So, Hayrapetyan Armen Levikovich, born April 3, 1981, is a citizen of Armenia, was born in Yerevan, lives in Arevshat, Republic of Armenia. Uses mobile phones under the numbers: +374 962 948 xx, + 374943892xx, is represented by the head of the special service department of “Armenak Group” LLC and offers detective services in Armenia and other countries of the world, in fact, “Armenak Group” LLC is a training center, currently A .Ayrapetyan has been wanted by the police department of Echmiadzin (Republic of Armenia) as a debtor since 2011. Uses mailboxes: , and others, in Skype it is known under the login intelekt1717. This person is prone to commit fraud. Currently, the issue of initiating a criminal case on the fact of fraud on the basis of the victim’s application is being resolved against A. Hayrapetyan.
If there are other victims of his "detective" activities or any other illegal activities, please contact the President of NP "MOD" Andrei Matushkin by e-mail: .