да и взломать GSM, как уже давно известно, совсем не проблема И затрат потребует всего 30$. Можно, конечно, обхитрить систему: например, соединяться через интернет-канал, но тогда у того, c кем соединяешься должна стоять соответствующая программа - иначе он не сможет расшифровать данные и разговора не получится. Либо использовать интернет-канал и программы типа Скайпа - но это уже извращение.
Ну и за что платить 300$-400$-... баксов?
22 أكتوبر 2016
مستوى التفاعل
Re: Non-marking, dynamic IMEI phones stealth

99% of Chinese phones can be Root (get ROOT Access) and change IMEI through the MTK android kit program at least every 5 minutes.
all these peer-to-peer encryption are good, but only if both subscribers have a program, so this is problematic.
If someone has paranoia from wiretapping, then we buy a VPN channel, set up the phone for VPN, then we launch the TOR analog on Android and we already have some kind of bourgeois audio chat program that encrypts the data we communicate)
Original message
Re: Не оставляющий следа, динамические IMEI телефонов стелс

99% китайских телефонов можно Рутировать ( получить ROOT Доступ) и менять IMEI через программу MTK android kit хоть каждые 5 минут.
все эти peer-to-peer шифрования хороши, но только если у обоих абонентов стоит программа , поэтому это проблематично.
Если уж у кого то параноя от прослушки, то покупаем VPN канал, настраиваем телефон на VPN , потом запускаем на Android аналог TOR и уже какой нибудь буржуйской программой аудиочата , которая шифрует данные общаемся )