DIBNN' Alıntı:
Yes bad, Yes terrible, And also called detectives.
Similar words or similar in meaning were said by each of those who spoke. And I agree with that.
But there is no code of professional ethics for a detective, there is a law that clearly spells out what is possible and what is not.
I wonder how this can be tied to a violation of applicable law?
: ugeek:
: lol: Perhaps, some stereotypes that have developed over the years of work in the bodies are affecting ... Or, purely on a subconscious level, something clicks and thinks: “Here are the radishes! But you probably could also promote me ...”. And so you say that they are really radishes! We do other things, well, at least ... maybe that’s why I think so! Radishes they are! I do not like such a "detective" work! It is on the one hand ...
And on the other hand, if you look, my, and it’s a really interesting event, staging a psychological performance, a game - who is who ...
How to attach to violation? Yes, probably not at all ... Today, just a comment was shoveled to the Special Part, not on this issue, on the other, but something that could not be attached to anything came across ...
They are bad people!