Матушкин Андрей Николаевич
Президент IAPD
Membre du Staff
Niveau d'accès privé
Full members of NP "MOD"
Ismail Yetimoglu Private Detective / Professional Investigative
Tel: +90 216 449 53 53 / +90 216 450 00 19
GSM: +90 505 636 74 53
www.dedektif.org.tr /
info@dedektif.org.tr / maviay@dedektif.com.tr
After serving as an officer to the public sector for 23 years, he sworn as a Private Eye in 2003 after his retirement; and has been conducting Private Eye/ Professional Investigator Services in accordance with the ethical rules and international professional standards.
• CEO - Maviay Detective Company Turkey,
• ÖDD - Founder and Chairman, Association of Private Detectives Turkey
• ÖGF - Private Security Federation Board Member Turkey
• IKD - Member of International Federation of Private Detectives Associations
• P.I. Summer Schooll, 9th Term Honorary Dean, Romania
• APF - Auxiliary Police Federation Representative of Turkey
• Eleven Best Man Detective Award Winner In the fields of Private Detective / Professional Research,
many universities organized conferences and seminars at national and international events.
Kocaeli University «Private Detective Research Techniques and Methods» course instructor He wrote the book (Private Detective Work In the World and Turkey) AREAS OF EXPERTISE:
Commercial / Corporate investigation,
• Risk Control and Research,
• Dealer, Agency, and Distributorship Investigation,
• Market Research,
• Brand Protection and Research,
• Forged Document and Accounting Investigation,
• Underground resources/ Energy Sector,
• Healthcare/ Medical Sector, • Insurance & Automotive Sector,
• Finance & Food Sector,
• Real Estate and Construction Sector,
• Security Advisory/ Consultancy,
• He has effective researches and extensive knowledge on information technologies and human resources.
Curiosity and need for research; since the beginning of the history of humanity has always been present in life as the two basic phenomena, has shown itself on many faces of history and continues to show today. For this reason, it has become an irrefutable fact in today’s world where the Private Detective profession has become a professional and highly important profession which has evolved since contemporary societies.
This profession was done under the name of «research services or consulting» until the 2000s in Turkey. For the first time in 2003, this profession became to known as ”Private Detective” profession and institutionalization studies related to the profession have started. In this process, under the leadership of İsmail Yetimoğlu, MaviAy Private Detective Company services were started to be provided within the framework of legal boundaries. In Turkey, yet a «Private Detective Law» does not exist. However, there is also no law prohibiting this profession. One of our most important goals since the day we were established in this context has been to take all kinds of legal and social initiatives in order to enact Private Detective Law in this honorable struggle which is given in the name of our profession and to stand against illegal structures with the organizations which we actively operate with our professional staff in this process.
In this process, the problems encountered PRIVATE INVESTIGATION IN TURKEY 25 in the development process of private detective profession in Turkey, contributions may be made to this profession is taken into consideration. In line with important objectives such as finding solutions to these problems, progressing with a professional organizational approach in the development of the profession and determining the ethical rules, the establishment of ÖDD – Private Detectives Association was realized by İsmail YETİMOĞLU on 03.05.2007.
ÖDD - Private Detectives Association has been committed to the development of Private Detective / Professional Research profession since its inception, to establish the legal basis of the activities, to realize the professional and national benefits in the best way and to keep the principles of professional ethics always at the forefront. With the successes it has achieved for years, it has become an association that is frequently mentioned in the national and international community.
Under the leadership of our association, Private Detective Law No. 3963 which includes to determine the legal boundaries and ethical rules of the Private Detective Profession, which was also adopted in 1994 and later vetoed in the Parliament was re-discussed. In this process, a Private Detective Law Draft on International norms has been prepared and public opinion process has been initiated by presenting to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and Government officials.
In the process of organizing the ÖDD – Private Detectives Association, all persons and organizations interested in this profession were invited to develop joint work and profession. Registration and audits of the persons who were accepted as members of the ÖDD were provided to establish companies.
In 2008, we have become a member of the IKD - International Federation of Private Detectives Associations on behalf of Turkey and International Occupational Standards and Code of Ethics have been adopted. The establishment of many new companies has been provided and supported by our association and the aim was to develop the profession within the framework of controllable legal boundaries. In addition to all these, it has been ensured that the persons who are in illegal restructuring in the past are kept under control and informed to the competent authorities in case of illegal activities. Our struggle with these people continues to be active in order to preserve the dignity of our profession.
There are 3 groups operating under the name of “Private Detective Services” in our country:
1. Members of the ÖDD - Private Investigators Association:
Those that are audited by the ÖDD, provide services at legal boundaries, which are solution-oriented to the customer’s problem.
2. Firms exported from ÖDD:
People who are not under control, pursuing all kinds of unlawfulness and unjustified profits. They show themselves as if they have done the professional activities of the ÖDD and mislead the public. They organize certificate programs and trainings under the name of “Private Detective Education” which has no validation. They deceive those who are interested in the profession and they make unfair gains.
3. Pirate Detectives:
Those who mislead people who need help with fake names without any registration, and make unfair gains with threats and blackmails. As a result; Our primary effort to legalize the Private Detective Act, which is our priority, to improve our profession and to protect its dignity, continues despite all kinds of blocking efforts. There are many important achievements we have already achieved in the professional development of our profession.
A brief summary of the important activities we continue to realize which are performed by our association for the first time in Turkey are as follows:
• First time in Turkey, we established the Private Detectives Association.
• First time in Turkey, we determined «Private Detective International Code of Ethics and Professional Standards».
• First time in Turkey, we prepared «Private Detective Law Draft» in EU standarts.
• First time in Turkey, we organized seminars and conferences on private detective profession.
• First time in Turkey, we organized seminars and conferences in universities about private detective profession.
• First time in Turkey, we became a member of the IKD.
• First time in Turkey, we have written the book which is named as «Private Detective in the World and Turkey.
• Fist time in Turkey, we have organized «Private Detective» seminars in Police Academy and Ankara Bar by working in partnership with «EGM and Police Academy».
• First time in Turkey, we held «International Private Detectives Symposium» in İstanbul by bringing together «World Private Detectives».
• First time in Turkey, we started a fight against «Fake Detectives».
• First time in Turkey, we have signed cooperation protocols with Germany, Hungary, Italy and Slovenia Private Detectives Associations.
• First time in Turkey, we actively participated in the Private Investigators International Summer School in Romania and elected to the Dean’s office.
• First time in turkey we started to give “private detective” classes at a state university. We claim that the «Private Detective Law Draft» of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, which is ready for the sub-structure, will be enacted and become a profession to be made to the highest standard in our country and for this purpose, we continue to pioneer all kinds of activities carried out in the name of the development of the profession with our professional staff.
Ismail Yetimoglu Private Detective / Professional Investigative
Tel: +90 216 449 53 53 / +90 216 450 00 19
GSM: +90 505 636 74 53
www.dedektif.org.tr /
info@dedektif.org.tr / maviay@dedektif.com.tr
After serving as an officer to the public sector for 23 years, he sworn as a Private Eye in 2003 after his retirement; and has been conducting Private Eye/ Professional Investigator Services in accordance with the ethical rules and international professional standards.
• CEO - Maviay Detective Company Turkey,
• ÖDD - Founder and Chairman, Association of Private Detectives Turkey
• ÖGF - Private Security Federation Board Member Turkey
• IKD - Member of International Federation of Private Detectives Associations
• P.I. Summer Schooll, 9th Term Honorary Dean, Romania
• APF - Auxiliary Police Federation Representative of Turkey
• Eleven Best Man Detective Award Winner In the fields of Private Detective / Professional Research,
many universities organized conferences and seminars at national and international events.
Kocaeli University «Private Detective Research Techniques and Methods» course instructor He wrote the book (Private Detective Work In the World and Turkey) AREAS OF EXPERTISE:
Commercial / Corporate investigation,
• Risk Control and Research,
• Dealer, Agency, and Distributorship Investigation,
• Market Research,
• Brand Protection and Research,
• Forged Document and Accounting Investigation,
• Underground resources/ Energy Sector,
• Healthcare/ Medical Sector, • Insurance & Automotive Sector,
• Finance & Food Sector,
• Real Estate and Construction Sector,
• Security Advisory/ Consultancy,
• He has effective researches and extensive knowledge on information technologies and human resources.
Curiosity and need for research; since the beginning of the history of humanity has always been present in life as the two basic phenomena, has shown itself on many faces of history and continues to show today. For this reason, it has become an irrefutable fact in today’s world where the Private Detective profession has become a professional and highly important profession which has evolved since contemporary societies.
This profession was done under the name of «research services or consulting» until the 2000s in Turkey. For the first time in 2003, this profession became to known as ”Private Detective” profession and institutionalization studies related to the profession have started. In this process, under the leadership of İsmail Yetimoğlu, MaviAy Private Detective Company services were started to be provided within the framework of legal boundaries. In Turkey, yet a «Private Detective Law» does not exist. However, there is also no law prohibiting this profession. One of our most important goals since the day we were established in this context has been to take all kinds of legal and social initiatives in order to enact Private Detective Law in this honorable struggle which is given in the name of our profession and to stand against illegal structures with the organizations which we actively operate with our professional staff in this process.
In this process, the problems encountered PRIVATE INVESTIGATION IN TURKEY 25 in the development process of private detective profession in Turkey, contributions may be made to this profession is taken into consideration. In line with important objectives such as finding solutions to these problems, progressing with a professional organizational approach in the development of the profession and determining the ethical rules, the establishment of ÖDD – Private Detectives Association was realized by İsmail YETİMOĞLU on 03.05.2007.
ÖDD - Private Detectives Association has been committed to the development of Private Detective / Professional Research profession since its inception, to establish the legal basis of the activities, to realize the professional and national benefits in the best way and to keep the principles of professional ethics always at the forefront. With the successes it has achieved for years, it has become an association that is frequently mentioned in the national and international community.
Under the leadership of our association, Private Detective Law No. 3963 which includes to determine the legal boundaries and ethical rules of the Private Detective Profession, which was also adopted in 1994 and later vetoed in the Parliament was re-discussed. In this process, a Private Detective Law Draft on International norms has been prepared and public opinion process has been initiated by presenting to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and Government officials.
In the process of organizing the ÖDD – Private Detectives Association, all persons and organizations interested in this profession were invited to develop joint work and profession. Registration and audits of the persons who were accepted as members of the ÖDD were provided to establish companies.
In 2008, we have become a member of the IKD - International Federation of Private Detectives Associations on behalf of Turkey and International Occupational Standards and Code of Ethics have been adopted. The establishment of many new companies has been provided and supported by our association and the aim was to develop the profession within the framework of controllable legal boundaries. In addition to all these, it has been ensured that the persons who are in illegal restructuring in the past are kept under control and informed to the competent authorities in case of illegal activities. Our struggle with these people continues to be active in order to preserve the dignity of our profession.
There are 3 groups operating under the name of “Private Detective Services” in our country:
1. Members of the ÖDD - Private Investigators Association:
Those that are audited by the ÖDD, provide services at legal boundaries, which are solution-oriented to the customer’s problem.
2. Firms exported from ÖDD:
People who are not under control, pursuing all kinds of unlawfulness and unjustified profits. They show themselves as if they have done the professional activities of the ÖDD and mislead the public. They organize certificate programs and trainings under the name of “Private Detective Education” which has no validation. They deceive those who are interested in the profession and they make unfair gains.
3. Pirate Detectives:
Those who mislead people who need help with fake names without any registration, and make unfair gains with threats and blackmails. As a result; Our primary effort to legalize the Private Detective Act, which is our priority, to improve our profession and to protect its dignity, continues despite all kinds of blocking efforts. There are many important achievements we have already achieved in the professional development of our profession.
A brief summary of the important activities we continue to realize which are performed by our association for the first time in Turkey are as follows:
• First time in Turkey, we established the Private Detectives Association.
• First time in Turkey, we determined «Private Detective International Code of Ethics and Professional Standards».
• First time in Turkey, we prepared «Private Detective Law Draft» in EU standarts.
• First time in Turkey, we organized seminars and conferences on private detective profession.
• First time in Turkey, we organized seminars and conferences in universities about private detective profession.
• First time in Turkey, we became a member of the IKD.
• First time in Turkey, we have written the book which is named as «Private Detective in the World and Turkey.
• Fist time in Turkey, we have organized «Private Detective» seminars in Police Academy and Ankara Bar by working in partnership with «EGM and Police Academy».
• First time in Turkey, we held «International Private Detectives Symposium» in İstanbul by bringing together «World Private Detectives».
• First time in Turkey, we started a fight against «Fake Detectives».
• First time in Turkey, we have signed cooperation protocols with Germany, Hungary, Italy and Slovenia Private Detectives Associations.
• First time in Turkey, we actively participated in the Private Investigators International Summer School in Romania and elected to the Dean’s office.
• First time in turkey we started to give “private detective” classes at a state university. We claim that the «Private Detective Law Draft» of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, which is ready for the sub-structure, will be enacted and become a profession to be made to the highest standard in our country and for this purpose, we continue to pioneer all kinds of activities carried out in the name of the development of the profession with our professional staff.
Pièces jointes

Ismail Yetimoglu Private Detective / Professional Investigative
Tel: +90 216 449 53 53 / +90 216 450 00 19
GSM: +90 505 636 74 53
www.dedektif.org.tr /
info@dedektif.org.tr / maviay@dedektif.com.tr
After serving as an officer to the public sector for 23 years, he sworn as a Private Eye in 2003 after his retirement; and has been conducting Private Eye/ Professional Investigator Services in accordance with the ethical rules and international professional standards.
• CEO - Maviay Detective Company Turkey,
• ÖDD - Founder and Chairman, Association of Private Detectives Turkey
• ÖGF - Private Security Federation Board Member Turkey
• IKD - Member of International Federation of Private Detectives Associations
• P.I. Summer Schooll, 9th Term Honorary Dean, Romania
• APF - Auxiliary Police Federation Representative of Turkey
• Eleven Best Man Detective Award Winner In the fields of Private Detective / Professional Research,
many universities organized conferences and seminars at national and international events.
Kocaeli University «Private Detective Research Techniques and Methods» course instructor He wrote the book (Private Detective Work In the World and Turkey) AREAS OF EXPERTISE:
Commercial / Corporate investigation,
• Risk Control and Research,
• Dealer, Agency, and Distributorship Investigation,
• Market Research,
• Brand Protection and Research,
• Forged Document and Accounting Investigation,
• Underground resources/ Energy Sector,
• Healthcare/ Medical Sector, • Insurance & Automotive Sector,
• Finance & Food Sector,
• Real Estate and Construction Sector,
• Security Advisory/ Consultancy,
• He has effective researches and extensive knowledge on information technologies and human resources.
Curiosity and need for research; since the beginning of the history of humanity has always been present in life as the two basic phenomena, has shown itself on many faces of history and continues to show today. For this reason, it has become an irrefutable fact in today’s world where the Private Detective profession has become a professional and highly important profession which has evolved since contemporary societies.
This profession was done under the name of «research services or consulting» until the 2000s in Turkey. For the first time in 2003, this profession became to known as ”Private Detective” profession and institutionalization studies related to the profession have started. In this process, under the leadership of İsmail Yetimoğlu, MaviAy Private Detective Company services were started to be provided within the framework of legal boundaries. In Turkey, yet a «Private Detective Law» does not exist. However, there is also no law prohibiting this profession. One of our most important goals since the day we were established in this context has been to take all kinds of legal and social initiatives in order to enact Private Detective Law in this honorable struggle which is given in the name of our profession and to stand against illegal structures with the organizations which we actively operate with our professional staff in this process.
In this process, the problems encountered PRIVATE INVESTIGATION IN TURKEY 25 in the development process of private detective profession in Turkey, contributions may be made to this profession is taken into consideration. In line with important objectives such as finding solutions to these problems, progressing with a professional organizational approach in the development of the profession and determining the ethical rules, the establishment of ÖDD – Private Detectives Association was realized by İsmail YETİMOĞLU on 03.05.2007.
ÖDD - Private Detectives Association has been committed to the development of Private Detective / Professional Research profession since its inception, to establish the legal basis of the activities, to realize the professional and national benefits in the best way and to keep the principles of professional ethics always at the forefront. With the successes it has achieved for years, it has become an association that is frequently mentioned in the national and international community.
Under the leadership of our association, Private Detective Law No. 3963 which includes to determine the legal boundaries and ethical rules of the Private Detective Profession, which was also adopted in 1994 and later vetoed in the Parliament was re-discussed. In this process, a Private Detective Law Draft on International norms has been prepared and public opinion process has been initiated by presenting to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and Government officials.
In the process of organizing the ÖDD – Private Detectives Association, all persons and organizations interested in this profession were invited to develop joint work and profession. Registration and audits of the persons who were accepted as members of the ÖDD were provided to establish companies.
In 2008, we have become a member of the IKD - International Federation of Private Detectives Associations on behalf of Turkey and International Occupational Standards and Code of Ethics have been adopted. The establishment of many new companies has been provided and supported by our association and the aim was to develop the profession within the framework of controllable legal boundaries. In addition to all these, it has been ensured that the persons who are in illegal restructuring in the past are kept under control and informed to the competent authorities in case of illegal activities. Our struggle with these people continues to be active in order to preserve the dignity of our profession.
There are 3 groups operating under the name of “Private Detective Services” in our country:
1. Members of the ÖDD - Private Investigators Association:
Those that are audited by the ÖDD, provide services at legal boundaries, which are solution-oriented to the customer’s problem.
2. Firms exported from ÖDD:
People who are not under control, pursuing all kinds of unlawfulness and unjustified profits. They show themselves as if they have done the professional activities of the ÖDD and mislead the public. They organize certificate programs and trainings under the name of “Private Detective Education” which has no validation. They deceive those who are interested in the profession and they make unfair gains.
3. Pirate Detectives:
Those who mislead people who need help with fake names without any registration, and make unfair gains with threats and blackmails. As a result; Our primary effort to legalize the Private Detective Act, which is our priority, to improve our profession and to protect its dignity, continues despite all kinds of blocking efforts. There are many important achievements we have already achieved in the professional development of our profession.
A brief summary of the important activities we continue to realize which are performed by our association for the first time in Turkey are as follows:
• First time in Turkey, we established the Private Detectives Association.
• First time in Turkey, we determined «Private Detective International Code of Ethics and Professional Standards».
• First time in Turkey, we prepared «Private Detective Law Draft» in EU standarts.
• First time in Turkey, we organized seminars and conferences on private detective profession.
• First time in Turkey, we organized seminars and conferences in universities about private detective profession.
• First time in Turkey, we became a member of the IKD.
• First time in Turkey, we have written the book which is named as «Private Detective in the World and Turkey.
• Fist time in Turkey, we have organized «Private Detective» seminars in Police Academy and Ankara Bar by working in partnership with «EGM and Police Academy».
• First time in Turkey, we held «International Private Detectives Symposium» in İstanbul by bringing together «World Private Detectives».
• First time in Turkey, we started a fight against «Fake Detectives».
• First time in Turkey, we have signed cooperation protocols with Germany, Hungary, Italy and Slovenia Private Detectives Associations.
• First time in Turkey, we actively participated in the Private Investigators International Summer School in Romania and elected to the Dean’s office.
• First time in turkey we started to give “private detective” classes at a state university. We claim that the «Private Detective Law Draft» of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, which is ready for the sub-structure, will be enacted and become a profession to be made to the highest standard in our country and for this purpose, we continue to pioneer all kinds of activities carried out in the name of the development of the profession with our professional staff.
Ismail Yetimoglu Private Detective / Professional Investigative
Tel: +90 216 449 53 53 / +90 216 450 00 19
GSM: +90 505 636 74 53
www.dedektif.org.tr /
info@dedektif.org.tr / maviay@dedektif.com.tr
After serving as an officer to the public sector for 23 years, he sworn as a Private Eye in 2003 after his retirement; and has been conducting Private Eye/ Professional Investigator Services in accordance with the ethical rules and international professional standards.
• CEO - Maviay Detective Company Turkey,
• ÖDD - Founder and Chairman, Association of Private Detectives Turkey
• ÖGF - Private Security Federation Board Member Turkey
• IKD - Member of International Federation of Private Detectives Associations
• P.I. Summer Schooll, 9th Term Honorary Dean, Romania
• APF - Auxiliary Police Federation Representative of Turkey
• Eleven Best Man Detective Award Winner In the fields of Private Detective / Professional Research,
many universities organized conferences and seminars at national and international events.
Kocaeli University «Private Detective Research Techniques and Methods» course instructor He wrote the book (Private Detective Work In the World and Turkey) AREAS OF EXPERTISE:
Commercial / Corporate investigation,
• Risk Control and Research,
• Dealer, Agency, and Distributorship Investigation,
• Market Research,
• Brand Protection and Research,
• Forged Document and Accounting Investigation,
• Underground resources/ Energy Sector,
• Healthcare/ Medical Sector, • Insurance & Automotive Sector,
• Finance & Food Sector,
• Real Estate and Construction Sector,
• Security Advisory/ Consultancy,
• He has effective researches and extensive knowledge on information technologies and human resources.
Curiosity and need for research; since the beginning of the history of humanity has always been present in life as the two basic phenomena, has shown itself on many faces of history and continues to show today. For this reason, it has become an irrefutable fact in today’s world where the Private Detective profession has become a professional and highly important profession which has evolved since contemporary societies.
This profession was done under the name of «research services or consulting» until the 2000s in Turkey. For the first time in 2003, this profession became to known as ”Private Detective” profession and institutionalization studies related to the profession have started. In this process, under the leadership of İsmail Yetimoğlu, MaviAy Private Detective Company services were started to be provided within the framework of legal boundaries. In Turkey, yet a «Private Detective Law» does not exist. However, there is also no law prohibiting this profession. One of our most important goals since the day we were established in this context has been to take all kinds of legal and social initiatives in order to enact Private Detective Law in this honorable struggle which is given in the name of our profession and to stand against illegal structures with the organizations which we actively operate with our professional staff in this process.
In this process, the problems encountered PRIVATE INVESTIGATION IN TURKEY 25 in the development process of private detective profession in Turkey, contributions may be made to this profession is taken into consideration. In line with important objectives such as finding solutions to these problems, progressing with a professional organizational approach in the development of the profession and determining the ethical rules, the establishment of ÖDD – Private Detectives Association was realized by İsmail YETİMOĞLU on 03.05.2007.
ÖDD - Private Detectives Association has been committed to the development of Private Detective / Professional Research profession since its inception, to establish the legal basis of the activities, to realize the professional and national benefits in the best way and to keep the principles of professional ethics always at the forefront. With the successes it has achieved for years, it has become an association that is frequently mentioned in the national and international community.
Under the leadership of our association, Private Detective Law No. 3963 which includes to determine the legal boundaries and ethical rules of the Private Detective Profession, which was also adopted in 1994 and later vetoed in the Parliament was re-discussed. In this process, a Private Detective Law Draft on International norms has been prepared and public opinion process has been initiated by presenting to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and Government officials.
In the process of organizing the ÖDD – Private Detectives Association, all persons and organizations interested in this profession were invited to develop joint work and profession. Registration and audits of the persons who were accepted as members of the ÖDD were provided to establish companies.
In 2008, we have become a member of the IKD - International Federation of Private Detectives Associations on behalf of Turkey and International Occupational Standards and Code of Ethics have been adopted. The establishment of many new companies has been provided and supported by our association and the aim was to develop the profession within the framework of controllable legal boundaries. In addition to all these, it has been ensured that the persons who are in illegal restructuring in the past are kept under control and informed to the competent authorities in case of illegal activities. Our struggle with these people continues to be active in order to preserve the dignity of our profession.
There are 3 groups operating under the name of “Private Detective Services” in our country:
1. Members of the ÖDD - Private Investigators Association:
Those that are audited by the ÖDD, provide services at legal boundaries, which are solution-oriented to the customer’s problem.
2. Firms exported from ÖDD:
People who are not under control, pursuing all kinds of unlawfulness and unjustified profits. They show themselves as if they have done the professional activities of the ÖDD and mislead the public. They organize certificate programs and trainings under the name of “Private Detective Education” which has no validation. They deceive those who are interested in the profession and they make unfair gains.
3. Pirate Detectives:
Those who mislead people who need help with fake names without any registration, and make unfair gains with threats and blackmails. As a result; Our primary effort to legalize the Private Detective Act, which is our priority, to improve our profession and to protect its dignity, continues despite all kinds of blocking efforts. There are many important achievements we have already achieved in the professional development of our profession.
A brief summary of the important activities we continue to realize which are performed by our association for the first time in Turkey are as follows:
• First time in Turkey, we established the Private Detectives Association.
• First time in Turkey, we determined «Private Detective International Code of Ethics and Professional Standards».
• First time in Turkey, we prepared «Private Detective Law Draft» in EU standarts.
• First time in Turkey, we organized seminars and conferences on private detective profession.
• First time in Turkey, we organized seminars and conferences in universities about private detective profession.
• First time in Turkey, we became a member of the IKD.
• First time in Turkey, we have written the book which is named as «Private Detective in the World and Turkey.
• Fist time in Turkey, we have organized «Private Detective» seminars in Police Academy and Ankara Bar by working in partnership with «EGM and Police Academy».
• First time in Turkey, we held «International Private Detectives Symposium» in İstanbul by bringing together «World Private Detectives».
• First time in Turkey, we started a fight against «Fake Detectives».
• First time in Turkey, we have signed cooperation protocols with Germany, Hungary, Italy and Slovenia Private Detectives Associations.
• First time in Turkey, we actively participated in the Private Investigators International Summer School in Romania and elected to the Dean’s office.
• First time in turkey we started to give “private detective” classes at a state university. We claim that the «Private Detective Law Draft» of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, which is ready for the sub-structure, will be enacted and become a profession to be made to the highest standard in our country and for this purpose, we continue to pioneer all kinds of activities carried out in the name of the development of the profession with our professional staff.
Dernière édition: