It is ridiculous, of course, that corruption was defeated ... It is a pity that the Minister voiced this ...
“Corruption in the police began with the first Chechen war,” told NGS. NEWS on condition of anonymity, an ex-police officer who held a high post in the security service of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the NSO. “The state then did not allocate any money whatsoever: you have to send a special forces detachment, but they don’t give you weapons, uniforms, or money for food.”
To cope with this problem, the police pressed on the business: “Imagine: you are a large company, everyone is seized from you, and then they say: we have a war, render, they say, help.”
As a result, the leaders of law enforcement agencies got acquainted with the directors of banks and enterprises, strangled them. A little strangle - let go, strangle - let go. Unobtrusive pressure. Then funds began to be organized to assist the law enforcement system. ” According to the informant, such a technique has been practiced throughout the war years. Then, when the flea market business flourished, law enforcement officers established close relations with smugglers:
At the same time, the FSB and the police were in a bundle, they “found each other, and the prosecutor’s office is protecting them. And a bow is formed. It’s very difficult to break it today. ”
Outside experts doubt that the results of recertification are adequate to the true state of things. “I worked in the training department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, and our department was just involved in assessing skills: physical training, shooting, and so on. 131 people out of 13 thousand - this figure does not correspond to a tenth of those that can be safely reduced after passing the tests. In reality, people who don’t know the normative acts cannot shoot, dozens of times more, ”comments Valery Mikhalev, chairman of the board of directors of the Security Factor Security Group of Factors.
Mr. Mikhalev is sure that as a result of the recertification, several top managers who have stained themselves will be removed, and people at the lower and middle levels will be removed who are objectionable to the leadership:
"As for the image of the organs, the same thing will happen as with the change of the traffic police to the traffic police, that is, nothing will happen."
Vladimir Itkin