- إنضم
- 4 ديسمبر 2010
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Non-state security services
Private security system
A non-state security system is one of the systemic elements of civil society, consisting, in turn, of non-state enterprises, services and organizations that provide services on a paid basis to protect the interests of citizens, enterprises and organizations related to security, operating in a market economy and are the implementation of private entrepreneurial initiatives of citizens.
In recent years, the leading countries of the world in matters of law and order and security are increasingly focused not only on state special agencies, but also on private detective bureaus and security agencies involved in investigative and investigative activities, the study of various aspects in the fight against offenses, which have already become a necessary part of the system of subjects of crime prevention, a necessary element of a multi-level system of state, public measures, and have a significant impact on the weakening, neutralization and suppression of crime. They are subject to the same requirements as other security actors: social credibility, confirmation by legal acts, economic efficiency and functional consistency.
In general, the non-state security system includes three main types of entities: private detective bureaus( agencies); private security bureaus (enterprises), and private security services of enterprises. Along with these elements, this system includes a number of elements, the interdependence and interdependence of the functioning and development of which is so complex and diverse that they can exist both independently and in close connection with each other.
The most significant elements of this system, in particular, include trade unions and associations, public unions and foundations that unite private security and children's organizations, public organizations of veterans of state security and other law enforcement agencies; specialized technical and technological companies focused on the supply, installation and maintenance of technical systems and equipment organizations, institutions engaged in training and maintenance of non-state security, non-state structures specially created as a mechanism for coordinating the interests of the business community and the state in order to carry out civilized lobbying activities, to assist state bodies and business organizations in the development and implementation of legislation and programs to ensure the security of business, in the creation of infrastructure for the protection of property rights in Russia and in the fight against unfair competition, and united mainly on the basis of the system of chambers of commerce and industry; organizations associated with the design, production, sale of special equipment and special technical means for collecting and protecting information, as well as special uniforms; specialized legal and insurance offices and companies, private notaries, lawyers, arbitration courts; printing and editorial and publishing bodies, specialized exhibitions, etc.
Let's look at how these problems are solved in different countries
In the United States, the issues of registration of private detective and security firms are referred to the jurisdiction of the states. In 35 states, there are laws directly related to private detective bureaus. The main condition for their activity is the registration and obtaining of licenses, which are issued by the state executive authorities specially defined in the law, or its official representatives. At the same time, US citizenship is a mandatory requirement in 16 states. In 22 US states, to register as a private security guard or detective, you need a characteristic, a letter of recommendation.
The license is issued, as a rule, for a period of 1 to 2 years. According to the McKean Law (New York State), private investigation can be carried out by both individuals and groups of individuals united in bureaus and firms. Previously, these persons must obtain permission to conduct investigative, security, patrol, detective activities in the office of the governor of the state.
Currently, there are 21 educational institutions in the United States that train personnel for non-state law enforcement agencies.
The growing demand of private security services for personnel with specialized training has led some American colleges and universities to introduce training courses on various security issues into their programs.
Private security services are willing to hire former police officers, employees of the FBI and CIA, dismissed without penalties, as well as former military personnel, especially those who served in the intelligence, special forces, airborne troops, Marines
In accordance with the law, private security guards, detectives, and investigators in the United States do not have the right to apply such measures used by official law enforcement agencies as home searches, personal searches, and arrests. They are, however, allowed to detain persons suspected of committing a crime for transfer to the police.
The activity of the bureau of private investigation is evaluated by the following parameters: the number of detected thefts committed by employees of a particular enterprise, firm, institution; analysis of the attitude of employees to such crimes; the number of solved crimes; the number of cases of suppression of criminal encroachments.
It is characteristic that the managers of companies and banks mainly inform the police about such crimes as arson, explosions, attacks, robberies, and break-ins. However, when it comes to so - called "economic crimes", the heads of firms prefer not to contact the state law enforcement agencies-the police or the prosecutor's office.
In Canada, the activities of private detective bureaus are regulated by special acts that are part of the provincial legislation. Each province, based on local conditions, develops and adopts its own acts, which specify the conditions for the establishment and operation of private bureaus. A general and mandatory condition for all acts is the procedure for registering and obtaining a permit for private detective activities in the province.
In the UK, many private firms have been established that specialize in the production of security alarm systems. In addition, many of these firms are responsible for protecting the property of private industrial enterprises and maintaining law and order within the boundaries of the territory they occupy. In some cases, private company formations work closely with local and national police units that are primarily responsible for .maintaining public order and the rule of law in the country.
In addition, there are currently a significant number of private detective agencies in the UK, whose services are used by both individual citizens and industrial companies. The largest of them are: Argen, Kroll Associates Control Risks, Derby Associates-Security Consultants, Private and Commercial Investigations, Nationwide.
The country does not have any legal provisions or government regulations that "require" the mandatory registration of private detectives. Of the 2,000 detectives, only 300 are registered as members of the Institute of Professional Investigators, located in Blackburn.
Currently, the government considers it necessary to introduce registration with a mandatory special check of detectives by the police. This is justified by the fact that a private detective who is not registered anywhere without any license can, at his own discretion, use a fairly wide arsenal of operational equipment and forensic tools, the services of experts in fingerprinting, monitor any person, take photos of him on the street, at work, in other public places. Previously, private detectives were even able to use the data of the National Police computer. However, in connection with cases of using such information for illegal purposes, the UK government has taken a number of measures to protect the database from unauthorized access.
Great attention is paid to training in England. The first graduate school for private detectives and security guards was opened at the University of Loxbury. The purpose of this educational institution is to increase the level of training of employees of non-state security services. Students of the postgraduate course are usually persons with experience as detectives and security guards.
Private security services are divided into three types, depending on the profile of activity: security companies; detective companies; internal security services of companies.
The competence of private detective agencies (depending on the profile of activity) includes: the development of comprehensive security measures for contacts with government agencies;
performing tasks for clients to spy on their relatives; detecting eavesdropping devices; protecting clients.
In recent years, in the UK, the range of problems of criminal investigation, solved by the forces of private agents, primarily include the investigation of crimes related to computer systems.
However, most private detective and security agencies, as a rule, perform a narrow range of professional duties. For example, Kontrol Ricks specializes in contracts with government agencies to arrange negotiations with terrorists for the release of hostages; Nation Wide-performs surveillance on behalf of clients for their next of kin, as well as provides consulting assistance; Kroll Associates - conducts investigations in firms.
Among the most promising areas of work of private detective agencies are: ensuring the security of office and private premises; detecting listening devices; personal protection of clients, including foreign citizens.
In France, the activities of private detective bureaus are regulated by Law No. 891 of September 28, 1942, with subsequent amendments. It provides that the owners of private detective bureaus can be persons who have French citizenship, or citizens of countries of the European Community. Persons who decide to devote themselves to private detective work should not: be tried for a criminal offense; have administrative or disciplinary offenses; be in custody.
Former French police officers can become owners of private detective bureaus only with the written permission of the Minister of the Interior.
According to Law No. 80-1058 of 23 December 1980, any violation of the above-mentioned provisions of Law No. 891 "is punishable by a penalty of 1 to 3 years 'imprisonment and a fine". The same penalty applies to the head of the bureau if he uses the services of private agents who do not meet the requirements of the law.
The competence of private detectives in France currently includes:industrial espionage; protection of enterprises from unscrupulous competitors; ensuring security in banking activities; ensuring the security of customers.
Private security forces Possible restrictions will hit small private security companies. And, probably, they will stop the growth of the market, as a result of which the security guard profession has become one of the most popular in the country. Now Russia, according to the AIB, ranks fourth in the world in terms of private security services. If we are an order of magnitude behind the United States with its turnover of $52 billion, then our volumes are comparable with the United Kingdom ($10.2 billion) and Germany ($7.4 billion).
AIB experts connect the market prospects with Russia's accession to the WTO: then the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they believe, will have to, if not leave the market for commercial security services, then at least "remove artificial restrictions that prevent private security companies from developing normally." However, it is possible that most of the small PSCs are unlikely to live up to this. Their positions will be strengthened only by large holdings-thanks to friendship with the same Ministry of Internal Affairs.
In Ukraine. The radical socio-economic transformations that have taken place in Ukrainian society in the last decade have caused significant changes in public relations. Today's realities indicate that the central figure in the non-state sector of the economy of our country is an entrepreneur. The entrepreneur is the main actor of the market and the core of any economic system based not on a state-monopolistic, but on a competitive basis. An entrepreneur is a guarantor of the stability of civil society, a guarantor of the economic security of the state.
The beginning of non-state security activities in Russia was laid by the federal law "On Private detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation", adopted in 1992. The co-operators, who needed the services of strong guys, appeared, of course, earlier. Then the guards, however, if they were registered in the company, then at best they were watchmen or watchmen. Immediately after the release of the law, 576 PSCs appeared across the country, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The following year, there were 4,530, and in 1994, 6,600. As of January 1, 2007, 21,768 private security companies and 4,110 security services were registered in Russia. There are now 4,700 PSCs in the capital.
"15 years ago, it was more difficult to create a security company than it is now," recalls Elena Andreeva, president of the PSC "Bastion Agency". - At that time, it cost $700 to get a certificate for each security guard, now it costs a penny. In those years, we could not have our own weapons: the Makarov pistol could be rented for three years for fabulous money, while only one pistol was issued for two licensed employees. One license to create a PSC then cost at least $5 thousand. Later, enterprises were allowed to have firearms-the Izh-71 pistol (price - $100)."
But the need for professional and, importantly, armed security in post-perestroika times was so high that many entrepreneurs found money to create private security companies. Elena Andreeva admits that she organized the "Bastion Agency" primarily to ensure the security of her own business: "And who else would provide it?»
In the Department of State Property Protection (DGI) The Ministry of Internal Affairs said that " in the first five years of its existence, many PSCs were an instrument of gang warfare, and only since 1998, when the administrative resource was launched, the market began to crystallize." Sergei Goncharov, head of the Association of Veterans of the anti-terror unit "Alpha", a deputy of the Moscow City Duma, agrees with this assessment: "The security business changed after the crisis of 1998, when bandits went to law-abiding bankers. There was no need to shoot each other - it became more effective to hire state structures for so-called raids. Therefore, it is too early to talk about true civility in this area."
The crisis has also changed the composition of customers for PSC services: Elena Andreeva says that her company has lost many customers from among export-import firms. Partly, the loss was made up for by domestic producers who raised their heads. Gradually, the nature of the services provided by PSCs changed. "At first, security companies were limited to ensuring the safety of stationary objects and transported goods: in the mid-1990s, when the country's roads were restless, this service was especially popular," says Nikolai Krayushenko. "After 1998, emergency assistance to a client in a crisis situation for a monthly subscription fee began to gain momentum." Emergency assistance sometimes meant the most unconventional actions.
The winner gets everything
"As far as I know, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is considering increasing the amount of the authorized capital of PSCs to 3 million rubles," says Nikolay Krayushenko. - This will lead to a sharp decrease in the number of enterprises. So far, this is not happening: although PSCs are subject to constant administrative pressure and risk being closed, their owners register several security companies "in reserve". If the authorized capital of everyone increases dramatically, the scheme will stop working."
Another lever of state pressure is the system of training security guards. Only in Moscow, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 190 thousand private security guards who have a certificate that gives the right to carry firearms and special equipment. Across the country, there are more than 700 thousand such specialists. According to police statistics for 2006, there are more than 400 non-state educational institutions in Russia that train future chopovtsy (every tenth such school is in Moscow).
However, since 2005, only five Moscow schools can pass the exams that allow you to get a security guard certificate: in the NOU "Nuker", NOU" Professional", NOU TSSP" Rodon", the Autonomous non-profit organization" School of Private security Guards SEC", NOU "Training Center of JSC"Gazprom". There are similar schools in the regions - according to Nikolay Krayushenko, no more than two for each subject of the federation.
Certificates, without which the chopovtsu pistol can not be seen, according to the results of exams in authorized schools are issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The heads of small private security companies perceived this innovation as pressure from government agencies on the private security business.
Government agencies, of course, primarily serve their own interests. For example, according to the Moscow law "On Licensing and declaring the retail sale of Alcoholic beverages" of December 20, 2006, Moscow customers of private security companies who have alcohol on sale (restaurants, bars, shops) were forced to terminate previously concluded contracts - a necessary condition for obtaining a license to trade was the presence of "a valid contract for security services with the department of extra-departmental security at the Moscow Police Department".
"Restrictions have been introduced before. The decision to ban private security companies from guarding airports was made after the terrorist attacks on planes that took off from Domodedovo, and at least it was accompanied by explanatory work, "says AIB President Igor Filonenko," but the "alcoholic" decision was a complete surprise."
The next in line, the owners of private security companies worry, may be schools and hospitals: lawmakers are already considering whether to put employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs there as well. This will require a lot of money: the post of a chopovtsa costs the school 25 thousand rubles, and an employee of the FSUE "Security" will have to spend twice as much. However, in the Tula region, for example, the required amount has already been found - the corresponding agreement between the regional administration and the police was signed in early March. Market and democratic transformations, the process of deepening capitalization in Ukraine increasingly dictate the need to legally ensure the safety of organizations and individuals in business and entrepreneurial activity in general and, in particular,in organizations of non-state ownership. The development of business initiative in Ukraine, the competitive environment and, unfortunately, corruption, especially in entrepreneurship and business, actualize the solution of these issues and problems in the country, and at the modern civilized level.
Today, ensuring security is one of the most important functions of any organization and every person.
The private sector of security services emerged in Ukraine in the late 80s - early 90s. The legal basis of its existence was the Law "On Entrepreneurship". The first private security company in Ukraine was registered in Kiev, as a subsidiary of the Moscow security agency "Alex". Guided by the principle of "everything that is not forbidden is allowed", private security structures initially offered a full range of services: from bodyguards to the search for missing children. Among the pioneers of the security business, there were enough former policemen and active bandits. Ukraine's independence did not contribute to the normal development of the security services market. Private detective bureaus whose business contradicted the Law "On operational-search activity" - the prerogative of state bodies-went bankrupt.
And at the end of the 90s, the security companies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs that oversees them, began to extend their licenses "selectively", thereby canceling their activities. The Department of the State Security Service (GSO) under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, being a self-supporting police unit, has elevated its security functions to the rank of commercial activity. Thus, the citizens of Ukraine, having paid taxes with the budget police, had to pay with the self-supporting GSO for high-quality security for a separate fee.
However, domestic and foreign experience shows that the main role in ensuring the safety of business activity belongs to enterprises, and not to state bodies. In the current situation, the existing state mechanisms with traditional methods of ensuring the security of business activities are ineffective and even unacceptable for organizing the protection of the legitimate interests of both Ukrainian entrepreneurs and their foreign partners.
UFRNSB-in 1995, the Ukrainian Federation of Employees of Non-State Security Services was established as an all-Ukrainian public organization that, based on the unity of interests and professional principles, unites citizens of Ukraine who are legally engaged in security, detective, information and other activities related to the protection of business and personality.
It was the creation of the UFRNSB that made it possible to analyze the situation in the market for the provision of security services by non-state structures. However, the non-entry of any non-state law enforcement agency into the federation does not at all indicate its "dishonesty". Similar processes are observed in the banking security services (the creation of the Association of Banking Security of Ukraine) and other formations.
Today, the Federation includes more than 140 companies and organizations located in 35 cities of Ukraine. 20 regional branches have been established: Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zhytomyr, Transcarpathian, Zaporizhia, Kiev city and regional, Kirovohrad, Lviv, Odessa, Ternopil, Kharkiv, Kherson, Chernihiv, Chernivtsi, Rivne, Mykolaiv, Crimean, Luhansk.
UESA is a non-governmental organization that unites bodyguards and security services of 93 leading countries of the world. Since 2004, Ukraine has been part of the VZBA. The VBZA and 1RA (International Police Association) are only 2 organizations in the world that are patronized by Interpol.
The task of DOBA is to unite non-state security services around the world, to provide all security structures with the latest methods of training personnel and ways to ensure security, to develop good-neighborly relations between the security services of different countries, to counter organized crime and international terrorism.
The training center provides comprehensive training, including: legal aspects, professional and psychological aspects, special training tactics, foreign languages and information technologies for bodyguards, fire training.
The training is carried out on the basis of the European University under the programs of the International Association of Bodyguards and Security Services (EESA), with the issuance of documents that allow you to work in Ukraine, near and far abroad. The training is conducted by qualified specialists in the field of business security, experts of 1B88A.
For cadets who have successfully completed primary training and qualified as a security guard or bodyguard, it is possible to train at training bases [VVBA in Budapest (Hungary), Israel (the training base of the Israeli special forces), as well as in other foreign countries.
In general, at the beginning of 2008, about 2.5 thousand private structures that specialize in security issues were registered in Ukraine. Of these, no more than a third actually function. The most famous began with security activities back in the 1990s, then began collecting information by agreement with clients. Thus, in the country there is a situation in which the market of private detective services also began to actively develop, although the state still ignores its existence.
Non-governmental organizations that participate in the implementation of the national security policy include the security services of private enterprises, as well as firms and organizations that have licenses for security activities, training and advisory organizations that train and train security personnel, and analytical centers, information services, research organizations, foundations that deal with international and national security issues. This structure also includes enterprises engaged in the production of software and technical complexes for the protection of information systems, firms that provide information, commercial, fire, and economic security.
Usually, the personnel of a private security system are represented by former employees of law enforcement agencies, including special services, retired military personnel, and veterans of special forces units. Most of the banking security services, serious commercial structures, private enterprises and firms are headed by former officers of the SBU, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the GRU and other special forces.
The list of security services and ensuring economic security includes: physical protection of objects and individuals; ensuring the security of objects and individuals with the help of software and technical complexes for the protection of information systems; ensuring the information security of non-state subjects of economic relations; information and analytical support for business risk and protection of trade secrets; preventive advice to the heads of newly created enterprises and economic structures on complex security issues; providing guarantees to business structures in the implementation of commercial transactions and the creditworthiness of partners; ensuring the safety of commercial objects of urban infrastructure; participating in the security of commercial exhibitions, congresses,symposiums, creative festivals, and so on; joint patrolling in city districts and public places with the patrol and post service units of the internal affairs bodies in working mode and during socially significant events; ensuring order in places where mass cultural, sports and entertainment events are held; other activities provided for by law.
The objective process of formation of Ukrainian business, interested in state support, already has a positive impact on the development of private security activities, bringing its interests closer to the interests of law enforcement agencies. This was also facilitated by the process of bringing together the most influential and reputable security organizations in order to protect their corporate interests, counter criminal elements and assist state authorities in combating crime.
In the fight against criminal structures, the state security forces resort to rather harsh methods, which is quite justified. It is important, however, that there is no attempt to compromise the very idea of the existence of non-State security services. The development and adoption by the Supreme Council of Ukraine of a special law providing for the status, rights and obligations of non-State security structures would contribute to the solution of all these problems. It is important that the content of this law is based on the general concept of national security of Ukraine, clearly defining the place of non-state security services in it. A step forward in the fight against crime in the security business could be the joint efforts of non-state and state structures. It seems that the main criteria for the selection of private security structures that would cooperate with state law enforcement agencies could be considered the role and place of the object protected by them in the economy of Ukraine, the presence of real external and internal threats against the latter that can harm national interests; the degree of participation of the private security company in the state policy of combating crime; the non-involvement of the object in the sphere of criminal business.
Conclusions. Industry experts say that the Ukrainian non-state sector of the economy is practically not protected today, despite the fact that it forms more than 90% of GDP. There are several reasons for this state of affairs, but the main one, according to experts, is the legislative lack of regulation. It is not the first time that a number of public organizations, in particular the International Anti-Terrorist Unity and the Ukrainian Federation of Employees of Non-state Security Services, insist on the need to adopt laws "On detective Work", "On Commercial Secrets", "On security services of business entities and other legal entities", as well as "On weapons". The latter is even more relevant than the others, representatives of these associations said at a specially convened "round table" in Kiev. Over the past 12 years, the draft law has been repeatedly submitted for discussion to the Verkhovna Rada of different convocations. It even passed the first reading, but was never accepted.
As a result, for 1 million registered" barrels " of firearms, we have about fifty laws and regulations in force. Such regulatory looseness, of course, can not contribute to the formation of a holistic state policy in this area. In addition, all these documents were adopted at different times by different authorities and, as is often the case with us, sometimes contradict each other.
According to the President of the International Public Organization "International Anti-Terrorist Unity" Alexander Dichek, the lack of a proper legal framework for the functioning of the security industry has led to the fact that this market segment is developing chaotically and does not meet the standards recognized throughout the civilized world. Security activities are considered by experts to be the most structured of all the components of the non-state security sector, but the state monopoly on the use of firearms hinders its development. Serhiy Shabovta, president of the Ukrainian Federation of Employees of Non-State Security Services, says that after many years of working in the security business, he still does not understand what the license of the Ministry of Internal Affairs gives him, except for severe checks.
The non-State security sector also suffers from a lack of qualified personnel.
Thus, one of the priority tasks for today is to ensure the training of relevant specialists in higher educational institutions. Some of them have already introduced the specialty "financial and economic security management", and specialized public organizations consider this their indisputable achievement.
As for the problem of weapons, according to industry experts, it should be solved in several stages. At the first stage, it is proposed to amend the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 706 of 07.09.93. "On the procedure for the sale, acquisition, registration, accounting and use of special self-defense equipment charged with tear and irritating substances" in terms of adding helmets, bulletproof vests, handcuffs, as well as devices of traumatic action, in particular, with rubber charges.
At the second stage, experts say, it is necessary to adopt a specialized law on weapons and grant the right to use them to non-state property entities that have the appropriate licenses. In this context, it should be recalled that a similar proposal was made not so long ago by the Association of Ukrainian Banks.
The realities of the present. Specialists of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs have developed a number of draft laws that are designed to put an end to the dangerous phenomena of raiding, to protect business entities from any threats as much as possible. According to the press service of the USP, at the meeting, the USP Council for corporate security considered the draft laws "On Security Activities", "On Detective Activities", "On Security services of business entities and other legal entities", "On weapons" , etc. The draft laws were submitted to the People's deputies - industrialists and entrepreneurs for submission to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. According to the President of the USP, MP Anatoly Kinakh, the draft laws prepared are aimed at a comprehensive solution to the problems of protecting entrepreneurship and are the Union's response to new threats to business. "Unfortunately, it is the recent spread of such a phenomenon as raiding that has given an impetus to the development of a corporate security system, the implementation of which is aimed at the draft laws developed by the USP," Kinakh said. According to the report, the draft laws provide for the forms of activity of security and detective structures, security services of business entities, and mechanisms for their interaction with executive authorities. In particular, the system of state control over the activities of non-state security structures has been improved in order to prevent their participation in numerous raider groups, UNIAN reports. At a meeting of the USP Council, Kinakh also said that a letter will be sent to the President of Ukraine with a request to identify the USP bills on business security as priority for consideration in the Verkhovna Rada.
Private security system
A non-state security system is one of the systemic elements of civil society, consisting, in turn, of non-state enterprises, services and organizations that provide services on a paid basis to protect the interests of citizens, enterprises and organizations related to security, operating in a market economy and are the implementation of private entrepreneurial initiatives of citizens.
In recent years, the leading countries of the world in matters of law and order and security are increasingly focused not only on state special agencies, but also on private detective bureaus and security agencies involved in investigative and investigative activities, the study of various aspects in the fight against offenses, which have already become a necessary part of the system of subjects of crime prevention, a necessary element of a multi-level system of state, public measures, and have a significant impact on the weakening, neutralization and suppression of crime. They are subject to the same requirements as other security actors: social credibility, confirmation by legal acts, economic efficiency and functional consistency.
In general, the non-state security system includes three main types of entities: private detective bureaus( agencies); private security bureaus (enterprises), and private security services of enterprises. Along with these elements, this system includes a number of elements, the interdependence and interdependence of the functioning and development of which is so complex and diverse that they can exist both independently and in close connection with each other.
The most significant elements of this system, in particular, include trade unions and associations, public unions and foundations that unite private security and children's organizations, public organizations of veterans of state security and other law enforcement agencies; specialized technical and technological companies focused on the supply, installation and maintenance of technical systems and equipment organizations, institutions engaged in training and maintenance of non-state security, non-state structures specially created as a mechanism for coordinating the interests of the business community and the state in order to carry out civilized lobbying activities, to assist state bodies and business organizations in the development and implementation of legislation and programs to ensure the security of business, in the creation of infrastructure for the protection of property rights in Russia and in the fight against unfair competition, and united mainly on the basis of the system of chambers of commerce and industry; organizations associated with the design, production, sale of special equipment and special technical means for collecting and protecting information, as well as special uniforms; specialized legal and insurance offices and companies, private notaries, lawyers, arbitration courts; printing and editorial and publishing bodies, specialized exhibitions, etc.
Let's look at how these problems are solved in different countries
In the United States, the issues of registration of private detective and security firms are referred to the jurisdiction of the states. In 35 states, there are laws directly related to private detective bureaus. The main condition for their activity is the registration and obtaining of licenses, which are issued by the state executive authorities specially defined in the law, or its official representatives. At the same time, US citizenship is a mandatory requirement in 16 states. In 22 US states, to register as a private security guard or detective, you need a characteristic, a letter of recommendation.
The license is issued, as a rule, for a period of 1 to 2 years. According to the McKean Law (New York State), private investigation can be carried out by both individuals and groups of individuals united in bureaus and firms. Previously, these persons must obtain permission to conduct investigative, security, patrol, detective activities in the office of the governor of the state.
Currently, there are 21 educational institutions in the United States that train personnel for non-state law enforcement agencies.
The growing demand of private security services for personnel with specialized training has led some American colleges and universities to introduce training courses on various security issues into their programs.
Private security services are willing to hire former police officers, employees of the FBI and CIA, dismissed without penalties, as well as former military personnel, especially those who served in the intelligence, special forces, airborne troops, Marines
In accordance with the law, private security guards, detectives, and investigators in the United States do not have the right to apply such measures used by official law enforcement agencies as home searches, personal searches, and arrests. They are, however, allowed to detain persons suspected of committing a crime for transfer to the police.
The activity of the bureau of private investigation is evaluated by the following parameters: the number of detected thefts committed by employees of a particular enterprise, firm, institution; analysis of the attitude of employees to such crimes; the number of solved crimes; the number of cases of suppression of criminal encroachments.
It is characteristic that the managers of companies and banks mainly inform the police about such crimes as arson, explosions, attacks, robberies, and break-ins. However, when it comes to so - called "economic crimes", the heads of firms prefer not to contact the state law enforcement agencies-the police or the prosecutor's office.
In Canada, the activities of private detective bureaus are regulated by special acts that are part of the provincial legislation. Each province, based on local conditions, develops and adopts its own acts, which specify the conditions for the establishment and operation of private bureaus. A general and mandatory condition for all acts is the procedure for registering and obtaining a permit for private detective activities in the province.
In the UK, many private firms have been established that specialize in the production of security alarm systems. In addition, many of these firms are responsible for protecting the property of private industrial enterprises and maintaining law and order within the boundaries of the territory they occupy. In some cases, private company formations work closely with local and national police units that are primarily responsible for .maintaining public order and the rule of law in the country.
In addition, there are currently a significant number of private detective agencies in the UK, whose services are used by both individual citizens and industrial companies. The largest of them are: Argen, Kroll Associates Control Risks, Derby Associates-Security Consultants, Private and Commercial Investigations, Nationwide.
The country does not have any legal provisions or government regulations that "require" the mandatory registration of private detectives. Of the 2,000 detectives, only 300 are registered as members of the Institute of Professional Investigators, located in Blackburn.
Currently, the government considers it necessary to introduce registration with a mandatory special check of detectives by the police. This is justified by the fact that a private detective who is not registered anywhere without any license can, at his own discretion, use a fairly wide arsenal of operational equipment and forensic tools, the services of experts in fingerprinting, monitor any person, take photos of him on the street, at work, in other public places. Previously, private detectives were even able to use the data of the National Police computer. However, in connection with cases of using such information for illegal purposes, the UK government has taken a number of measures to protect the database from unauthorized access.
Great attention is paid to training in England. The first graduate school for private detectives and security guards was opened at the University of Loxbury. The purpose of this educational institution is to increase the level of training of employees of non-state security services. Students of the postgraduate course are usually persons with experience as detectives and security guards.
Private security services are divided into three types, depending on the profile of activity: security companies; detective companies; internal security services of companies.
The competence of private detective agencies (depending on the profile of activity) includes: the development of comprehensive security measures for contacts with government agencies;
performing tasks for clients to spy on their relatives; detecting eavesdropping devices; protecting clients.
In recent years, in the UK, the range of problems of criminal investigation, solved by the forces of private agents, primarily include the investigation of crimes related to computer systems.
However, most private detective and security agencies, as a rule, perform a narrow range of professional duties. For example, Kontrol Ricks specializes in contracts with government agencies to arrange negotiations with terrorists for the release of hostages; Nation Wide-performs surveillance on behalf of clients for their next of kin, as well as provides consulting assistance; Kroll Associates - conducts investigations in firms.
Among the most promising areas of work of private detective agencies are: ensuring the security of office and private premises; detecting listening devices; personal protection of clients, including foreign citizens.
In France, the activities of private detective bureaus are regulated by Law No. 891 of September 28, 1942, with subsequent amendments. It provides that the owners of private detective bureaus can be persons who have French citizenship, or citizens of countries of the European Community. Persons who decide to devote themselves to private detective work should not: be tried for a criminal offense; have administrative or disciplinary offenses; be in custody.
Former French police officers can become owners of private detective bureaus only with the written permission of the Minister of the Interior.
According to Law No. 80-1058 of 23 December 1980, any violation of the above-mentioned provisions of Law No. 891 "is punishable by a penalty of 1 to 3 years 'imprisonment and a fine". The same penalty applies to the head of the bureau if he uses the services of private agents who do not meet the requirements of the law.
The competence of private detectives in France currently includes:industrial espionage; protection of enterprises from unscrupulous competitors; ensuring security in banking activities; ensuring the security of customers.
Private security forces Possible restrictions will hit small private security companies. And, probably, they will stop the growth of the market, as a result of which the security guard profession has become one of the most popular in the country. Now Russia, according to the AIB, ranks fourth in the world in terms of private security services. If we are an order of magnitude behind the United States with its turnover of $52 billion, then our volumes are comparable with the United Kingdom ($10.2 billion) and Germany ($7.4 billion).
AIB experts connect the market prospects with Russia's accession to the WTO: then the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they believe, will have to, if not leave the market for commercial security services, then at least "remove artificial restrictions that prevent private security companies from developing normally." However, it is possible that most of the small PSCs are unlikely to live up to this. Their positions will be strengthened only by large holdings-thanks to friendship with the same Ministry of Internal Affairs.
In Ukraine. The radical socio-economic transformations that have taken place in Ukrainian society in the last decade have caused significant changes in public relations. Today's realities indicate that the central figure in the non-state sector of the economy of our country is an entrepreneur. The entrepreneur is the main actor of the market and the core of any economic system based not on a state-monopolistic, but on a competitive basis. An entrepreneur is a guarantor of the stability of civil society, a guarantor of the economic security of the state.
The beginning of non-state security activities in Russia was laid by the federal law "On Private detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation", adopted in 1992. The co-operators, who needed the services of strong guys, appeared, of course, earlier. Then the guards, however, if they were registered in the company, then at best they were watchmen or watchmen. Immediately after the release of the law, 576 PSCs appeared across the country, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The following year, there were 4,530, and in 1994, 6,600. As of January 1, 2007, 21,768 private security companies and 4,110 security services were registered in Russia. There are now 4,700 PSCs in the capital.
"15 years ago, it was more difficult to create a security company than it is now," recalls Elena Andreeva, president of the PSC "Bastion Agency". - At that time, it cost $700 to get a certificate for each security guard, now it costs a penny. In those years, we could not have our own weapons: the Makarov pistol could be rented for three years for fabulous money, while only one pistol was issued for two licensed employees. One license to create a PSC then cost at least $5 thousand. Later, enterprises were allowed to have firearms-the Izh-71 pistol (price - $100)."
But the need for professional and, importantly, armed security in post-perestroika times was so high that many entrepreneurs found money to create private security companies. Elena Andreeva admits that she organized the "Bastion Agency" primarily to ensure the security of her own business: "And who else would provide it?»
In the Department of State Property Protection (DGI) The Ministry of Internal Affairs said that " in the first five years of its existence, many PSCs were an instrument of gang warfare, and only since 1998, when the administrative resource was launched, the market began to crystallize." Sergei Goncharov, head of the Association of Veterans of the anti-terror unit "Alpha", a deputy of the Moscow City Duma, agrees with this assessment: "The security business changed after the crisis of 1998, when bandits went to law-abiding bankers. There was no need to shoot each other - it became more effective to hire state structures for so-called raids. Therefore, it is too early to talk about true civility in this area."
The crisis has also changed the composition of customers for PSC services: Elena Andreeva says that her company has lost many customers from among export-import firms. Partly, the loss was made up for by domestic producers who raised their heads. Gradually, the nature of the services provided by PSCs changed. "At first, security companies were limited to ensuring the safety of stationary objects and transported goods: in the mid-1990s, when the country's roads were restless, this service was especially popular," says Nikolai Krayushenko. "After 1998, emergency assistance to a client in a crisis situation for a monthly subscription fee began to gain momentum." Emergency assistance sometimes meant the most unconventional actions.
The winner gets everything
"As far as I know, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is considering increasing the amount of the authorized capital of PSCs to 3 million rubles," says Nikolay Krayushenko. - This will lead to a sharp decrease in the number of enterprises. So far, this is not happening: although PSCs are subject to constant administrative pressure and risk being closed, their owners register several security companies "in reserve". If the authorized capital of everyone increases dramatically, the scheme will stop working."
Another lever of state pressure is the system of training security guards. Only in Moscow, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 190 thousand private security guards who have a certificate that gives the right to carry firearms and special equipment. Across the country, there are more than 700 thousand such specialists. According to police statistics for 2006, there are more than 400 non-state educational institutions in Russia that train future chopovtsy (every tenth such school is in Moscow).
However, since 2005, only five Moscow schools can pass the exams that allow you to get a security guard certificate: in the NOU "Nuker", NOU" Professional", NOU TSSP" Rodon", the Autonomous non-profit organization" School of Private security Guards SEC", NOU "Training Center of JSC"Gazprom". There are similar schools in the regions - according to Nikolay Krayushenko, no more than two for each subject of the federation.
Certificates, without which the chopovtsu pistol can not be seen, according to the results of exams in authorized schools are issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The heads of small private security companies perceived this innovation as pressure from government agencies on the private security business.
Government agencies, of course, primarily serve their own interests. For example, according to the Moscow law "On Licensing and declaring the retail sale of Alcoholic beverages" of December 20, 2006, Moscow customers of private security companies who have alcohol on sale (restaurants, bars, shops) were forced to terminate previously concluded contracts - a necessary condition for obtaining a license to trade was the presence of "a valid contract for security services with the department of extra-departmental security at the Moscow Police Department".
"Restrictions have been introduced before. The decision to ban private security companies from guarding airports was made after the terrorist attacks on planes that took off from Domodedovo, and at least it was accompanied by explanatory work, "says AIB President Igor Filonenko," but the "alcoholic" decision was a complete surprise."
The next in line, the owners of private security companies worry, may be schools and hospitals: lawmakers are already considering whether to put employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs there as well. This will require a lot of money: the post of a chopovtsa costs the school 25 thousand rubles, and an employee of the FSUE "Security" will have to spend twice as much. However, in the Tula region, for example, the required amount has already been found - the corresponding agreement between the regional administration and the police was signed in early March. Market and democratic transformations, the process of deepening capitalization in Ukraine increasingly dictate the need to legally ensure the safety of organizations and individuals in business and entrepreneurial activity in general and, in particular,in organizations of non-state ownership. The development of business initiative in Ukraine, the competitive environment and, unfortunately, corruption, especially in entrepreneurship and business, actualize the solution of these issues and problems in the country, and at the modern civilized level.
Today, ensuring security is one of the most important functions of any organization and every person.
The private sector of security services emerged in Ukraine in the late 80s - early 90s. The legal basis of its existence was the Law "On Entrepreneurship". The first private security company in Ukraine was registered in Kiev, as a subsidiary of the Moscow security agency "Alex". Guided by the principle of "everything that is not forbidden is allowed", private security structures initially offered a full range of services: from bodyguards to the search for missing children. Among the pioneers of the security business, there were enough former policemen and active bandits. Ukraine's independence did not contribute to the normal development of the security services market. Private detective bureaus whose business contradicted the Law "On operational-search activity" - the prerogative of state bodies-went bankrupt.
And at the end of the 90s, the security companies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs that oversees them, began to extend their licenses "selectively", thereby canceling their activities. The Department of the State Security Service (GSO) under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, being a self-supporting police unit, has elevated its security functions to the rank of commercial activity. Thus, the citizens of Ukraine, having paid taxes with the budget police, had to pay with the self-supporting GSO for high-quality security for a separate fee.
However, domestic and foreign experience shows that the main role in ensuring the safety of business activity belongs to enterprises, and not to state bodies. In the current situation, the existing state mechanisms with traditional methods of ensuring the security of business activities are ineffective and even unacceptable for organizing the protection of the legitimate interests of both Ukrainian entrepreneurs and their foreign partners.
UFRNSB-in 1995, the Ukrainian Federation of Employees of Non-State Security Services was established as an all-Ukrainian public organization that, based on the unity of interests and professional principles, unites citizens of Ukraine who are legally engaged in security, detective, information and other activities related to the protection of business and personality.
It was the creation of the UFRNSB that made it possible to analyze the situation in the market for the provision of security services by non-state structures. However, the non-entry of any non-state law enforcement agency into the federation does not at all indicate its "dishonesty". Similar processes are observed in the banking security services (the creation of the Association of Banking Security of Ukraine) and other formations.
Today, the Federation includes more than 140 companies and organizations located in 35 cities of Ukraine. 20 regional branches have been established: Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zhytomyr, Transcarpathian, Zaporizhia, Kiev city and regional, Kirovohrad, Lviv, Odessa, Ternopil, Kharkiv, Kherson, Chernihiv, Chernivtsi, Rivne, Mykolaiv, Crimean, Luhansk.
UESA is a non-governmental organization that unites bodyguards and security services of 93 leading countries of the world. Since 2004, Ukraine has been part of the VZBA. The VBZA and 1RA (International Police Association) are only 2 organizations in the world that are patronized by Interpol.
The task of DOBA is to unite non-state security services around the world, to provide all security structures with the latest methods of training personnel and ways to ensure security, to develop good-neighborly relations between the security services of different countries, to counter organized crime and international terrorism.
The training center provides comprehensive training, including: legal aspects, professional and psychological aspects, special training tactics, foreign languages and information technologies for bodyguards, fire training.
The training is carried out on the basis of the European University under the programs of the International Association of Bodyguards and Security Services (EESA), with the issuance of documents that allow you to work in Ukraine, near and far abroad. The training is conducted by qualified specialists in the field of business security, experts of 1B88A.
For cadets who have successfully completed primary training and qualified as a security guard or bodyguard, it is possible to train at training bases [VVBA in Budapest (Hungary), Israel (the training base of the Israeli special forces), as well as in other foreign countries.
In general, at the beginning of 2008, about 2.5 thousand private structures that specialize in security issues were registered in Ukraine. Of these, no more than a third actually function. The most famous began with security activities back in the 1990s, then began collecting information by agreement with clients. Thus, in the country there is a situation in which the market of private detective services also began to actively develop, although the state still ignores its existence.
Non-governmental organizations that participate in the implementation of the national security policy include the security services of private enterprises, as well as firms and organizations that have licenses for security activities, training and advisory organizations that train and train security personnel, and analytical centers, information services, research organizations, foundations that deal with international and national security issues. This structure also includes enterprises engaged in the production of software and technical complexes for the protection of information systems, firms that provide information, commercial, fire, and economic security.
Usually, the personnel of a private security system are represented by former employees of law enforcement agencies, including special services, retired military personnel, and veterans of special forces units. Most of the banking security services, serious commercial structures, private enterprises and firms are headed by former officers of the SBU, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the GRU and other special forces.
The list of security services and ensuring economic security includes: physical protection of objects and individuals; ensuring the security of objects and individuals with the help of software and technical complexes for the protection of information systems; ensuring the information security of non-state subjects of economic relations; information and analytical support for business risk and protection of trade secrets; preventive advice to the heads of newly created enterprises and economic structures on complex security issues; providing guarantees to business structures in the implementation of commercial transactions and the creditworthiness of partners; ensuring the safety of commercial objects of urban infrastructure; participating in the security of commercial exhibitions, congresses,symposiums, creative festivals, and so on; joint patrolling in city districts and public places with the patrol and post service units of the internal affairs bodies in working mode and during socially significant events; ensuring order in places where mass cultural, sports and entertainment events are held; other activities provided for by law.
The objective process of formation of Ukrainian business, interested in state support, already has a positive impact on the development of private security activities, bringing its interests closer to the interests of law enforcement agencies. This was also facilitated by the process of bringing together the most influential and reputable security organizations in order to protect their corporate interests, counter criminal elements and assist state authorities in combating crime.
In the fight against criminal structures, the state security forces resort to rather harsh methods, which is quite justified. It is important, however, that there is no attempt to compromise the very idea of the existence of non-State security services. The development and adoption by the Supreme Council of Ukraine of a special law providing for the status, rights and obligations of non-State security structures would contribute to the solution of all these problems. It is important that the content of this law is based on the general concept of national security of Ukraine, clearly defining the place of non-state security services in it. A step forward in the fight against crime in the security business could be the joint efforts of non-state and state structures. It seems that the main criteria for the selection of private security structures that would cooperate with state law enforcement agencies could be considered the role and place of the object protected by them in the economy of Ukraine, the presence of real external and internal threats against the latter that can harm national interests; the degree of participation of the private security company in the state policy of combating crime; the non-involvement of the object in the sphere of criminal business.
Conclusions. Industry experts say that the Ukrainian non-state sector of the economy is practically not protected today, despite the fact that it forms more than 90% of GDP. There are several reasons for this state of affairs, but the main one, according to experts, is the legislative lack of regulation. It is not the first time that a number of public organizations, in particular the International Anti-Terrorist Unity and the Ukrainian Federation of Employees of Non-state Security Services, insist on the need to adopt laws "On detective Work", "On Commercial Secrets", "On security services of business entities and other legal entities", as well as "On weapons". The latter is even more relevant than the others, representatives of these associations said at a specially convened "round table" in Kiev. Over the past 12 years, the draft law has been repeatedly submitted for discussion to the Verkhovna Rada of different convocations. It even passed the first reading, but was never accepted.
As a result, for 1 million registered" barrels " of firearms, we have about fifty laws and regulations in force. Such regulatory looseness, of course, can not contribute to the formation of a holistic state policy in this area. In addition, all these documents were adopted at different times by different authorities and, as is often the case with us, sometimes contradict each other.
According to the President of the International Public Organization "International Anti-Terrorist Unity" Alexander Dichek, the lack of a proper legal framework for the functioning of the security industry has led to the fact that this market segment is developing chaotically and does not meet the standards recognized throughout the civilized world. Security activities are considered by experts to be the most structured of all the components of the non-state security sector, but the state monopoly on the use of firearms hinders its development. Serhiy Shabovta, president of the Ukrainian Federation of Employees of Non-State Security Services, says that after many years of working in the security business, he still does not understand what the license of the Ministry of Internal Affairs gives him, except for severe checks.
The non-State security sector also suffers from a lack of qualified personnel.
Thus, one of the priority tasks for today is to ensure the training of relevant specialists in higher educational institutions. Some of them have already introduced the specialty "financial and economic security management", and specialized public organizations consider this their indisputable achievement.
As for the problem of weapons, according to industry experts, it should be solved in several stages. At the first stage, it is proposed to amend the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 706 of 07.09.93. "On the procedure for the sale, acquisition, registration, accounting and use of special self-defense equipment charged with tear and irritating substances" in terms of adding helmets, bulletproof vests, handcuffs, as well as devices of traumatic action, in particular, with rubber charges.
At the second stage, experts say, it is necessary to adopt a specialized law on weapons and grant the right to use them to non-state property entities that have the appropriate licenses. In this context, it should be recalled that a similar proposal was made not so long ago by the Association of Ukrainian Banks.
The realities of the present. Specialists of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs have developed a number of draft laws that are designed to put an end to the dangerous phenomena of raiding, to protect business entities from any threats as much as possible. According to the press service of the USP, at the meeting, the USP Council for corporate security considered the draft laws "On Security Activities", "On Detective Activities", "On Security services of business entities and other legal entities", "On weapons" , etc. The draft laws were submitted to the People's deputies - industrialists and entrepreneurs for submission to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. According to the President of the USP, MP Anatoly Kinakh, the draft laws prepared are aimed at a comprehensive solution to the problems of protecting entrepreneurship and are the Union's response to new threats to business. "Unfortunately, it is the recent spread of such a phenomenon as raiding that has given an impetus to the development of a corporate security system, the implementation of which is aimed at the draft laws developed by the USP," Kinakh said. According to the report, the draft laws provide for the forms of activity of security and detective structures, security services of business entities, and mechanisms for their interaction with executive authorities. In particular, the system of state control over the activities of non-state security structures has been improved in order to prevent their participation in numerous raider groups, UNIAN reports. At a meeting of the USP Council, Kinakh also said that a letter will be sent to the President of Ukraine with a request to identify the USP bills on business security as priority for consideration in the Verkhovna Rada.

Частная система обеспечения безопасности

В последние годы, ведущие страны мира в вопросах обеспечения правопорядка и безопасности все более ориентируются не только на государственные спецорганы, но и на частные сыскные бюро и охранные агентства, привлекаемые к следственно-розыскной деятельности, исследованию различных аспектов в борьбе с правонарушениями, которые уже стали необходимой частью системы субъектов предупреждения преступности, нужным элементом многоуровневой системы государственных, общественных мер, и имеют значительное влияние на ослабление, нейтрализацию и пресечение преступности. К ним предъявляются те же требования, что и к иным субъектам обеспе¬чения безопасности: социальная убедительность, подтверждение правовыми актами, экономическая эффективность и функциональная системность.
В общем, негосударственная система обеспечения безопасности включает три основных типа субъектов: частные детективные бюро (агентства); частные охранные бюро (предприятия), собственные службы безопасности предприятий. Наряду с этими элементами в эту систему входит целый ряд элементов, взаимозависимость и взаимообусловленность функциониро¬вания и развития которых настолько сложна и многообразна, что они могут существовать как автономно, так и в тесной связи друг с другом.
К наиболее значимым элементам этой системы, в частности, относятся профессиональные союзы и объединения, общественные союзы и фонды, объединяющие частные охранные и дети, общественные организации ветеранов государственной безопасности и других правоохранительных органов; специализированные техни¬ческие и технологические компании, ориентированные на поставку, монтаж и обслуживание технических систем и оборудования организации, учреждения, занимающиеся обучением и обслуживанием негосударственной сферы безопасности, негосударственные структуры, специально созданные в качестве механизма согласования интересов деловых кругов и государства с целью осуществления цивилизованной лоббистской деятельности, содействия государственным органам и предпринимательским союза в разработке и реализации законодательства и программ обеспечения безопасности предпринимательства, в создании инфраструктуры защиты прав собственности в России и в борьбе с недобросовестной конкуренцией, и объединенные, преимущественно, на основе системы торгово-промышленных палат; организации, связанные с проектированием, производством, продажей специального оборудования и специальных технических средств для сбора и защиты информации, а также спецобмундирования; специализированные юридические и страховые конторы и компании, частный нотариат, адвокатура, третейские суды; печатные и редакционно-издательские органы, специализированные выставки и т.д.
Рассмотрим, как решаются эти проблемы в разных странах
В США вопросы регистрации частных сыскных и охранных фирм отнесены к юрисдикции штатов. В 35 штатах действуют законы, непосредственно касающиеся частных сыскных бюро. Главное условие их деятельности - регистрация и получение лицензий, которые выдают специально определенные в за¬коне органы исполнительной власти штата, либо ее официальные представители. При этом гражданство США - обязательное требование в 16 штатах. В 22 штатах США для регистрации в качестве частного охранника или детектива необходимы характеристика, рекомендательное письмо.
Лицензия выдается, как правило, на срок от 1 до 2 лет. По Закону Маккина (штат Нью-Йорк), частным сыском могут заниматься как отдельные лица, так и группы лиц, объединенные в бюро и фирмы. Предварительно эти лица должны получить разрешение на проведение следственной, охран¬ной, патрульной, сыскной деятельности в аппарате губернатора штата.
В настоящее время в США существует 21 учебное заведение, которое готовит собственно кадры для негосударственных правоохра¬нительных структур.
Растущие потребности частных служб безопасности в кадрах, имеющих специальную подготовку, привели к тому, что некоторые американские колледжи и университеты ввели в свои программы курсы обучения по различным проб¬лемам обеспечения безопасности.
Частные службы безопасности охотно берут на работу бывших полицейских, сотрудников ФБР и ЦРУ, уволенных без взысканий, а также бывших военнослужащих, особенно проходивших службу в разведке, спецвойсках, воздушнодесантных войсках, морской пехоте
В соответствии с законом частные охранники, детективы, следователи в США не имеют права применять такие используемые официальными правоохранительными органами меры, как обыск на дому, личный обыск, арест. Им, однако, разрешено задержание лиц, заподозренных в совершении преступления, для передачи в полицию.
Деятельность бюро частного сыска оценивается по следующим параметрам: число выяв-ленных краж, совершенных сотрудниками конкретного предприятия, фирмы, учреждения; анализ отношения служащих к подобным преступлениям; число раскрытых преступлений; количество случаев пресечения преступных посягательств.
Характерно, что о таких преступлениях, как поджоги, взрывы, нападения, разбои, взломы управляющие фирм и банков в основном информируют полицию. Однако когда речь идет о так называемых «экономических преступлениях», руководители фирм предпочитают не обращаться в государственные правоохранительные органы - полицию или прокуратуру.
В Канаде деятельность частных сыскных бюро регулируется специальными актами, входящими составными частями в законодательство провинций. Каждая провинция, исходя из местных условий, разрабатывает и принимает свои акты, в которых оговариваются условия создания и деятельности частных бюро. Общим и обязательным условием для всех актов является порядок регистрации и получения разрешения на частную сыскную деятельность на террито¬рии провинции.
В Великобритании создано множество частных фирм, специализирующихся на производстве систем охранной сигнализации. Кроме того, многие из подобных фирм отвечают за охрану собственности частных промышленных предприятий и поддержание правопорядка в границах занимаемой ими территории. В ряде случаев формирования частных компаний тесно взаимодействуют с подразделениями местной и общенациональной полиции, несущими главную ответственность за .поддержание общественного порядка и соблюдение законности в стране.
Кроме того, в Великобритании в настоящее время функционирует значительное число частных сыскных агентств, услугами которых пользуются как отдельные граждане, так и промышленные компании. К крупнейшим из них отно¬сятся: Argen, Kroll Associates Control Risks, Derby Associates-Security Consultants, Private and Commercial Investigations, Nationwide.
В стране отсутствуют какие-либо законоположения или правительственные предписания, «требующие» обязательной регистрации частных детективов. Из 2 тысяч детективов лишь 300 зарегистрированы как члены Института профессиональных следователей, расположенного в г. Блэкберн.
В настоящее время правительство считает необходимым ввести регистрацию с обязательной спецпроверкой детективов полицией. Это обосновывается тем, что нигде не зарегистрированный частный детектив без всякой лицензии может по собственному усмотрению пользоваться довольно широким арсеналом оперативной техники и криминалистических средств, услугами экспертов по дактилоскопии, следить за любым лицом, фотографировать его на улице, рабочем месте, в иных общественных местах. Раньше частные детективы имели даже возможность пользоваться данными Нацио-нального полицейского компьютера. Однако в связи со случаями использования подобной ин¬формации в противозаконных целях, правительство Великобритании предприняло ряд мер по защите базы данных от несанкционированного проникновения.
Большое внимание в Англии уделяется подготовке кадров. Так, при Локсберском университете была открыта первая в мире аспирантура для частных детективов и охранников. Цель данного учебного заведения - повысить уровень подготовки сотрудников негосударственных служб безопасности. Слушателями аспирантуры становятся, как правило, лица, имеющие опыт работы в качестве детективов и охранников.
Частные службы безопасности делятся на три вида, в зависимости от профиля деятельности: охранные предприятия; детективные предприятия; внутренние службы безопасности компаний.
В компетенцию частных сыскных агентств (в зависимости от профиля деятельности) входит: разработка комплексных мер безопасности по контактам с правительственными органами;
выполнение заданий клиентов по слежке за их родственниками; выявление подслушивающих устройств; охрана клиентов.
В последние годы в Великобритании к кругу проблем уголовного расследования, решаемых силами частных агентов, относятся в первую очередь расследования преступлений, связанных с компьютерными системами.
Однако большинство частных детективных и охранных агентств, как правило, выполняют узкий круг профессиональных обязанностей. Например, компания Kontrol Ricks специализируется на контрактах с правительственными органами по организации переговоров с террористами по ос¬вобождению заложников; компания Nation Wide -осуществляет слежку по поручению клиентов за их ближайшими родственниками, а также оказывает консультационную помощь; агентство Kroll Assosiates - проводит расследования в фирмах.
К числу наиболее перспективных направлений работы частных сыскных агентств относятся: обеспечение безопасности служебных и частных помещений; выявление подслушивающих устройств; личная охрана клиентов, в том числе иностранных граждан.
Во Франции деятельность частных сыскных бюро регулируется Законом № 891 от 28 сентября 1942 г. с последующими поправками. Он предусматривает, что владельцами частных сыскных бюро могут быть лица, имеющие французское гражданство, либо граждане стран Европейского сообщества. Лица, ре¬шившие посвятить себя частной сыскной работе, не должны: быть судимы за совершение уголовного преступления; иметь административные или дисциплинарные правонарушения; находиться под стражей.
Бывшие служащие полиции Франции могут стать владельцами частных детективных бюро только с письменного разрешения министра внутренних дел.
Согласно Закону №80-1058 от 23 декабря 1980 г. всякое нарушение упомянутых выше положений Закона №891 «карается наказанием в виде тюремного заключения сроком от 1 до 3 лет и штрафом». Такому же наказанию подлежит руководитель бюро, если он прибегает к услугам частных агентов, которые не удовлетворяют требованиям закона.
К компетенции частных детективов во Франции в настоящее время относится:промышленный шпионаж; защита предприятий от недобросовестных конкурентов; обеспечение безопасности в банковской деятельности; обеспечение безопасности клиентов.
Начало негосударственной охранной деятельности в России положил принятый в 1992 году федеральный закон «О частной детективной и охранной деятельности в РФ». Кооператоры, нуждавшиеся в услугах крепких парней, появились, конечно, раньше. Тогда охранников, правда, если и оформляли в фирму, то в лучшем случае вахтерами или сторожами. Сразу после выхода закона по всей стране, согласно данным МВД, появилось 576 ЧОПов. На следующий год их было уже 4530, а в 1994 году - 6600. На 1 января 2007 года в России зарегистрировано 21 768 ЧОПов и 4110 служб безопасности. В столи¬це сейчас 4700 ЧОПов.
«15 лет назад создать охранную фирму было сложнее, чем сейчас, - вспоминает Елена Андреева, президент ЧОП «Агентство «Бастион». - Получить тогда удостоверение на каждого охранника стоило $700, сейчас - копейки. В те годы мы не могли иметь собственного оружия: пистолет Макарова можно было брать в аренду на три года за баснословные деньги, при этом на двух лицензированных сотрудников выдавался только один пистолет. Одна лицензия на создание ЧОПа стоила тогда не меньше $5 тыс. Позже предприятиям разрешили иметь огнестрельное оружие - пистолет Иж-71 (цена - $100)».
Но потребность в профессиональной и, что немаловажно, вооруженной охране в постперестроечные времена была так высока, что многие предприниматели деньги на создание ЧОПов находили. Елена Андреева признается, что организовала «Агентство «Бастион» в первую очередь для обеспечения безопасности собственного бизнеса: «А кто бы ее еще обеспечил?»
В департаменте государственной защиты имущества (ДГЗИ) МВД рассказали, что «в первые пять лет существования многие ЧОПы были инструментом бандитских разборок, и лишь с 1998 года, когда заработал административный ресурс, началась кристаллизация рынка». С такой оценкой согласен Сергей Гончаров, глава Ассоциации ветеранов подразделения антитеррора «Альфа», депутат Мосгордумы: «Охранный бизнес изменился после кризиса 1998-го, когда бандиты пошли в законопослушные банкиры. Отпала нужда отстреливать друг друга - эффективнее стало нанимать для так называемых наездов государственные структуры. Поэтому об истинной цивилизованности в этой сфере гово-рить еще рано».
Кризис изменил и состав заказчиков услуг ЧОПов: Елена Андреева рассказывает, что ее пред¬приятие потеряло много клиентов из числа экспортно-импортных фирм. Отчасти потерю вос¬полнили приподнявшие голову отечественные производители. Постепенно менялся и характер услуг, которые предоставляли ЧОПы. «Поначалу охранные предприятия ограничивались обеспечением безопасности стационарных объектов и перевозимых грузов: в середине 1990-х, когда на дорогах страны было неспокойно, эта услуга была особенно популярна, - утверждает Николай Краюшенко. - После 1998 года начала набирать обороты экстренная помощь клиенту в кризисной ситуации за ежемесячную абонентскую плату». Под экстренной помощью подчас подра¬зумевались самые нестандартные действия.
Победитель получает все
«Насколько я знаю, МВД рассматривает вопрос об увеличении суммы уставного капитала ЧОПов до 3 млн руб., - делится Николай Краюшенко. - Это приведет к резкому снижению числа предприятий. Пока этого не происходит: хотя ЧОПы подвергаются постоянному административному давлению и рискуют быть закрытыми, их владельцы регистрируют несколько охранных предприятий «про запас». Если же уставный капитал каждого резко увеличится, схема работать перестанет».
Другой рычаг госдавления - система подготовки охранников. Только в Москве, по данным МВД, 190 тыс. частных охранников, имеющих удостоверение, которое дает право на ношение огнестрельного оружия и спецсредств. По всей стране таких специалистов более 700 тыс. Сог¬ласно милицейской статистике за 2006 год, в России функционирует свыше 400 негосударственных образовательных учреждений, в которых готовят будущих чоповцев (каждая десятая такая школа - московская).
Однако с 2005 года лишь в пяти московских школах можно сдавать экзамены, позволяющие получать удостоверение охранника: в НОУ «Нукер», НОУ «Профессионал», НОУ ЦСП «Родон», Автономной некоммерческой организации «Школа частных охранников СПК», НОУ «Учебно-тренировочный центр ОАО «Газпром». Подобные школы есть и в регионах - по оценке Николая Краюшенко, не более двух на каждый субъект федерации.
Удостоверения, без которых чоповцу пистолета не видать, по итогам экзаменов в уполномоченных школах выдают сотрудники МВД. Руководители небольших ЧОПов восприняли это нововведение как давление госорганов на частный охранный бизнес.
Госорганы, конечно, в первую очередь блюдут свои интересы. Скажем, согласно столичному закону «О лицензировании и декларировании розничной продажи алкогольной продукции» от 20 декабря 2006 года, московские клиенты ЧОПов, имеющие в продаже алкоголь (рестораны, бары, магазины), были вынуждены расторгнуть заключенные ранее контракты - необходимым условием для получения лицензии на торговлю стало наличие «действующего договора на охранные услуги с управлением вневедомственной охраны при ГУВД г. Москвы».
«Ограничения вводились и раньше. Решение запретить ЧОПам охранять аэропорты было принято после терактов в самолетах, вылетевших из Домодедово, и хотя бы сопровождалось разъяснительной работой, - говорит президент АИБ Игорь Филоненко, - а вот «алкогольное» решение стало полной неожиданностью».
Следующими на очереди, переживают владельцы ЧОПов, могут стать школы и больницы: законодатели уже прикидывают, не посадить ли и там сотрудников МВД. Денег на это потребуется немало: пост чоповца обходится школе в 25 тыс. руб., а на сотрудника ФГУП «Охрана» придется тратить вдвое больше. Впрочем, в Тульской области, скажем, требуемую сумму уже нашли - соответствующее соглашение между обладминистрацией и милиционерами подписано в начале марта.
Возможные ограничения ударят по малым ЧОПам. И, вероятно, остановят рост рынка, в результате которого профессия охранника стала одной из самых популярных в стране. Сейчас Россия, утверждают в АИБ, занимает четвертое место в мире по объему частных охранных услуг. Если от США с их оборотом в $52 млрд мы отстаем на порядок, то с Великобританией ($10,2 млрд.) и Германией ($7,4 млрд) наши объемы сопоставимы.
Эксперты АИБ связывают перспективы рынка с присоединением России к ВТО: тогда МВД, полагают они, придется если и не покинуть рынок коммерческих услуг безопасности, то хотя бы «снять искусственные ограничения, которые не дают ЧОПам нормально развиваться». Впрочем, не исключено, что до этого большинство мелких ЧОПов вряд ли доживут. Свои позиции укрепят разве что крупные холдинги - благодаря дружбе с тем же МВД.
В Украине. Радикальные социально-экономические преобразования, произошедшие в украинском обществе в последнее десятилетие, выз¬вали существенные изменения общественных отношений. Сегодняшние реалии свидетельствуют о том, что центральной фигурой в негосударственном секторе экономики нашей страны является предприниматель. Предприниматель -главное действующее лицо рынка и стержень любой экономической системы, основанной не на государственно-монополистической, а на конкурентной основе. Предприниматель - гарант стабильности гражданского общества, гарант экономической безопасности государства.
Рыночные и демократические преобразова¬ния, процесс углубления капитализации в Украине все настойчивее диктуют необходимость законодательно обеспечить безопасность организаций и личности в бизнесе и предпринимательской деятельности вообще и, в особенности, в организациях негосударственной формы собственности. Развитие в Украине деловой инициативы, конкурентной среды и, к сожалению, коррупции, особенно в предпринимательстве и бизнесе, актуализи¬руют решение этих вопросов и проблем в стране, причем, на современном цивилизо¬ванном уровне.
Сегодня обеспечение безопасности - это одна из важнейших функций любой организации и каждого человека.
Негосударственный сектор охранных услуг возник в Украине в конце 80-х - в начале 90-х годов. Правовой основой его существования стал Закон «О предпринимательстве». Первая частная охранная фирма в Украине была зарегистрирована в Киеве, как дочернее предприятие московского охранного агентства «Алекс». Руководствуясь принципом «разрешено все, что не запрещено», частные охранные структуры предлагали поначалу весь комплекс услуг: от телохранительства до розыска пропавших детей. В среде же пионеров охранного бизнеса хватало как бывших милиционеров, так и активно дейсвующих бандитов. Обретение Украиной незави¬симости практически не способствовало нормальному развитию рынка охранных услуг. Певыми обанкротились частные детективные бюро, чей бизнес противоречил Закону «Об опера¬тивно-розыскной деятельности» - прерогативе государственных органов.
А в конце 90-х охранным фирмам, курирующее их МВД и вовсе стало продлевать лицензии «выборочно», тем самым, аннулируя их деятельность. Управление Государственной службы охраны (ГСО) при МВД Украины являясь хозрас¬четным милицейским подразделением, возвело свои охранные функции в ранг коммерческой деятельности. Тем самым, граждане Украины, расплатившись с бюджетной милицией налогами, рассчитываться с хозрасчетным ГСО за ка¬чественную охрану должны были уже за отдельную плату.
Однако, отечественный и зарубежный опыт свидетельствуют о том, что основная роль в обеспечении безопасности предпринимательской деятельности принадлежит именно предприятиям, а не государственным органам. Су¬ществующие государственные механизмы с традиционными методами обеспечения безопасности предпринимательской деятельности оказываются в нынешней ситуации малоэффективными и даже неприемлемыми для организации защиты законных интересов, как украинских предпринимателей, так и их зарубежных партнеров.
УФРНСБ - в 1995 году была создана Украинская Федерация работников негосударственных служб безопасности - как всеукраинская общественная организация, которая на основании единства интересов и по профессиональным принципам объединяет граждан Украины, на законных основаниях занимаю¬щихся охранной, детективной, информационной и другой деятельностью, связанной с за¬щитой бизнеса и личности.
Именно создание УФРНСБ дало возможность проанализировать ситуацию на рынке предоставления охранных услуг негосударственными структурами. Впрочем, и невхождение какого-либо негосударственного правоохранительного органа в федерацию отнюдь не свидетельствует о его «непорядочности». Аналогичные процессы наблюдаются и в службах банковской безопасности (создание Ассоциации банковской безопасности Украины) и других формированиях.
На сегодняшний день в состав Федерации входит свыше 140 фирм и организаций, находящихся в 35 городах Украины. Созданы 20 региональных отделений: Волынское, Днепропетровское, Донецкое, Житомирское, Закарпатское, Запорожское, Киевское городское и областное, Кировоградское, Львовское, Одесское, Тернопольское, Харьковское, Херсонское, Черниговское, Черновецкое, Ровенское, Николаевское, Крымское, Луганское.
ЮЭЗА - негосударственная организация, объединяющая телохранителей и службы безопасности 93 ведущих стран мира. С 2004 года Украина вошла в состав ВЗБА. ВБЗА и 1РА (международная полицейская ассоциация) - всего 2 организации в мире, патронируемые Интерполом.
Задача ДОБА - объединение негосударс¬твенных служб безопасности во всем мире, предоставление всем охранным структурам новейших методик обучения персонала и способов обеспечения безопасности, развитие добрососедских отношений между службами безопасности разных стран, противодействие организованной преступности и международному терроризму.
Учебный центр проводит комплексную подготовку, включая: правовые аспекты, профессио¬нально-психологические аспекты, тактику спец¬подготовки, иностранные языки и информаци¬онные технологии для телохранителей, огневую подготовку.
Подготовка производится на базе Европейского университета по программам международной ассоциации телохранителей и служб безопасности (ВЭЗА), с выдачей документов, позволяющих работать на Украине, ближнем и дальнем зарубежье. Обучение проводят квалифицированные специалисты в области безопасности предпринимательства, эксперты 1В88А.
Для курсантов, успешно прошедших первичное обучение и получивших квалификацию охранника или телохранителя, возможна стажировка на учебных базах [ВвБА в Будапеште (Венгрия), Израиле (база подготовки израиль¬ского спецназа), а также в других странах дальнего зарубежья.
В общем, на начало 2008 года в Украине зарегистрировано около 2,5 тыс. частных структур, которые специализируются на вопросах безо¬пасности. Из них реально функционирует не более трети. Самые известные начинали с охранной деятельности еще в 1990-е годы, потом занялись сбором информации по договоренности с клиентами. Таким образом, в стране сложилась ситуация, при которой также стал активно развиваться рынок частных детективных услуг, хотя государство до сих пор игнорирует его существование.
В состав негосударственных организаций, принимающих участие в осуществлении национальной политики безопасности, входят службы безопасности частных предприятий, а также фирмы и организации, имеющие лицензии на охранную деятельность, учебные и консультативные организации, которые занимаются подготовкой и обучением работников служб безопасности, и аналитические центры, информаци¬онные службы, научно-исследовательские организации, фонды, которые занимаются проблемами международной и национальной безопасности. В эту структуру входят также предприя¬тия, занимающиеся производством программно-технических комплексов защиты информа¬ционных систем, фирмы по обеспечению ин¬формационной, коммерческой, противопожарной, экономической безопасности.
Обычно, персонал частной охранной системы представлен бывшими сотрудниками пра-воохранительных органов, в том числе - и специальных служб, уволенными в запас во-еннослужащими, ветеранами подразделений спецназначения. Большинство банковских служб безопасности, серьезных коммерческих структур, частных предприятий и фирм возглавляют бывшие офицеры СБУ, МВД, ГРУ и других спецподразделений.
В перечень охранных услуг и обеспечения экономической безопасности входят: физическая охрана объектов и частных лиц; обеспечение безопасности объектов и частных лиц при помощи программно-технических комплексов защиты информационных систем; обеспечение информационной безопас¬ности негосударственных субъектов экономических отношений; информационно-аналитическое обеспечение предпринимательского риска и защита коммерческой тайны; превентивное консультирование руководителей вновь создаваемых предприятии и экономических структур по вопросам комплексной безопасности; предоставление предпринимательским структурам гарантий в осуществлении коммерческих сделок и кредитоспособности партнеров; обеспечение безопасности коммерческих объектов городской инфраструктуры; участие в обеспечении безопасности проводимых коммерческих выставок, конгрессов,симпозиумов, творческих фестивалей и так далее; совместное патрулирование в районах города и общественных местах с подразделениями патрульно-постовой службы органов внутренних дел в рабочем режиме и во время проведения социально значимых мероприятий; обеспечение порядка в местах проведения массовых культурно-спортивных и зрелищных мероприятий; иная, предусмотренная законами, деятельность.
Объективный процесс становления украинского предпринимательства, заинтересованного в поддержке со стороны государства, уже сейчас положительно влияет на развитие частной охранной деятельности, сближает ее интересы с интересами правоохранительных органов. Этому также способствовал процесс объединения наиболее влиятельных и авторитетных охранных организаций с целью защиты своих корпоративных интересов, противодействия криминальным элементам и оказания помощи государственным органам в борьбе с преступностью.
В борьбе с криминальными структурами государственные силовые структуры безопасности прибегают к достаточно жестким методам, что вполне оправданно. Важно, однако, чтобы при этом не было попыток скомпрометировать саму идею существования негосударственных служб безопасности.
Решению всех этих проблем способствовала бы разработка и принятие Верховным Советом Украины специального закона, предусматривающего статус, права и обязанности негосударс¬твенных структур безопасности. Важно, чтобы содержание этого закона опиралось на общую концепцию национальной безопасности Украины, четко определяя место в ней негосударственных служб безопасности. Шагом вперед в борьбе с криминалом в охранном бизнесе могло бы стать объединение усилий негосударственных и государственных структур. Представляется, что в качестве основных критериев при отборе частных охранных структур, которые бы сотрудничали с государственными силовыми органами, можно было бы рассматривать роль и место охраняемого ими объекта в экономике Украины, наличие в отношении последнего реальных внешних и внутренних угроз, которые могут нанести ущерб общенациональным интересам; степень участия частного охранного предприятия в государственной политике борьбы с преступностью; невовлеченность объекта в сферу криминального бизнеса.
Заключения. Отраслевые эксперты утверждают: украинский негосударственный сектор экономики сегодня практически не защищен, вопреки тому, что он формирует свыше 90% ВВП. Причин такого положения дел несколько, но главной, по мнению специалистов, является законодательная неурегулированность. Ряд об¬щественных организаций, в частности «Международное антитеррористическое единство» и Украинская федерация работников негосударственных служб безопасности» уже не впервые настаивают на необходимости принятия законов «О детективной деятельности», «О коммерческой тайне», «О службах безопасности субъектов хозяйствования и других юридических лиц», а также «Об оружии». Последний даже более актуален, чем другие - заявили представители этих объединений на специально созванном «круглом столе» в Киеве. На протяжении 12-ти последних лет проект этого закона неод¬нократно выносили на обсуждение Верховной Рады разных созывов. Он даже прошел первое чтение, но так и не был принят.
В результате, на 1 миллион зарегистрированных «стволов» огнестрельного оружия у нас действует около пятидесяти законов и подзаконных актов. Такая нормативная распорошенность, естественно, не может содействовать формированию целостной политики государства в этой сфере. Кроме того, все упомянутые документы принимались в разное время разными органами власти и, как это у нас час¬то бывает, иногда противоречат друг другу.
По словам президента Международной об¬щественной организации «Международное ан-титеррористическое единство» Александра Дичека, отсутствие надлежащего правового поля для функционирования индустрии безопаснос¬ти привело к тому, что этот сегмент рынка развивается хаотически и не соответствует признанным во всем цивилизованном мире стандартам. Охранную деятельность эксперты считают наиболее структурированной из всех сос¬тавляющих негосударственного сектора безо¬пасности, но государственная монополия на использование огнестрельного оружия сдерживает ее развитие. Сергей Шабовта, прези¬дент «Украинской федерации работников негосударственных служб безопасности», говорит, что за много лет работы в охранном бизнесе он так до сих пор и не понял, что ему дает лицензия МВД, кроме суровых проверок.
Страдает негосударственный сектор безопасности и от нехватки квалифицированных кадров.
Таким образом, одна из первоочередных задач на сегодня - обеспечить подготовку соответствующих специалистов в высших учебных заведениях. В некоторых из них сегодня уже введена специальность «управление финансово-экономической безопасностью», и профильные общественные организации считают это своим неоспоримым достижением.
Что же касается проблемы оружия, то, по мнению отраслевых экспертов, ее следует решать в несколько этапов. На первом предлагают внести изменения в постановление Кабинета министров №706 от 07.09.93. «О порядке продажи, приобретения, регистрации, учета и применения спе¬циальных средств самообороны, заряженных веществами слезоточивого и раздражающего действия» в части дополнения перечня этих средств шлемами, бронежилетами, наручниками, а также устройствами травматического действия, в частности, с резиновыми зарядами.
На втором этапе, говорят эксперты, следует принять специализированный закон об оружии и предоставить право использовать его субъектам негосударственной собственности, у которых есть соответствующие лицензии. В этом контексте следует напомнить, что с подобным предло¬жением не так давно выступала и Ассоциация украинских банков.
Реалии настоящего. Специалисты Украинского союза промышленников и предпринимателей разработали ряд законопроектов, которые призваны положить конец опасным явлениям рейдерства, максимально защитить субъекты предпринимательской деятельности от любых угроз. Как сообщили в пресс-службе УСПП, на заседании совет УСПП по корпоративной безопасности рассмотрел проекты законов «Об охранной деятельности», «О детективной деятельности», «О службах безопасности субъектов хозяйствования и других юридических лиц», «Об оружии» и т.п. Проекты законов переданы народным депутатам - промышленникам и предпринимателям для внесения на рассмотрение Вер¬ховной Рады Украины. По словам президента УСПП, народного депутата Анатолия Кинаха, подготовленные законопроекты направлены на комплексное решение проблем защиты предпринимательства и являются реакцией Союза на новые угрозы бизнесу. «К сожалению, именно распространение в последнее время такого яв-ления как рейдерство дало толчок для разра¬ботки системы корпоративной безопасности, на внедрение которой и направлены проекты зако¬нов, разработанные УСПП», - отметил Кинах. Как отмечается в сообщении, в законопроектах предусмотрены формы деятельности охранных и детективных структур, служб безопасности субъектов хозяйствования, механизмы их взаимодействия с органами исполнительной власти. В частности, усовершенствована система государственного контроля за деятельностью негосударственных охранных структур с целью недопущения их участия в многочисленных рейдерских группах, передает УНИАН. На заседании совета УСПП Кинах также сообщил, что Президенту Украины будет направлено письмо с просьбой определить законопроекты УСПП по безопасности бизнеса как первоочередные для рассмотрения в Верховной Раде.