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  • [B],[I],[U],[S] - Fett, kursiv, unterstrichen und durchgestrichen

    Macht den umgebrochenen Text fett, kursiv, unterstrichen oder durchgestrichen.
    Dies ist [B]fetter[/B] Text.
    Dies ist ein [I]kursiver[/I] Text.
    Dies ist ein [U]unterstrichener[/U] Text.
    Dies ist ein [S]durchgestrichener[/S] Text.
    Dies ist fetter Text.
    Dies ist ein kursiver Text.
    Dies ist ein unterstrichener Text.
    Dies ist ein durchgestrichener Text.
  • [COLOR=color], [FONT=name], [SIZE=size] - Textfarbe, Schriftart und Größe

    Ändert die Farbe, Schriftart oder Größe des umgebrochenen Textes.
    Dies ist [COLOR=red]roter[/COLOR] und [COLOR=blue]blauer[/COLOR] Text.
    Dies ist Text mit Schriftart [FONT=Courier New]Courier New[/FONT].
    Dies ist Text mit [SIZE=1]kleiner[/SIZE] und [SIZE=7]großer[/SIZE] Schriftgröße.
    Dies ist roter und blauer Text.
    Dies ist Text mit Schriftart Courier New.
    Dies ist Text mit kleiner und großer Schriftgröße.
  • [URL], [EMAIL] - Verlinkung

    Erstellt einen Link, der den umgebrochenen Text als Ziel verwendet.
  • [URL=Link], [EMAIL=Adresse] - Verlinkung (Erweitert)

    Verlinkt den umgebrochenen Text mit der angegebenen Webseite oder E-Mail-Adresse.
    [URL=https://www.example.com]Gehe zu example.com[/URL].
    [EMAIL=example@example.com]E-Mail an mich[/EMAIL]
  • [USER=ID] - Benutzer erwähnen

    Link zu einem Benutzerprofil. Dieser wird in der Regel automatisch eingefügt, wenn ein Benutzer erwähnt wird.
  • [IMG] - Bild

    Zeige ein Bild an, indem du den umgebrochenen Text als URL verwendest
  • [MEDIA=site] - Eingebettete Medien

    Bettet Medien von zugelassenen Websites in deinen Beitrag ein. Es wird empfohlen, die Medienschaltfläche in der Symbolleiste des Editors zu verwenden.
    Zugelassene Seiten: ABC News, Acast, Amazon Product, Anchor, Apple Music, Apple Podcasts, Audioboom, Audiomack, Audius, Bandcamp, BBC News, BitChute, Bleacher Report videos, Brightcove, Bunny Stream, Castos, CBS News Video, Clyp, CNBC, CNN, CNNMoney, CodePen, Comedy Central, Coub, Dailymotion, Democracy Now!, dumpert, 8tracks, ESPN, Facebook, Falstad Circuit Simulator, Flickr, Fox News, Funny or Die, Gamespot, Getty Images, Gfycat, Gifs.com, GIPHY, GitHub Gist, Global News, GoFundMe, Google Drive, Google+, Google Sheets, Hudl, Hulu, IGN, IMDb trailers, Imgur, Indiegogo, Instagram, Internet Archive, İzlesene, JSFiddle, JW Platform, Kaltura, Kontinental Hockey League (КХЛ), Kickstarter, Libsyn, Liveleak, Livestream, Mail.Ru, Mastodon, Medium, Megaphone, Metacafe, Mixcloud, MLB, MRCTV, MSNBC, National Geographic Channel, National Geographic Video, NBC News, NBC Sports, NHL Videos and Highlights, NPR, The New York Times Video, Odysee, Orfium, Pastebin, Pinterest, Podbean, Prezi, Reddit threads and comments, Rumble, Rutube, Scribd, Sendvid, SlideShare, SoundCloud, Sporcle, Sportsnet, Spotify, Spreaker, Steam store, Stitcher, Straw Poll, Streamable, Streamja, Team Coco, TED Talks, Telegram, The Atlantic Video, The Guardian (obsolete), The Onion, Threads, TikTok, TMZ, TradingView, Trailer Addict, Trending Views, Tumblr, 247Sports, Twitch, Twitter, Ustream, VBOX7, Veoh, Vevo, Video Detective, Vimeo, Vine, VK, Vocaroo, Vox, Washington Post Video, Wavekit, Wistia, WorldStarHipHop, The Wall Street Journal Online, GameClips.io, Gamer DVR, Youku, YouMaker, YouTube
    Ein eingebetteter YouTube-Player würde hier erscheinen.
  • [LIST] - Listen

    Zeigt eine Aufzählungsliste oder eine nummerierte Liste an.
    [*]Aufzählung 1
    [*]Aufzählung 2
    [*]Eintrag 1
    [*]Eintrag 2
    • Aufzählung 1
    • Aufzählung 2
    1. Eintrag 1
    2. Eintrag 2
  • [LINKS],[MITTE],[RECHTS] - Textausrichtung

    Ändert die Ausrichtung des umgebrochenen Textes.
    [CENTER]Mittig ausgerichtet[/CENTER]
    Mittig ausgerichtet​
  • [QUOTE] - Zitierter Text

    Zeigt Text an, der aus einer anderen Quelle zitiert wurde. Du kannst auch den Namen der Quelle angeben.
    [QUOTE]Zitierter Text[/QUOTE]
    Etwas, das du gesagt hast[/QUOTE]
    Etwas, das du gesagt hast[/QUOTE]
  • [SPOILER] - Text, der Spoiler enthält

    Blendet Text aus, der Spoiler enthalten kann, so dass er vom Betrachter angeklickt werden muss, um gesehen zu werden.
    [SPOILER]Einfacher Spoiler[/SPOILER]
    [SPOILER=Spoiler Titel]Spoiler mit einem Titel[/SPOILER]
    Einfacher Spoiler
    Spoiler mit einem Titel
  • [ISPOILER] - Inline-Text mit Spoilern

    Ermöglicht die Anzeige von Text innerhalb des normalem Inhalts, der Spoiler enthalten kann und vom Betrachter angeklickt werden muss, um gesehen zu werden.
    Du musst auf das folgende [ISPOILER]Wortd[/ISPOILER] klicken, um den Inhalt zu sehen.
    Du musst auf das folgende Wortd klicken, um den Inhalt zu sehen.
  • [CODE] - Anzeige des Programmcodes

    Zeigt Text in einer von mehreren Programmiersprachen an, wobei die Syntax nach Möglichkeit hervorgehoben wird.
    Allgemeiner Code:
    [CODE]Allgemeiner Code[/CODE]

    Rich Code:

    [CODE=php]echo $hello. ' world';[/CODE]

    [CODE=js]var hello = 'world';[/CODE]
    Allgemeiner Code:
    Allgemeiner Code

    Rich Code:
    Rich (BBCode):

    echo $hello. ' world';

    var hello =  'world';
  • [ICODE] - Anzeige Inline-Programmiercode

    Ermöglicht es dir, Code inline zwischen normalen Beitragsinhalten anzuzeigen. Die Syntax wird nicht hervorgehoben.
    Inline-Code-Blöcke [ICODE]sind eine bequeme Möglichkeit[/ICODE], Code inline darzustellen.
    Inline-Code-Blöcke sind eine bequeme Möglichkeit, Code inline darzustellen.
  • [INDENT] - Texteinzug

    Einrücken des umgebrochenen Textes. Diese kann für größere Einrückungen geschachtelt werden.
    Normaler Text
    [INDENT]Eingerückter Text[/INDENT]
    [INDENT=2]Mehr eingerückt[/INDENT]
    Normaler Text
    Eingerückter Text​
    Mehr eingerückt​
  • [TABLE] - Tabellen

    Dient der Anzeige von Tabellen in Beiträgen.
    [TH]Überschrift 1[/TH]
    [TH]Überschrift 2[/TH]
    [TD]Inhalt 1[/TD]
    [TD]Inhalt 2[/TD]
    Überschrift 1Überschrift 2
    Inhalt 1Inhalt 2
  • [HEADING=level] - Headings levels 1 to 3

    Marks text as a structured heading to facilitate machine readability.
    [HEADING=1]Major heading[/HEADING]
    This text comes under a major heading, used to separate the primary sections of an article.

    [HEADING=2]Minor heading[/HEADING]
    When you need to subdivide the primary sections of an article, use a level 2 minor heading.

    If you require additional subdivision, you may drop to level 3.

    Major heading​

    This text comes under a major heading, used to separate the primary sections of an article.

    Minor heading​

    When you need to subdivide the primary sections of an article, use a level 2 minor heading.


    If you require additional subdivision, you may drop to level 3.
  • [PLAIN] - Klartext

    Deaktiviert die BBCode-Übersetzung für den umgebrochenen Text.
    [PLAIN]Dies ist kein [B]fetter[/B] Text.[/PLAIN]
    Dies ist kein [B]fetter[/B] Text.
  • [ATTACH] - Anhang einfügen

    Fügt eine Anlage an der angegebenen Stelle ein. Handelt es sich bei der Anlage um ein Bild, wird ein Vorschaubild oder ein Anhang in voller Größe eingefügt. Diese wird in der Regel durch Anklicken des entsprechenden Buttons eingefügt.
    Vorschaubild: [ATTACH]123[/ATTACH]
    Volle Größe: [ATTACH=full]123[/ATTACH]
    Der Inhalt der Anhänge würde hier erscheinen.
  • [CLUB] - For club members

    The information inside the code is displayed only to members of the club.
    [CLUB]Hello World![/CLUB] - Hidden text for club members
    - Hidden text for club members
  • [DAYS=option] - Number of days

    Number of days from the date of registration on the forum, which the user needs to be able to view
    [DAYS=5]Hello World![/DAYS] - Only registered users who are registered not earlier than 5 days ago are displayed.
    - Only registered users who are registered not earlier than 5 days ago are displayed.
  • [GALLERY=option] - Gallery embed

    BB code for displaying gallery media items and albums.
    [GALLERY=media, X]Gallery BB Code[/GALLERY]
    [GALLERY=media, X]Gallery BB Code[/GALLERY]
  • [GROUPS=option] - For user groups

    The tag hides content from people who are not members of X,Y,Z user groups.
    [GROUPS=2]Hello World![/GROUPS] - Displayed only for group members with ID 2.
    Der versteckte Inhalt kann nur vom Benutzer der Gruppe gesehen werden: Registered
    - Displayed only for group members with ID 2.
  • [HIDE] [HIDE=option] - For registered users only

    Tag [HIDE] is used for hidden content. If [HIDE=(condition)] is specified, the condition will be applied to the hidden content. Note: After the = sign, you must enclose the conditions in parentheses to indicate the start and end of condition processing. Inside, you can use any condition grouping.

    Allowed expressions (tags):

    • posts: Number of user posts.
    • likes: User reaction count.
    • reactions: User reaction count (same as likes).
    • trophies: Number of user trophies.
    • days: Number of days since user registration.
    • isMemberOf(id): User group, for multiple groups you can use comma-separated values.
    • username: User's username.
    • user_id: User's identifier.
    • user_state: User's state.
    • is_staff: Flag indicating whether the user is a staff member.
    • is_admin: Flag indicating whether the user is an administrator.
    • is_moderator: Flag indicating whether the user is a moderator.

    Allowed operators:

    • Arithmetic operators:
      Arithmetic operators are used for performing mathematical calculations:
      • +
      • -
      • *
      • /
      • % (modulus)
      • ** (exponentiation)
    • Comparison operators:
      Comparison operators are used for comparing values and returning a boolean result:
      • == (equal to)
      • === (strictly equal to)
      • != (not equal to)
      • !== (strictly not equal to)
      • < (less than)
      • > (greater than)
      • <= (less than or equal to)
      • >= (greater than or equal to)
    • Logical operators:
      Logical operators are used for performing logical operations and returning a boolean result:
      • and or && (logical AND)
      • or or || (logical OR)
      • not or ! (logical NOT)
    • Bitwise operators:
      Bitwise operators are performed on binary representations of numbers:
      • & (bitwise AND)
      • | (bitwise OR)
      • ^ (bitwise XOR)
    • String operators:
      The ~ operator is used for string concatenation:
      • ~ (string concatenation)
    • Array operators:
      Array operators are used for checking element membership in an array:
      • in (element present in array)
      • not in (element not present in array)
    • Numeric operators:
      The .. operator is used to create a range of numbers:
      • .. (number range)
    • Ternary operator:
      The ?: operator is used to perform conditional operations in a single line:
      • ?: (ternary operator)
    [HIDE]Hello World![/HIDE] - only registered users see the hidden text
    [HIDE=(posts > 1 or likes > 1)]Hello world![/HIDE] - The hidden text "Hello world!" will be displayed if the number of user posts is greater than 1 OR the number of likes is greater than 1.
    [HIDE=(posts > 1 and likes > 1)]Hello world![/HIDE] - The hidden text "Hello world!" will be displayed if the number of user posts is greater than 1 AND the number of likes is greater than 1.
    [HIDE=(days > 1 or user_state == "valid")]Hello World![/HIDE] - The hidden text "Hello World!" will be displayed if the number of days since user registration is greater than 1 OR the user state is "valid".
    [HIDE=(isMemberOf(2) or trophies >= 0)]Hello World![/HIDE] - The hidden text "Hello World!" will be displayed if the user is a member of group 2 OR the number of user trophies is greater than or equal to 0.
    [HIDE=(is_staff)]Hello World![/HIDE] - The hidden text "Hello World!" will be displayed if the user is a staff member.
    Versteckte Inhalte sind für registrierte Benutzer verfügbar!
    - only registered users see the hidden text
    message > 1 (0) or like > 1 (0)
    - The hidden text "Hello world!" will be displayed if the number of user posts is greater than 1 OR the number of likes is greater than 1.
    message > 1 (0) and like > 1 (0)
    - The hidden text "Hello world!" will be displayed if the number of user posts is greater than 1 AND the number of likes is greater than 1.
    day > 1 (0) or Benutzerstatus is "valid" (valid)
    Hello World!
    - The hidden text "Hello World!" will be displayed if the number of days since user registration is greater than 1 OR the user state is "valid".
    Member group(s): Registered or points >= 0 (0)
    Hello World!
    - The hidden text "Hello World!" will be displayed if the user is a member of group 2 OR the number of user trophies is greater than or equal to 0.
    - The hidden text "Hello World!" will be displayed if the user is a staff member.
  • [LIKES=option] - Number of likes

    Number of likes on the forum, which the user needs to be able to view
    [LIKES=5]Hello World![/LIKES] - Displayed only registered users whose number of reactions on the forum is greater than or equal to 5.
    - Displayed only registered users whose number of reactions on the forum is greater than or equal to 5.
  • [POSTS=option] - Number of posts

    Number of posts on the forum, which the user needs to be able to view
    [POSTS=5]Hello World![/POSTS] - Displays users who have 5 or more posts on the forum.
    - Displays users who have 5 or more posts on the forum.
  • [REACTS=option] - By the reactions

    Hidden text for which you need to select a specific reaction
    [REACTS=1]Hello World![/REACTS] - displayed for those who clicked the 'Like' reaction.
    - displayed for those who clicked the 'Like' reaction.
  • [REPLY] - Answers the thread

    Hidden text until the user answers the thread.
    [REPLY]Hello World![/REPLY] - Displayed to users when they reply to the thread.
    - Displayed to users when they reply to the thread.
  • [REPLYANDTHANKS] - Answer and click Like

    Hidden text until the user responds to the thread and clicks Like on this message.
    [REPLYANDTHANKS]Hello World![/REPLYANDTHANKS] - It is displayed to users when they reply to the thread and click "I like".
    - It is displayed to users when they reply to the thread and click "I like".
  • [REPLYTHANKS] - Answer or click Like

    Hidden text until the user responds to the thread or clicks Like on this message.
    [REPLYTHANKS]Hello World![/REPLYTHANKS] - It is displayed to users when they reply to the thread or click "I like".
    - It is displayed to users when they reply to the thread or click "I like".
  • [THANKS] - Click "Like"

    This tag hides the text until the user clicks the Like button in the message.
    [THANKS]Hello World![/THANKS] - This tag hides the text until the user clicks the Like button in the message.
    - This tag hides the text until the user clicks the <b>Like button</b> in the message.
  • [TROPHIES=option] - Number of trophies

    Number of trophies on the forum, which the user needs to be able to view
    [TROPHIES=5]Hello World![/TROPHIES] - It is displayed only to registered users, the number of points for trophies on the forum which is greater than or equal to 5.
    - It is displayed only to registered users, the number of points for trophies on the forum which is greater than or equal to 5.
  • [USERS=option] - For users

    Hides the text from users, except for the parameters listed in the list of BB-code.
    [USERS=Alex,John,Bryan]Hello World![/USERS] - Displayed only by user Alex, John, Bryan.
    Hidden text for users: Alex, john
    - Displayed only by user Alex, John, Bryan.
  • [USERSEXC=option] - Exclude users

    Hides the text from users that is listed in the list of parameters of the BB-code.
    [USERSEXC=Alex,John,Bryan]Hello World![/USERSEXC] - Displayed to all users except Alex, John, Bryan.
    - Displayed to all users except Alex, John, Bryan.
  • [USERSID=option] - Users by id

    Hides the text from users by id, except for the parameters listed in the list of BB-code.
    [USERIDS=1,2,3]Hello World![/USERIDS] - Appears only for users with ids 1, 2, 3.
    [USERIDS=1,2,3]Hello World![/USERIDS] - Appears only for users with ids 1, 2, 3.
  • [USERSIDEXC=option] - Exclude users by id

    Hides the text from users by id that are listed in the list of parameters of the BB-code.
    [USERSIDEXC=1,2,3]Hello World![/USERSIDEXC] - Appears only for all users except with ids 1, 2, 3.
    - Appears only for all users except with ids 1, 2, 3.