Dear Colleagues!
In the scientific and practical journal “Accounting. Analysis. Audit ”No. 3/2017 (founder of FSBEI“ Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation ”) an article by detective A.E. Krioni "External control of small businesses by detective methods."
atividade de detetive
investigações de detetive
auditoria de detetive
encontre o endereço de uma pessoa
busca de pessoas
investigação privada
detetive particular
investigação privada
The crisis did not disregard anyone. The one from private detectives who stood is now sitting, and who was sitting is lying crushed by tons of obligations. Survivors of the ranks carefully calculate their income / expenses and envyly recall those times when it was easy to invest what they earned...
V. Semenov, Procurador Sénior da Direcção do Gabinete do Procurador-Geral da Federação Russa.
A nova legislação processual penal e a ciência do direito processual penal alteraram significativamente todo o conceito de processo penal, que visa concretizar o princípio da competitividade e...