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#1 Detective Agency United Kingdom. Private Investigator United Kingdom.

Бюро Рысь

Aug 22, 2011
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Украина, Киев +380677030832
Kiev welcomes to the forum.
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Киев приветствует на форуме.

JR Security Consulting Group

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Oct 28, 2012
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Riga,Latvia mob.+37129216282 e-mail: jbetahon@gm
Welcome to the forum!
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Приветствую Вас на форуме!


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Jul 23, 2012
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Псков, улица Снятная Гора, д. 2. +7 (911) 351-40-6
Welcome to the forum !!!
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Приветствую на форуме!!!

Юридическая Компания Лидер

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Apr 26, 2012
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г. Москва, Фрунзенская набережная
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Dec 7, 2013
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Taunton, Somerset United Kingdom

A prompt one can be a very qualified and experienced investigator, but it can be of little use if they are not able to adequately communicate with their testimony both on paper and verbally to the client or other persons who should demand it.

The end product of each investigation includes a report of some description that can be used by the client, a lawyer, the police, or any other appropriate body or individual who was engaged in the services of investigators to conduct some type of investigation or service process.

With this in mind, it is important for the investigator to compile a report encapsulating the results of their investigation or allies' activities, which, in addition to being received, collected and presented in the correct manner, information should also be easily accessible to the non-investigator (they are able to understand what are you reporting about).

There will be cases where the investigator is required to testify in person in court, and to provide evidence they submitted. To do this, the investigator must improve his skill set.

An investigator can carry out work in many industries, for example;

• Special cases in a district court involving neighboring disputes.
• Civil cases in a district court involving matrimonial disputes.
• Criminal cases in any magistracy or royal court involving theft, violence, etc.
• Process serving for relevant authorities.
• Accidents / incidents for insurance companies.
• Injury claims.
• Open or covert police surveillance or crime prevention.
• Automatic tracking of people or property.
• Counter intelligence operations.

Cases that will be heard in court will have several common features, namely;

• One person or organization (client) seeks some degree of justice in relation to another person or organization.
• Legal aid representative or prosecution.
• The accused or the other party (target).
• another legal representative protecting the accused or the other party.
• An expert or other witnesses valid for both parties.

When submitting evidence to such proceedings, the investigator is likely to face cross-examination by the defense team. Their main purpose will be to discredit the evidence of investigators in part or in whole.

It is for this reason that the evidence obtained by the investigator, the manner in which he was obtained, compilation, stored, transported and submitted must adhere to strict procedures and at all times, be impeccable otherwise a good defense lawyer will discredit something that can take many months to receipt and weeks to collect moreover, the client will be less than impressed by the ability of investigators.

We would like to continue this topic and place the next installment in the near future and look forward to your impressions of your own procedures.


Jennifer and Mark Overthrow
Eye on you investigations
Great Britain

The operative may be a very skilled and experienced investigator, but this can be of little value if they are unable to adequately communicate their evidence both on paper and orally to the client or others who shall require it.

The end product of every investigation includes a report of some description, which may be used by the client, a solicitor, the Police, or any other proper authority or private individual who has engaged the investigators services to undertake some type of investigation or Process of Service

With this in mind, it is essential the investigator is able to compile a report encapsulating the results of their investigation or allied activity which, in addition to being obtained, collated and presented in the correct manner, the information must also be readily accessible to the non-investigator (they are able to understand what you are reporting about).

There will be occasions where the investigator is required to give evidence in person in a court of law and also to defend the evidence they have presented. To do this, the investigator must perfect a different set of skills.

The investigator can undertake work in many sectors for example;

• Private cases in the County Court involving neighbor disputes.
• Civil cases in the County Court involving matrimonial disputes.
• Criminal cases in either Magistrates or Crown Court involving theft, violence etc.
• Process Serving for proper authorities.
• Accident / Incident Investigation for Insurance Companies.
• Personal Injury claims.
• Overt or Covert Surveillance for Policing or crime prevention.
• Tracing people or assets.
• Counter Intelligence Operations.

Cases that will be heard in a court of law will all have several things in common namely;

• One person or organization (client) seeking some degree of justice against another person or organization.
• A legal representative assisting or prosecuting the case.
• The accused or other party (the target).
• Another legal representative defending the accused or other party.
• Expert or other witnesses acting for both sides.

When presenting evidence in such proceedings, the investigator will likely face cross-examination by the defense team. Their primary objective will be to discredit the validity of the investigators evidence either in part or in whole.

It is for this reason the evidence obtained by the investigator, the manner in which it was obtained, collated, stored, transported and presented must adhere to strict procedures and at all times, be beyond reproach otherwise, a good defense lawyer will discredit that which may have taken many months to obtain and weeks to collate furthermore, the client will be less than impressed with the investigators ability.

We would like to continue with this thread and post the next instalment shortly and look forward to hearing your experiences about your own procedures.

Thank you

Jennifer & mark overthrow
Eye on you Investigations
United kingdom
Original message
Представление доказательств

Оперативное может быть очень квалифицированный и опытный следователь , но это может быть мало пользы , если они не в состоянии адекватно общаться с их показаниями как на бумаге, и в устной форме к клиенту или других лиц, которые должны требовать его.

Конечный продукт каждого расследования включает в себя доклад некоторого описания , который может быть использован клиентом , адвоката , полиция, или любой другой надлежащий орган или физическое лицо, которое занималось услугами следователей провести некоторый тип расследования или процессе Сервис .

Имея это в виду , важно следователь способен составить доклад инкапсулирующую результаты их расследования или союзников деятельности, которая , в дополнение к тому , полученный , собраны и представлены в правильной манере , информация должна также быть легко доступной для не- следователь ( они в состоянии понять, что вы сообщаете о ) .

Там будут случаи, где следователь обязан давать показания в человека в суде , а также для защиты доказательства они представили . Чтобы сделать это, следователь должен совершенствовать свой ​​набор навыков.

Следователь может провести работу во многих отраслях , например ;

• Частные случаи в окружной суд с участием соседних споров.
• Гражданские дела в окружном суде с участием матримониальных споров .
• Уголовные дела в любом магистратуры или Королевском суде с участием кражи , насилие и т.д.
• Процесс, обслуживающий для соответствующих органов .
• ДТП / инцидентов для страховых компаний .
• Травмы утверждает .
• Открытая или Скрытое наблюдение за полицейской или предупреждения преступности .
• Автоматическое отслеживание людей или имущества .
• Счетчик разведывательных операций .

Случаи, которые будут услышаны в суде будут иметь несколько общих черт , а именно ;

• Один человек или организация (клиент) ищет некоторую степень справедливости в отношении другого лица или организации .
• Законный представитель оказания помощи или уголовное преследование по делу .
• Обвиняемый или другая сторона (цель) .
• другого законного представителя , защищая обвиняемого или другую сторону .
• Эксперт или другие свидетели , действующие для обеих сторон.

При представлении доказательств в такое судопроизводство, следователь , вероятно, столкнется перекрестный допрос по группе защиты . Их основная цель будет заключаться в дискредитации обоснованность доказательств следователи частично или в целом.

Именно по этой причине доказательства, полученные следователем , манера, в которой он был получен , компиляция , хранятся, транспортируются и представил должны придерживаться строгих процедур и во все времена , быть безукоризненным в противном случае хороший адвокат обороны дискредитируют то, что может принять много месяцев по получению и недели, чтобы собирать более того, клиент будет меньше, чем впечатлен способностью следователи .

Мы хотели бы продолжить эту тему и разместить следующий взнос в ближайшее время и с нетерпением ждем ваши впечатления о ваших собственных процедур .


Дженнифер и Марк Свержение
Глаз на вас расследований

The operative may be a very skilled and experienced investigator, but this can be of little value if they are unable to adequately communicate their evidence both on paper and orally to the client or others who shall require it.

The end product of every investigation comprises a report of some description, which may be used by the client, a solicitor, the Police, or any other proper authority or private individual who has engaged the investigators services to undertake some type of investigation or Process of Service.

With this in mind, it is essential the investigator is able to compile a report encapsulating the results of their investigation or allied activity which, in addition to being obtained, collated and presented in the correct manner, the information must also be readily accessible to the non-investigator (they are able to understand what you are reporting about).

There will be occasions where the investigator is required to give evidence in person in a court of law and also to defend the evidence they have presented. To do this, the investigator must perfect a different set of skills.

The investigator can undertake work in many sectors for example;

• Private cases in the County Court involving neighbour disputes.
• Civil cases in the County Court involving matrimonial disputes.
• Criminal cases in either Magistrates or Crown Court involving theft, violence etc.
• Process Serving for proper authorities.
• Accident / Incident Investigation for Insurance Companies.
• Personal Injury claims.
• Overt or Covert Surveillance for Policing or crime prevention.
• Tracing people or assets.
• Counter Intelligence Operations.

Cases that will be heard in a court of law will all have several things in common namely;

• One person or organisation (client) seeking some degree of justice against another person or organisation.
• A legal representative assisting or prosecuting the case.
• The accused or other party (the target).
• Another legal representative defending the accused or other party.
• Expert or other witnesses acting for both sides.

When presenting evidence in such proceedings, the investigator will likely face cross-examination by the defence team. Their primary objective will be to discredit the validity of the investigators evidence either in part or in whole.

It is for this reason the evidence obtained by the investigator, the manner in which it was obtained, collated, stored, transported and presented must adhere to strict procedures and at all times, be beyond reproach otherwise, a good defence lawyer will discredit that which may have taken many months to obtain and weeks to collate furthermore, the client will be less than impressed with the investigators ability.

We would like to continue with this thread and post the next instalment shortly and look forward to hearing your experiences about your own procedures.

Thank you

Jennifer & Mark Overthrow
Eye on you Investigations
United Kingdom

Матушкин Андрей Николаевич

Президент IAPD
Staff member
Private access level
Full members of NP "MOD"
Jan 1, 1970
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Re: Submission of evidence

Dear colleague, good night.
I ask you to post your personal photo.
Original message
Re: Представление доказательств

Уважаемый коллега, доброй ночи.
Прошу Вас разместить свою личную фотографию.


Dec 7, 2013
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset United Kingdom
Re: Presentation of evidence

Hello Andrew,

Please can you advise on how to upload our photo to our profile.

Thank you

Mark Overthrow
Original message
Re: Presentation of evidence

Hello Andrew,

Please can you advise on how to upload our photo to our profile.

Thank you

Mark Overthrow

Матушкин Андрей Николаевич

Президент IAPD
Staff member
Private access level
Full members of NP "MOD"
Jan 1, 1970
Reaction score
Re: Submission of evidence

Hello Mark!
Drop it here:
I will do.
Matushkin Andrey.
Original message
Re: Представление доказательств

Здравствуйте, Марк!
Скиньте сюда:
Я сделаю.
Матушкин Андрей.


Dec 7, 2013
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset United Kingdom
Re: Introduction of evidence

Hi Andrew.

Thank you for your help, I will send my photo to you.

This photo is the only decent one that provides a clear image. All other photos are also in this setting.

Hope this works.

Look forward to speaking with you again.

Best wishes

Mark Overthrow
Original message
Re: Introduction of evidence

Hi Andrew.

Thank you for your help, I will send my photo to you.

This photo is the only decent one that provides a clear image. All other photos are also in this setting.

Hope this works.

Look forward to speaking with you again.

Best wishes

Mark Overthrow