Andrey, I mean that the branch, as it were, touches on some issues that are specifics of detective activity. By the way, I remembered the forum that we were considering, Moder has the right to block some posts or branches from being reviewed by guests, or unauthorized users cannot watch links on branches. I myself know that the secret, closed, secret is very attractive. That is why it is not to be used. Curiosity, keenness of sensations, greed are those NEEDING traits of personality psychology that turn off consciousness, turn on the subconscious mind to fully satisfy the needs of all, probably (according to Maslow’s pyramid of needs). When a person gets to a branch where there is just a chatter, he cannot understand the entire course of users' reasoning, he will not view the entire branch, since he is in charge, he also needs a dash like laziness. He leaves. And sometimes on the branch there are sayings that are, as it were, closed to him. In order to see the secret part of the branch, he needs to perform a number of actions with the computer, for example, log in. Upon authorization, he goes through several pages, receives a letter to the email address and so on. But at the same time, two computers actively communicate, although this is not visible to a simple user. And an experienced hacker, encoder, or some other kind of juper-duper will very quickly understand who is on that end. or a serious person or boy blows bubbles. And everyone can build a small "corridor" that he would do what the moderator needs ... maybe I left my main thoughts in my reasoning .....