Sir, you are rude, you are quite corporal
Probably, since you are hiding, you served as a lead in the bullpen of the Moscow Glavka. Being a rather shocking character in life, we decided to promote it now at the expense of a reputable Internet resource. Surely missed! Here, MOD is the International Association of Detectives, and not MOX (the corresponding association of HAMs), and not MOS (the association of SADISTS). Wandering here by chance "at a glance" and deciding that (as you yourself put it) to rub yourself here, you are clearly mistaken for the address, dear! To climb into the ranks of respected people, I think, is also unlikely to succeed. You learned to be rude remotely, to raise a hand against a woman and to name innocent children objectionable to you personally, spawn too. But this does not mean that since you and your “star” are anti-human, then here AMONG PEOPLE will become yours ... I feel sorry for you ... And let time and people judge us!