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  1. root

    Удаляем свои персональные данные из Интернета

    Как удалить свои данные из интернет пространства и усложнить задачу любителям OSINT и просто "мамкиным пробивщикам"? Естественно, предложенный ниже список мир не гарантирует 100% результата, но позволяет удалить свои данные на самых популярных платформах и отсечь до 70% "пробивщиков", которые...
  2. root

    Interview of the creator of the "Eyes of God" Evgeny Antipov

    “If I need to tell you how one of you is breaking the law, I’ll do it.” Archive of Evgeny Antipov In early July, the channel and chats of "Eyes of God", one of the main Russian bots offering "punching" services, disappeared from Telegram. The blocking began after a court decision, which...
  3. root

    Not in the eyebrow, but in the "Eye of God"

    Roskomnadzor wants to ban search service through court Roskomnadzor has filed a lawsuit against the founder of one of the largest services in Russia for finding information about citizens, the Eye of God. The regulator saw in his work a violation of the right of Russians to privacy. Service...