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Матушкин Андрей Николаевич

Президент IAPD
Miembro del equipo
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Full members of NP "MOD"
1 Ene 1970
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"International Association of Detectives" (MOD) ... We probably will not go wrong if we say that the market is the world of detective services appeared and confidently declares itself a new brand, a new community and a new union colleagues and associates.
We can talk about for a long time and a lot, but in every organization, every association there own idea, a meaning, a purpose.
In different countries, there are many social, professional and other organizations that see themselves as powerful association of private investigators, agencies, and other non-state security structures. With all due respect to them, we just have to declare the principal differences from the MOD of these structures.
The first (and most important) difference: We just received the state registration in 2012. Hence may be due to the existence of lead time fashion? But people from all over the world, aware of the MOU is not hearsay, but on real and concrete cases, it is unlikely to agree to this and must be corrected this mistake. International association of detectives there are at least three years. It would seem - on the face some unknown legal case - the organization is not, and it works for many years. That's the so-called "Secret" lies the main difference between the modes on the other, even the most well-known regional and international organizations and private detectives. For several years, the current members of the MOU:
- Carry out joint orders in different regions of the world, including There are a range of long-term and economically profitable projects
- Conduct comprehensive policy in frequent detective work (NPV) in the CIS and Europe
- Work with other public, state and private entities that are somehow relevant to the security business and personal
- Participate to the extent possible in some issues of its lawmaking - make amendments to the existing laws, proposed legislation, where the laws of NPV is not cooperating with the local authorities
- Friends ... yes - yes, that's right - real friends of true friendship, regardless of geographical location and archives - the vast distances between colleagues. This not only help each other make money, but also to solve a variety of problems in life.
Are only a few elements of cooperation MOU members. It is this cooperation and is - the main difference from the MOD to any other organization honest detective in the world. Participants came to join the MOU is not for PR, not by personal ambitions, and as a result of cost-effective collaboration of associates and friends.
Second difference: Any public organization wants it to or not - puts (often implicitly) the main goal - to recruit as many members. Often, this goal is an obvious danger of closing - the presence in these series are not professionals, people of random, and sometimes - and outright scams. What is the position of the MoU on the subject?
Cooperation with the candidates for membership in the MOU begins open and hospitable. Whoever was the one who wants to get acquainted with the principles and effectiveness of our organization and he will always be received with respect and reasonable invited to cooperation and mutual understanding. Anyone given the opportunity to show off, to show professionalism, their human qualities. Even stranger is the person or organization will always be supported. Experience shows that even if the "rookie" mistakes, some treats in their false - he is always ready to give, to help, to persuade, without malice and without compromise. Members of the MOU are always open for communication and personal meetings. Thus, all joining the MOU are selected not recommendations bylymi no merit, a real understanding of community - who he really is today. Any dishonesty in relation to colleagues, to the customer or otherwise - will not remain outside the attention of the MOU. Not all stand the test openness. Sometimes ambition quarrelsomeness character firmly invented principles do not allow anyone to become a member of our association. So-and-go. Someone - a peaceful and respectful, someone - a scandal and angrily in the shower. We feel about it exactly - as to the costs of growth in this MOU understand: everyone has their own path and their own lives. Thus participants MOU unlike other detective communities are completely independent in the decision to join the ranks of association, and to leave them at any time.
The third difference: Many organizations are private investigators, policy caste. Are important to them - the dedicated and specific names of the members (if the applicant is not related to business or private detective called something without mentioning the detective business - it may not be a member of this community). MOU and here has its own unique point of view. We have long been defined - regardless of experience, not paying attention, not specialization, without inquisitive look at the features names - International Association of detectives always respectful to those who are willing to participate in it and is ready to cooperate. Because, before the state registration MOD combined private detectives, lawyers, security personnel, experts in all areas and other representatives of various professions. Practice shows that private detective activity can not exist without connections, professionalism and ability to work in all spheres of society. Regions, countries, continents, thus have absolutely no value. Agree major difference from other MOD organizations - there is scope for this to work and resolve issues in almost all spheres of life in many countries.
A lot can and thoroughly express our differences from other structures, to tell "about us", etc., but "three pillars" of modes are always the same:
- MOU is created on the basis and in a joint activity of many like-minded countries
- MOU - an open framework for all kinds of cooperation
- MOD virtually unites specialists of many activities in one way or another connected with the private detective activity

IN OUR CASE MAY BE COMPETITIVE, but only to different degrees of CO!
Original message
"International Association of Detectives" (MOD) ... We probably will not go wrong if we say that the market is the world of detective services appeared and confidently declares itself a new brand, a new community and a new union colleagues and associates.
We can talk about for a long time and a lot, but in every organization, every association there own idea, a meaning, a purpose.
In different countries, there are many social, professional and other organizations that see themselves as powerful association of private investigators, agencies, and other non-state security structures. With all due respect to them, we just have to declare the principal differences from the MOD of these structures.
The first (and most important) difference: We just received the state registration in 2012. Hence may be due to the existence of lead time fashion? But people from all over the world, aware of the MOU is not hearsay, but on real and concrete cases, it is unlikely to agree to this and must be corrected this mistake. International association of detectives there are at least three years. It would seem - on the face some unknown legal case - the organization is not, and it works for many years. That's the so-called "Secret" lies the main difference between the modes on the other, even the most well-known regional and international organizations and private detectives. For several years, the current members of the MOU:
- Carry out joint orders in different regions of the world, including There are a range of long-term and economically profitable projects
- Conduct comprehensive policy in frequent detective work (NPV) in the CIS and Europe
- Work with other public, state and private entities that are somehow relevant to the security business and personal
- Participate to the extent possible in some issues of its lawmaking - make amendments to the existing laws, proposed legislation, where the laws of NPV is not cooperating with the local authorities
- Friends ... yes - yes, that's right - real friends of true friendship, regardless of geographical location and archives - the vast distances between colleagues. This not only help each other make money, but also to solve a variety of problems in life.
Are only a few elements of cooperation MOU members. It is this cooperation and is - the main difference from the MOD to any other organization honest detective in the world. Participants came to join the MOU is not for PR, not by personal ambitions, and as a result of cost-effective collaboration of associates and friends.
Second difference: Any public organization wants it to or not - puts (often implicitly) the main goal - to recruit as many members. Often, this goal is an obvious danger of closing - the presence in these series are not professionals, people of random, and sometimes - and outright scams. What is the position of the MoU on the subject?
Cooperation with the candidates for membership in the MOU begins open and hospitable. Whoever was the one who wants to get acquainted with the principles and effectiveness of our organization and he will always be received with respect and reasonable invited to cooperation and mutual understanding. Anyone given the opportunity to show off, to show professionalism, their human qualities. Even stranger is the person or organization will always be supported. Experience shows that even if the "rookie" mistakes, some treats in their false - he is always ready to give, to help, to persuade, without malice and without compromise. Members of the MOU are always open for communication and personal meetings. Thus, all joining the MOU are selected not recommendations bylymi no merit, a real understanding of community - who he really is today. Any dishonesty in relation to colleagues, to the customer or otherwise - will not remain outside the attention of the MOU. Not all stand the test openness. Sometimes ambition quarrelsomeness character firmly invented principles do not allow anyone to become a member of our association. So-and-go. Someone - a peaceful and respectful, someone - a scandal and angrily in the shower. We feel about it exactly - as to the costs of growth in this MOU understand: everyone has their own path and their own lives. Thus participants MOU unlike other detective communities are completely independent in the decision to join the ranks of association, and to leave them at any time.
The third difference: Many organizations are private investigators, policy caste. Are important to them - the dedicated and specific names of the members (if the applicant is not related to business or private detective called something without mentioning the detective business - it may not be a member of this community). MOU and here has its own unique point of view. We have long been defined - regardless of experience, not paying attention, not specialization, without inquisitive look at the features names - International Association of detectives always respectful to those who are willing to participate in it and is ready to cooperate. Because, before the state registration MOD combined private detectives, lawyers, security personnel, experts in all areas and other representatives of various professions. Practice shows that private detective activity can not exist without connections, professionalism and ability to work in all spheres of society. Regions, countries, continents, thus have absolutely no value. Agree major difference from other MOD organizations - there is scope for this to work and resolve issues in almost all spheres of life in many countries.
A lot can and thoroughly express our differences from other structures, to tell "about us", etc., but "three pillars" of modes are always the same:
- MOU is created on the basis and in a joint activity of many like-minded countries
- MOU - an open framework for all kinds of cooperation
- MOD virtually unites specialists of many activities in one way or another connected with the private detective activity

IN OUR CASE MAY BE COMPETITIVE, but only to different degrees of CO!
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