Dear Colleagues!
In the scientific and practical journal “Accounting. Analysis. Audit ”No. 3/2017 (founder of FSBEI“ Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation ”) an article by detective A.E. Krioni "External control of small businesses by detective methods."
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The crisis did not disregard anyone. The one from private detectives who stood is now sitting, and who was sitting is lying crushed by tons of obligations. Survivors of the ranks carefully calculate their income / expenses and envyly recall those times when it was easy to invest what they earned...
V. Semenov, Fiscal Superior de la Dirección de la Fiscalía General de la Federación Rusa.
La nueva legislación procesal penal y la ciencia del derecho procesal penal han cambiado significativamente todo el concepto de proceso penal, que tiene como objetivo la aplicación del principio de...