Yes gentlemen, I wanted to ask. I got a message, maybe someone came across or used this:
Dear detectives and collectors!
We want to offer you our services and products.
We believe that you probably just need different databases.
The Web-Kompromat website store sells a variety of databases (for example, cellular and city telephony databases, credit organizations, black lists, traffic police databases, tax databases, unloading and DoubleGis). Their cost is currently the lowest on the Internet.
Store address: ... c_1171.jpg
We can also offer you services that are not mentioned on the site:
- collection of information on the social network "Vkontakte". Information of registered users is collected: surname, first name, date of birth, cell phone, e-mail, soulmate, icq, sites, which groups he joined, etc. - all that the user indicated. The cost of one city is 2000 rubles (Moscow and St. Petersburg for 3000 rubles). The time to collect information for one city is approximately 1 day (Moscow and St. Petersburg 2 days). It is very convenient when you need to find out who owns a cell or home phone, who is registered to a particular email, etc. Also can be used for mailing lists of promotional offers. The collection of information is very flexible, it can be collected not only by city, but also by gender, age. For example, “Women older than 30 years in Moscow” or “All older than 25 years in Moscow”, etc.
- Fresh unloading from DublGis bases - as of February 2013. Unloading in Excel format (possibly converted to kronos). They indicate: the name of the organization, telephones, e-mails, addresses, websites and other information. The cost of a “fresh” base is 350 rubles per city (Moscow and St. Petersburg, 500 rubles each). Wholesale is available - over 70 cities, all for 4000 rubles. Useful for the use of promotional mailings, the work of managers and obtaining reference information.
- collection of other data of interest to you, for example, a resume from job search sites (a ready certificate for a person in your profession

, automatic collection of judicial acts of justices of the peace (there are a lot of interesting things - divorces, deprivation of rights, crimes) and much more.
We will be glad to start mutually beneficial cooperation with you!
Sales Support ... c_1171.jpg
PS Perhaps this should be considered in a separate topic?