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Greetings, i have been very busy with the licencing process beeing in progress in Serbia, so i have not been very active in the last few months, but now i have some time and i was also managing my website a little bit so i would like to use this opportunity to present a new webpage of our site with the new and modified list of services that we offer and i would appreciate if anybody can take a look and see a new offer, by the way it is in serbian language but there is also a english version available but i do not think it would be necessery because Serbian and Russian language are very similiar. So, here is the new webpage if anybody wants to take a look.
All the best to everyone from the forum and wish you all the best!
Nikola Novak
Detektivska agencija Anonimus, Belgrade, Serbia
Original message
Re: Happy Easter!
Greetings, i have been very busy with the licencing process beeing in progress in Serbia, so i have not been very active in the last few months, but now i have some time and i was also managing my website a little bit so i would like to use this opportunity to present a new webpage of our site with the new and modified list of services that we offer and i would appreciate if anybody can take a look and see a new offer, by the way it is in serbian language but there is also a english version available but i do not think it would be necessery because Serbian and Russian language are very similiar. So, here is the new webpage if anybody wants to take a look.
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