Speaking of standards: roll:
СКФ Будаев и партнёры. Тула. dijo:
There is nothing wrong with the habit of looking for old friends.
Especially when the search takes place on a reimbursable basis ...
If you follow the methodology (standards) of conducting investigations to search for individuals, then I agree that there is nothing wrong with the "habits to look for"
.... But provided that the detective:: arrow:
- Before the adoption of the case will conduct a preliminary audit
- Draw up a plan and discuss it with the client
- Sign a contract with the customer.
identifies customer
- Perform an address and telephone search using sources and methods that do not contradict the law
Receive the consent of the discovered individual to transfer his personal data to the detective’s client :!:
- Draw up a report and transmit it to the client
- Receive payment for the investigation in your account
- sign an acceptance certificate of work performed
- and finally, if signs are found ....: D: D: D, etc., etc.
Thus, this is another case that shows the benefits of introducing standards of detective work. Not benefit from SRO. And it’s useful for the detective to have in his pocket generally accepted rules and methods for providing private search services to the population: D: D