Colleagues, while there are people like us on our Earth, then all is not lost in this life. Although breaking the system of corrupt officials is a long and complicated matter. I'm afraid that we alone will not be able to break it on our own. Although we ourselves use these weak links in our work. Our colleagues from the Internal Affairs Directorate help us anyway, but again our mentality works and we pay money to our comrades, let’s say, we help them “maintain their pants”. But it's all on personal contacts and a bribe is hard to call, because your guys will help in any case, and without money. Another question is when an official, hanging out with a company, holds a tender and selects the one who, in principle, pays him for winning the competition, and how then he, the winner, will perform the work or services under the contract already of the official and are not interested. And then it turns out that the winner does not have the right to engage in this activity, because he has a license or any other necessary documents. Accordingly, the winner does the work or renders the services improperly (for example, housing and communal services, management companies). Again, the people are simply suffering.
Yours faithfully,
Sergey Prokopyev (Omsk)