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yalan makinesi denetçisi

  1. Yelena

    Lie detector (polygraph) how it works

    The lie detector (polygraph) is the latest computer to which sensors, a sensor unit, and a video camera are connected. The whole range of devices fits easily in a small bag. Previously, a polygraph was examined by military and criminals. At the present time, such a test can be done by everyone...
  2. I

    Yalan makinesi denetçisi Igor Ishchuk. Kiev. Ukrayna.

    Yalan makinesi denetçisi Igor Ishchuk, şüphelilerin yalan makinesi testleri ve dedektif için önemli olan bilgileri saklayanlar aracılığıyla dedektif soruşturmalarında yardım sunar. 2014'ten beri yalan makinesi denetçilerinin deneyimi. Tüm-Ukrayna Yalan Makinesi Denetçileri Derneği'nin bir...
  3. Матушкин Андрей Николаевич

    St. Petersburg'dan yalan makinesi inceleme uzmanı Andrey Stepanov'un raporu.

    Report by Andrei Stepanov, a polygraph examiner from St. Petersburg. The St. Petersburg School of Lie Detection was established on July 30, 1998. From the very first day of its existence, a course was taken to create a highly professional system of individual training for psychophysiological...

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