Re: CEB "Antiaris", Milov Dmitry
Роберт said:
In a primitive translation, it is "counter-war"!
Center for Economic Security "Antiaris".
everything is actually easier. And translation is not even required - this is a plant, it is also anchar.
Anchar (lat. Antiaris) - a genus of plants of the family of mulberry, evergreen trees or shrubs.
The generic name "antiaris" was established by the French traveler, naturalist and botanist Jean Lesceno de la Tour. All species are highly toxic, especially A. toxicaria Lesch. - the famous anchar, or upas, the juice of which the natives poison the arrows (hence the compound botanical name: αντι - against, instead of, for, and άρις - point); growing in Java. The fame about the strength of the poison of this tree has long created even a belief about the toxicity of the air itself near the anchor from its fumes, especially in the shade, killing animals and people who are inadvertently approaching the tree. The famous poison upas (also boon-upas, boa-upas) is the antiaris milky juice; distilling the juice with alcohol produces anti-arin, a very strong poison that crystallizes in shiny, colorless leaves.