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associação internacional de detetives particulares

  1. Матушкин Андрей Николаевич

    Анонс! XIII Конференция "International Association of Private Detectives" + "QALQAN" с 21 по 24 сентября 2022 г. Казахстан Алма-Ата.

    21 – 24 сентября 2022 года. XIII Конференция Международной Ассоциации Частных Детективов...
  2. I

    Relatório da VIII Conferência "International Association of Private Detectives"

    On September 27, 2017, on the territory and with the support of the Institute of Applied Biochemistry and Engineering “BIOCHIMMASH”, the VIII Scientific and Practical Conference of the International Association of Private Detectives (IAPD MOD) was held. The event was attended by colleagues...