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The President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, proposed introducing the institution of private detective activity in the republic, the News-Kazakhstan news agency reported.
This was announced by the head of state at a meeting on the reform of law enforcement agencies. Nazarbayev instructed the “concerned state bodies” to work out the issue and make suggestions on it. The President noted that conducting private detective activities should not affect the aspects of ensuring law and order, respect for the rights and freedoms of citizens, and interests of the state.
Nazarbayev asked the government to submit a bill to reform the law enforcement system on August 12. The President noted the need to decriminalize the system and called for making the punishments more humane. In his opinion, the punishment in the form of imprisonment in some cases can be replaced by fines or community service.
* Nazarbayev proposes to introduce the institution of private detective activity in Kazakhstan - IA News-Kazakhstan, 08/17/2010
* President of Kazakhstan - Official Website
The President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, proposed introducing the institution of private detective activity in the republic, the News-Kazakhstan news agency reported.
This was announced by the head of state at a meeting on the reform of law enforcement agencies. Nazarbayev instructed the “concerned state bodies” to work out the issue and make suggestions on it. The President noted that conducting private detective activities should not affect the aspects of ensuring law and order, respect for the rights and freedoms of citizens, and interests of the state.
Nazarbayev asked the government to submit a bill to reform the law enforcement system on August 12. The President noted the need to decriminalize the system and called for making the punishments more humane. In his opinion, the punishment in the form of imprisonment in some cases can be replaced by fines or community service.
* Nazarbayev proposes to introduce the institution of private detective activity in Kazakhstan - IA News-Kazakhstan, 08/17/2010
* President of Kazakhstan - Official Website

Президент Казахстана Нурсултан Назарбаев предложил ввести в республике институт частной детективной деятельности, сообщает ИА "Новости-Казахстан".
Об этом глава государства заявил на совещании по вопросу реформирования правоохранительных органов. Проработать вопрос и внести предложения по нему Назарбаев поручил "заинтересованным государственным органам". Президент отметил, что ведение частной детективной деятельности не должно затрагивать аспекты обеспечения законности и правопорядка, соблюдения прав и свобод граждан, интересов государства.
Назарбаев обратился к правительству страны с поручением внести в парламент законопроект о реформировании правоохранительной системы 12 августа. Президент отметил необходимость декриминализации системы и призвал сделать наказания более гуманными. По его мнению, наказания в виде лишения свободы в некоторых случаях можно заменить штрафами или общественными работами.
* Назарбаев предлагает ввести в Казахстане институт частной детективной деятельности - ИА "Новости-Казахстан", 17.08.2010
* Президент Казахстана - Официальный сайт