Александр ОРЧ' Alıntı:
Good evening, dear colleagues.
My friend recommended that I contact you. I want to consult with you.
Tell me if there is such an opportunity.
Essence of the question:
Citizen A recorded Citizen B on a Ritmix brand voice recorder. This record was submitted to the civil court, where the judge accepted the record transferred to the CD-ROM as evidence.
Question: did citizen A lawfully act with respect to citizen B, if not, what law is it prohibited?
Colleagues, I understand everything, but where is citizen "C" here ??? This is the initial text of the appeal and there is no question of any citizen “C” in it.
Further, as I understand it, the citizen "D" should appear and then all the other "citizens of the English alphabet" ... E, F, J, H, I ..........
: lol:: lol:: lol:: lol:: lol: