Dmitry Viktorovich, Good evening! Yes, indeed, we are not licensed, unlike licensed, we are in different weight categories. The difference between us is that you, if you have a license, can call yourself BH, and We do not. But We can call ourselves differently, for example: Lawyers, Information Agents, Security Council employees, Business analysts, etc. And we can do this absolutely legally and carry out all the actions provided for by the Federal Law on NPV. And not only We can do this, but any citizen, only a citizen does not have the right to receive money for this. The license does not give anything good, except the right to perform, the specified actions for money. But she puts a lot of prohibitions and adds a lot of responsibilities. Here, you licensed BH is not entitled to carry out photo-video shooting in private and office premises, without the consent of the relevant persons. And I go, for example, to the FMS, put the video camera on the table to the Head of the District FMS, without his consent, and shoot. No, I am by no means against the license for the implementation of NPVs. But constantly blaming people who do not have it and depriving them of the right to express their opinion, and even more so comparing the implementation of any activity without a license with FRAUD, is in my opinion not correct, since these actions have a different legal concept.