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On the eve of the OSCE summit in Astana, Kazakhstan is reforming the country's law enforcement agencies. They will lose many of their functions and powers, including control over sobering-up stations. Private detectives are legalized in the country.
President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev came to the conclusion of Bulgakov’s Woland that each agency should do its own thing. Having signed a decree the other day on reforming the republic’s law enforcement system, the head of state immediately designated 7 points that exempt law enforcement agencies from their usual functions.
Power unit modernization
The new reform suggests that the right of administrative arrest is transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of Justice. Centers for temporary isolation, adaptation and rehabilitation of minors are given to the Ministry of Education and Science. That is, instead of law enforcement officers, professional teachers and psychologists will communicate with difficult teenagers. In total, the Ministry of Justice will need about 100 million euros to reform the system, the head of this department Rashid Tusupbekov calculated.
Medical detoxifiers are also taken from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now they are transferred to the Ministry of Health. And, as the head doctor of the country Zhaksylyk Doskaliev promised, they will even change their names, becoming centers of detoxification of the human body.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs will have to say goodbye to the technical inspection of vehicles, the Ministry of Transport and Communications will deal with it. From now on, the technical condition of the car will be checked not by the traffic police inspector, but by specialists of repair complexes. “I think that ultimately it will be beneficial for customers, too, because here, without going out, you can also eliminate all the shortcomings that are in the car,” says Sergey Alekseenko, director of the automobile repair complex.
It would be wrong to say that the Ministry of Internal Affairs remains out of work. In addition to the usual functions, this department is transferred directly subordinate to the territorial units involved in the fight against the drug business. The only exception is transnational drug crime. In addition, the government of the republic should form the Migration Police Committee in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to increase the efficiency of state regulation of migration processes.
Humanization system
The reform will affect the legislative framework. For minor crimes that do not constitute a great public danger, Kazakhstan will now be fined and not imprisoned - in particular, for economic crimes of minor gravity. According to President Nazarbayev, this step is necessary to protect business from pressure from law enforcement agencies and stimulate business development. At the same time, this will help to cope with the overcrowding of prisons, said First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yogan Merkel. “If we decriminalize, if we reduce the terms of deprivation of liberty, apply punishments that are not related to deprivation of liberty more widely, of course, our prison population will decrease significantly. Accordingly, the budget will spend less on these issues. And most importantly, our citizens will not suffer. "
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Private detectives will appear in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan legalizes the work of the Sherlock Holmes Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Kazakhstan legalizes the work of the Sherlock Holmes Finally, the reform assumes that private detectives will appear in the country. The controversy about the need for "pinkertones" has been going on since the early 2000s. The bill on the legalization of private detective work has repeatedly been submitted to parliament and rejected each time. Although private investigation is already practiced. This is evidenced by advertisements in newspapers and on various Internet sites where detectives offer their services.
So far, Kazakhstan detectives could not officially register as legal entities. The current illegal immigrants, in conversations with Deutsche Welle correspondent, expressed concerns that, in their words, unhealthy competition would begin in this business. They say that they will enter the market, on the one hand, by nonprofessionals who have obtained licenses for private investigation, and on the other, law enforcement officials who, in pursuit of the “long ruble,” will leave the police for private detective agencies.
In theory, reform will help law enforcement become more efficient and democratic. The well-known Kazakhstani human rights activist Yevgeny Zhovtis, currently serving a sentence for traffic accidents, fears that the new reform may turn into another technical experiment, distracting from the main goal - to increase the level of trust in law enforcement agencies. At the same time, Zhovtis believes that the independence of only one part of the system, the judicial branch of government, would lead to a positive impact on the work of the prosecutor's office and internal affairs bodies.
Author: Zarina Kozybaeva, Alma-Ata
Editor: Mikhail Bushuev
On the eve of the OSCE summit in Astana, Kazakhstan is reforming the country's law enforcement agencies. They will lose many of their functions and powers, including control over sobering-up stations. Private detectives are legalized in the country.
President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev came to the conclusion of Bulgakov’s Woland that each agency should do its own thing. Having signed a decree the other day on reforming the republic’s law enforcement system, the head of state immediately designated 7 points that exempt law enforcement agencies from their usual functions.
Power unit modernization
The new reform suggests that the right of administrative arrest is transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of Justice. Centers for temporary isolation, adaptation and rehabilitation of minors are given to the Ministry of Education and Science. That is, instead of law enforcement officers, professional teachers and psychologists will communicate with difficult teenagers. In total, the Ministry of Justice will need about 100 million euros to reform the system, the head of this department Rashid Tusupbekov calculated.
Medical detoxifiers are also taken from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now they are transferred to the Ministry of Health. And, as the head doctor of the country Zhaksylyk Doskaliev promised, they will even change their names, becoming centers of detoxification of the human body.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs will have to say goodbye to the technical inspection of vehicles, the Ministry of Transport and Communications will deal with it. From now on, the technical condition of the car will be checked not by the traffic police inspector, but by specialists of repair complexes. “I think that ultimately it will be beneficial for customers, too, because here, without going out, you can also eliminate all the shortcomings that are in the car,” says Sergey Alekseenko, director of the automobile repair complex.
It would be wrong to say that the Ministry of Internal Affairs remains out of work. In addition to the usual functions, this department is transferred directly subordinate to the territorial units involved in the fight against the drug business. The only exception is transnational drug crime. In addition, the government of the republic should form the Migration Police Committee in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to increase the efficiency of state regulation of migration processes.
Humanization system
The reform will affect the legislative framework. For minor crimes that do not constitute a great public danger, Kazakhstan will now be fined and not imprisoned - in particular, for economic crimes of minor gravity. According to President Nazarbayev, this step is necessary to protect business from pressure from law enforcement agencies and stimulate business development. At the same time, this will help to cope with the overcrowding of prisons, said First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yogan Merkel. “If we decriminalize, if we reduce the terms of deprivation of liberty, apply punishments that are not related to deprivation of liberty more widely, of course, our prison population will decrease significantly. Accordingly, the budget will spend less on these issues. And most importantly, our citizens will not suffer. "
[img],,4260133_4,00.jpg [/ img]
Private detectives will appear in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan legalizes the work of the Sherlock Holmes Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Kazakhstan legalizes the work of the Sherlock Holmes Finally, the reform assumes that private detectives will appear in the country. The controversy about the need for "pinkertones" has been going on since the early 2000s. The bill on the legalization of private detective work has repeatedly been submitted to parliament and rejected each time. Although private investigation is already practiced. This is evidenced by advertisements in newspapers and on various Internet sites where detectives offer their services.
So far, Kazakhstan detectives could not officially register as legal entities. The current illegal immigrants, in conversations with Deutsche Welle correspondent, expressed concerns that, in their words, unhealthy competition would begin in this business. They say that they will enter the market, on the one hand, by nonprofessionals who have obtained licenses for private investigation, and on the other, law enforcement officials who, in pursuit of the “long ruble,” will leave the police for private detective agencies.
In theory, reform will help law enforcement become more efficient and democratic. The well-known Kazakhstani human rights activist Yevgeny Zhovtis, currently serving a sentence for traffic accidents, fears that the new reform may turn into another technical experiment, distracting from the main goal - to increase the level of trust in law enforcement agencies. At the same time, Zhovtis believes that the independence of only one part of the system, the judicial branch of government, would lead to a positive impact on the work of the prosecutor's office and internal affairs bodies.
Author: Zarina Kozybaeva, Alma-Ata
Editor: Mikhail Bushuev

Накануне саммита ОБСЕ в Астане Казахстан проводит реформу правоохранительных ведомств страны. Они лишатся многих своих функций и полномочий, в том числе контроля над медвытрезвителями. В стране легализуют частный сыск.
Президент Казахстана Нурсултан Назарбаев пришел к выводу булгаковского Воланда о том, что каждое ведомство должно заниматься своими делами. Подписав на днях указ о реформировании правоохранительной системы республики, глава государства обозначил сразу 7 пунктов, освобождающих правоохранительные органы от привычных для них функций.
Модернизация силового аппарата
Новая реформа предполагает, что право административного ареста передается от МВД министерству юстиции. Центры временной изоляции, адаптации и реабилитации несовершеннолетних отдаются министерству образования и науки. То есть, вместо сотрудников правоохранительных органов с трудными подростками будут общаться профессиональные преподаватели и психологи. Всего на реформирование системы только Министерству юстиции потребуется около 100 млн. евро, подсчитал глава этого ведомства Рашид Тусупбеков.
Отбирают у МВД и медицинские вытрезвители. Теперь их передают в ведение Министерства здравоохранения. И, как пообещал главный врач страны Жаксылык Доскалиев, они даже сменят названия, став центрами детоксикации организма человека.
Придется попрощаться МВД и с техническим осмотром транспортных средств, им займется министерство транспорта и коммуникаций. Отныне техническое состояние автомобиля будет проверять не инспектор дорожной полиции, а специалисты ремонтных комплексов. "Я думаю, что в конечном итоге и для клиентов это тоже будет выгодно, потому что, здесь, не выходя, можно еще и устранить все недостатки, которые имеются в машине", - говорит директор автомобильно-ремонтного комплекса Сергей Алексеенко.
Говорить, о том, что МВД остается не у дел, было бы неправильно. Помимо привычных функций этому ведомству передаются в непосредственное подчинение территориальные подразделения, осуществляющие борьбу с наркобизнесом. Исключение составляет лишь транснациональная наркопреступность. Кроме того, правительство республики должно образовать в структуре МВД Комитет миграционной полиции, дабы повысить эффективность государственного регулирования миграционных процессов.
Гуманизация системы
Реформа коснется и законодательной базы. За незначительные преступления, не представляющие большой общественной опасности, в Казахстане теперь будут штрафовать, а не лишать свободы - в частности, за экономические преступления небольшой тяжести. По мнению президента Назарбаева, этот шаг необходим, чтобы оградить бизнес от давления со стороны правоохранительных органов и стимулировать развитие бизнеса. Одновременно это позволит справиться с перенаселенностью тюрем, заметил первый заместитель Генерального прокурора РК Йоган Меркель. "Если мы проведем декриминализацию, если мы уменьшим сроки лишения свободы, шире будем применять наказания, не связанные с лишением свободы, у нас, конечно, тюремное население значительно уменьшится. Соответственно, и бюджет будет меньше расходовать на эти вопросы средства. И самое главное наши граждане не будут страдать".

В Казахстане появятся частные детективы
Казахстан легализует работу шерлоков холмсовBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Казахстан легализует работу шерлоков холмсовНаконец, реформа предполагает, что в стране появятся частные детективы. Полемика о необходимости "пинкертонов" шла еще с начала 2000-х. Законопроект о легализации частной детективной деятельности не раз выносился на рассмотрение в парламент и каждый раз отклонялся. Хотя частный сыск уже практикуется. Свидетельством тому служат объявления в газетах и на различных интернет-сайтах, где детективы предлагают свои услуги.
Пока казахстанские сыщики не могли официально зарегистрироваться как юридические лица. Нынешние нелегалы в беседах с корреспондентом Deutsche Welle высказывали опасения, что в этом бизнесе, по их словам, начнется нездоровая конкуренция. На рынок, говорят они, выйдут, с одной стороны, непрофессионалы, получившие лицензии на частный сыск, а с другой, работники правоохранительных органов, которые в погоне за "длинным рублем" начнут уходить из полиции в частные детективные агентства.
В теории, реформа поможет правоохранительным органам стань более эффективными и демократичными. Известный казахстанский правозащитник Евгений Жовтис, отбывающий в настоящее время наказание за ДТП, опасается, что новая реформа может превратиться в очередной технический эксперимент, отвлекающий от основной цели – повысить уровень доверия к правоохранительным органам. При этом Жовтис полагает, что независимость только одной части системы, судебной ветви власти, привела бы к положительному влиянию на работу прокуратуры и органов внутренних дел.
Автор: Зарина Козыбаева, Алма-Ата
Редактор: Михаил Бушуев