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Матушкин Андрей Николаевич

Президент IAPD
Miembro del equipo
Nivel de acceso privado
Full members of NP "MOD"
1 Ene 1970
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Sitio web
Forum Rules

I. General:

Forum of the International Association of Detectives (MOU) has been established for:
Communication, exchange of information, experience between private investigators and people related professions and interested subjects of private investigation, providing advice and practical help to people who are interested in the services of private detectives.

The Administration does not limit participation in a forum on professional, nationality, sex, political or other grounds.
All materials and messages posted in the Forum reflect only the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration.
The owner of the Forum is not responsible for:
-For the content of posts on this forum of any discrepancy to the current legislation;
-For the accuracy and truthfulness of users published materials;
-For the safety messages, quality and speed of the Forum

The administration reserves the right to change the rules without prior notice.
Additions and changes to the rules become effective upon publication.
Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse for violating them.
In case of any technical problems or issues to work with the forum, carefully read FAQ.

II. Registration, avatars, signatures:

1. It is forbidden to use the name and avatar that violate generally accepted moral and ethical standards, and / or offensive to other users of the Forum.
2. Name may not be registered, similar to the existing ones so, able to mislead other users Forum.
3. Prohibited registration of multiple accounts by a single user.
4. Prohibited use in the signature text advertising and violates generally accepted moral and ethical standards, and / or offensive to other users of the Forum.
5. Prohibited the use of a signature image in order to avoid unnecessary load on the server.
6. It is forbidden to use bulky, too bright and eye-catching signature (degree of awkwardness, excessive brightness determines Administration).
7. Placing your signature links to the resource is permitted for mutual housing active banner Forum MOU on your site. Or under other conditions specified individually with the board administrators.
4. It is recommended and encouraged as an avatar take this photo.
5. It is recommended and encouraged to fill out as much information about yourself in your profile.
6. The user account can be deleted from the forum when it is not active for 100 days. When planning a long absence from the forum report it to the Administrator.
7. The user account can be deleted from the forum, if not a single message within 30 days from the date of registration.
8. Transfer your login and password to third parties shall be punished for the first time ban in case of repetition account is deactivated permanently.
9. The user account can be deleted from the forum Forum Administration decision in the case of violation of these rules.

III. General Forum Rules:

1. Communication of the forum is based on the principles of literacy and mutual respect between interlocutors.
2. Allowed active disputes and debates in the subject, if they take place in a constructive manner and ethical performance.
3. The forum unacceptable not normative lexicon, different kind of jargon and "padonsky" slang.
4. The forum unacceptable insults and acts of aggression aimed at provocation of other participants.
5. The forum is unacceptable to use swear words, swearing, insulting to other members of expressions.
6. The Forum inadmissible statement and the creation of those racist and extremist containing harsh, unfriendly calls and statements to any nationality or nationalities, as well as discriminatory political views, sexual orientation, religion, sex, age and other characteristics.
7. The forum unacceptable clarify personal relationships and common themes in the skirmish. If necessary, use the "messages" or third-party communications.
8. At the forum there is a tool rated the forum - "Karma", by which registered users can increase the rating of "karma" for the positive actions of other participants in the forum, actively participate in the discussion of those interesting materials, etc. or lower for the negative action - accordingly.
Prohibited groundless increase or decrease in "Karma". Each increase or an increase in "Karma" is accompanied by an explanatory message.
Prohibited any form of artificial cuts "Karma": appeals, requests, you tell me - I'll etc.
9. For certain sections of the forum can be introduced additional regulations, not inconsistent herewith.

IV. Rules for creating themes and messages:

1. Responsibility for the content of threads and posts created by the user, with the user.
2. Prohibited the distribution and publication of materials that violate copyright rules Russian legislation and international legislation.
When used in their themes and messages, or copyright material of their fragments should indicate the author and link to the source material.
3. Prohibited distribution and publication of pornographic materials.
4. Before you create a theme, carefully review the already created sections and topics, use the search, maybe a topic you want to create, has been discussed previously.
5. When creating a theme, make sure that the chosen section relevant.
6. When posting a new topic, the name should reflect the essence of the question you want to create or illuminate.
7. Not allowed clogging those messages and materials that are not relevant to the subject under discussion.
8. It is not recommended to use excessive punctuation in posts, as well as abuse of the text selection tools and smiles.
9. Do not abuse the recommended placement of images without having to. Also, do not load large images.
Try to edit the desired image to a smaller size, sufficient for viewing.
10. When you send a personal message carefully check the mailing list in order to avoid accidental mass-mailing of personal messages.
10. It is forbidden the full spelling of the names of those in CAPITALS or text themes and messages.
11. It is forbidden to create messages do not carry a meaning for the sake of cheating messages.
12. Not allowed to make personal correspondence to the overall theme. For personal correspondence, use "I messages."
13. Not create the same topics or posts in different sections.
14. Prohibited citation or transmission of the content of "Shut sections" in the public forum, or through the transfer of "personal communications" users do not have access to such sections.
15. It is forbidden to disclose the information from the "Closed sections."
16. It is forbidden to violate the confidentiality of private correspondence: Information contained in personal messages, e-mail, Skype, etc., can not be published in the open or closed forum threads without the consent of both parties.

V. Administration and moderation of the forum.

1. Forum is post. That is, messages are first published, and then tested.
Except for the "board of shame."
2. Moderation is the administrators and moderators.
3. Members are subject to the forum administrator and assist in maintaining order on the forum.
4. Topics and posts that violate this law are removed, and the authors of such messages to penalties at the discretion of the Administration.
5. For violation of the Rules of the Forum may apply the following sanctions:
- Delete the message or theme;
- Imposition of personal observations;
- Imposition of public comments;
- Lowering of Karma;
- The time limit action on the forum.
- The indefinite limitation of actions on the forum or complete blocking or deleting your account.
Selection of sanctions implemented by the Administrator or forum moderators at their discretion.
6. The administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit.
7. Appeal against the actions of moderators, you can by sending a personal message board administrator, clear and understandable outlining the problem.
8. Prohibited public discussion or criticism of the administrators and moderators of the forum, as well as on other sites. For these actions immediate BAN!
9. Users with limited activities or access to a forum, it is prohibited to circumvent the ban by any means, such as connecting through proxy servers, creating a new account (account), etc.
Accounts violators of the item will be blocked indefinitely.
Original message
Forum Rules

I. General:

Forum of the International Association of Detectives (MOU) has been established for:
Communication, exchange of information, experience between private investigators and people related professions and interested subjects of private investigation, providing advice and practical help to people who are interested in the services of private detectives.

The Administration does not limit participation in a forum on professional, nationality, sex, political or other grounds.
All materials and messages posted in the Forum reflect only the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration.
The owner of the Forum is not responsible for:
-For the content of posts on this forum of any discrepancy to the current legislation;
-For the accuracy and truthfulness of users published materials;
-For the safety messages, quality and speed of the Forum

The administration reserves the right to change the rules without prior notice.
Additions and changes to the rules become effective upon publication.
Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse for violating them.
In case of any technical problems or issues to work with the forum, carefully read FAQ.

II. Registration, avatars, signatures:

1. It is forbidden to use the name and avatar that violate generally accepted moral and ethical standards, and / or offensive to other users of the Forum.
2. Name may not be registered, similar to the existing ones so, able to mislead other users Forum.
3. Prohibited registration of multiple accounts by a single user.
4. Prohibited use in the signature text advertising and violates generally accepted moral and ethical standards, and / or offensive to other users of the Forum.
5. Prohibited the use of a signature image in order to avoid unnecessary load on the server.
6. It is forbidden to use bulky, too bright and eye-catching signature (degree of awkwardness, excessive brightness determines Administration).
7. Placing your signature links to the resource is permitted for mutual housing active banner Forum MOU on your site. Or under other conditions specified individually with the board administrators.
4. It is recommended and encouraged as an avatar take this photo.
5. It is recommended and encouraged to fill out as much information about yourself in your profile.
6. The user account can be deleted from the forum when it is not active for 100 days. When planning a long absence from the forum report it to the Administrator.
7. The user account can be deleted from the forum, if not a single message within 30 days from the date of registration.
8. Transfer your login and password to third parties shall be punished for the first time ban in case of repetition account is deactivated permanently.
9. The user account can be deleted from the forum Forum Administration decision in the case of violation of these rules.

III. General Forum Rules:

1. Communication of the forum is based on the principles of literacy and mutual respect between interlocutors.
2. Allowed active disputes and debates in the subject, if they take place in a constructive manner and ethical performance.
3. The forum unacceptable not normative lexicon, different kind of jargon and "padonsky" slang.
4. The forum unacceptable insults and acts of aggression aimed at provocation of other participants.
5. The forum is unacceptable to use swear words, swearing, insulting to other members of expressions.
6. The Forum inadmissible statement and the creation of those racist and extremist containing harsh, unfriendly calls and statements to any nationality or nationalities, as well as discriminatory political views, sexual orientation, religion, sex, age and other characteristics.
7. The forum unacceptable clarify personal relationships and common themes in the skirmish. If necessary, use the "messages" or third-party communications.
8. At the forum there is a tool rated the forum - "Karma", by which registered users can increase the rating of "karma" for the positive actions of other participants in the forum, actively participate in the discussion of those interesting materials, etc. or lower for the negative action - accordingly.
Prohibited groundless increase or decrease in "Karma". Each increase or an increase in "Karma" is accompanied by an explanatory message.
Prohibited any form of artificial cuts "Karma": appeals, requests, you tell me - I'll etc.
9. For certain sections of the forum can be introduced additional regulations, not inconsistent herewith.

IV. Rules for creating themes and messages:

1. Responsibility for the content of threads and posts created by the user, with the user.
2. Prohibited the distribution and publication of materials that violate copyright rules Russian legislation and international legislation.
When used in their themes and messages, or copyright material of their fragments should indicate the author and link to the source material.
3. Prohibited distribution and publication of pornographic materials.
4. Before you create a theme, carefully review the already created sections and topics, use the search, maybe a topic you want to create, has been discussed previously.
5. When creating a theme, make sure that the chosen section relevant.
6. When posting a new topic, the name should reflect the essence of the question you want to create or illuminate.
7. Not allowed clogging those messages and materials that are not relevant to the subject under discussion.
8. It is not recommended to use excessive punctuation in posts, as well as abuse of the text selection tools and smiles.
9. Do not abuse the recommended placement of images without having to. Also, do not load large images.
Try to edit the desired image to a smaller size, sufficient for viewing.
10. When you send a personal message carefully check the mailing list in order to avoid accidental mass-mailing of personal messages.
10. It is forbidden the full spelling of the names of those in CAPITALS or text themes and messages.
11. It is forbidden to create messages do not carry a meaning for the sake of cheating messages.
12. Not allowed to make personal correspondence to the overall theme. For personal correspondence, use "I messages."
13. Not create the same topics or posts in different sections.
14. Prohibited citation or transmission of the content of "Shut sections" in the public forum, or through the transfer of "personal communications" users do not have access to such sections.
15. It is forbidden to disclose the information from the "Closed sections."
16. It is forbidden to violate the confidentiality of private correspondence: Information contained in personal messages, e-mail, Skype, etc., can not be published in the open or closed forum threads without the consent of both parties.

V. Administration and moderation of the forum.

1. Forum is post. That is, messages are first published, and then tested.
Except for the "board of shame."
2. Moderation is the administrators and moderators.
3. Members are subject to the forum administrator and assist in maintaining order on the forum.
4. Topics and posts that violate this law are removed, and the authors of such messages to penalties at the discretion of the Administration.
5. For violation of the Rules of the Forum may apply the following sanctions:
- Delete the message or theme;
- Imposition of personal observations;
- Imposition of public comments;
- Lowering of Karma;
- The time limit action on the forum.
- The indefinite limitation of actions on the forum or complete blocking or deleting your account.
Selection of sanctions implemented by the Administrator or forum moderators at their discretion.
6. The administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit.
7. Appeal against the actions of moderators, you can by sending a personal message board administrator, clear and understandable outlining the problem.
8. Prohibited public discussion or criticism of the administrators and moderators of the forum, as well as on other sites. For these actions immediate BAN!
9. Users with limited activities or access to a forum, it is prohibited to circumvent the ban by any means, such as connecting through proxy servers, creating a new account (account), etc.
Accounts violators of the item will be blocked indefinitely.
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