Public relations , PR (Eng. Public Relations - public relations, public relations, public relations,
public relations ,
social interaction ; abbreviated: PR - pi-ar) -
creation and implementation technologies under socio-economic and political systems of competition
image of an object (ideas, goods, services, personalities, organizations - firms, brands) in the value range of a social group,
in order to consolidate this image as ideal and necessary in life .
Propaganda (lat. propaganda literally - "
to be distributed yu (faith) ”, from lat. propago - “distributing”) -
distribution of facts, arguments, rumors and other information, including knowingly false, to influence public opinion . The word comes from the name of the Catholic organization Congregatio de propaganda fide ("Congregation of the Faith to be Distributed", created in 1622)
The Internet is just a convenient mechanism to facilitate manipulation ...
Previously, a "limited" number of those admitted (shamans, religious ministers, special services) "sinned" ... now the "Pandora’s box" is open for public access ...
Everything is simple - "monkey with a grenade"