Детективное агентство ИКС-Инфо. Кривой Рог. said:
Hello to all!!
From this day I will participate in communication only in open branches and in PM ...
Exception - "WAPD" topic ...
If the administration of the Forum considers this a violation of the rules and closes my access there - so be it ...
Good luck to all :!: :!: :!:
Given the rules of this forum:
"To get to the floor of a private section, you first need to be a registered user on the forum.
For private detectives who have their own website: place a forum banner on all pages of their website, hang your photo instead of an avatar (there are exceptions, negotiated separately). This, as they say, a pass in the floor is private ...
... Also on the forum are our like-minded people, someone is interested in this topic, someone is planning to deal with it, who is ready to help the development of the forum, again with interesting materials, comments. A group has been created for them: "Active user". Users from this group also have access to the private floor. Communicate, work, help in the development of the forum.
index.php? threads / 3423
end quote ,
I had a question for the administration - which of the above rules are not followed by me ?? ... In addition, if my memory serves me, I fulfilled all the conditions for admission in private and in the "third level of access - prices for colleagues" ...
Can anyone explain the reasons for depriving me of admission to semi-private and private ??
I want to draw attention to one nuance (see the quote from my earlier post above) - I did not ask to deprive me of all admissions, it was about stopping my discussions so as not to annoy those present there