About proligraph, as I said earlier today, this is the Diana line (Diana 05 and 07) and Triumph 2. I work periodically for 7 and Triumph. There are no complaints about the quality of work. Both devices have maintenance and software updates. Diana has more functionality than Triumph, but for dopa, such as for example video, you have to pay extra. In Diana, automatic calculation algorithms are more correctly spelled out (but self-respecting polygraph examiners always do it manually), Diana’s price is two times higher than that of Triumph, if both devices are worthy of respect in Poland. Diana is a good appliance + brand. You can always buy and, if necessary, sell. Triumph is a good polygraph for your money. I hope I do not offend the manufacturers of the Varlamov line, the Barrier, Chris and Reef, but this is the last century. The era of these polygraphs goes to the museum.