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    Профессор К.Х.Кекчеев, Психофизиология маскировки и разведки (Москва -1942 год) Введение

    Начинаю публикацию данной книги, думаю она будет интересна и полезна читателям нашего форума Продолжение будут публиковаться по мере готовности и наличию свободного времени Профессор К.Х.Кекчеев Психофизиология маскировки и разведки Государственное издательство "Советская наука" Москва -...
  2. root

    On learned helplessness

    If you, with enviable constancy, blame higher powers / the state / bad heredity / insidious Masons for all the troubles (underline as necessary) - this text is definitely for you. The concept of learned helplessness, or learned helplessness, came into use thanks to the American psychologist...
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    Fifty years ago, the American psychologist Martin Seligman turned over all ideas about our free will

    Fifty years ago, the American psychologist Martin Seligman turned over all ideas about our free will Seligman conducted an experiment on dogs according to the Pavlov conditioned reflex scheme. The goal is to form a reflex of fear to the sound of the signal. If a Russian scientist received...
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    Projection. How to see your consider the beam that is in your own eye?

    Projection. How to see your consider the beam that is in your own eye? All people act on the basis of assessing the situation and their condition. That is, the action is half determined by the environment. By what a person sees in front of him. If a person sees that they are shouting at him...
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    How to distinguish cockroaches from ladybugs or what are installations and how to deal with them?

    How to distinguish cockroaches from ladybugs or what are installations and how to deal with them? I think every person, even very far from psychology, heard the phrase "he has cockroaches in his head." What is it about? Most often this is about attitudes, or, as they say in some areas of...

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