Растаман said:Konstantin! Welcome to the forum. Greetings from Yakutia. We will cooperate!
Py.Sy. No offense. There are ten landing units in Tula. Including 51 regiment, four separate battalions, five separate companies.
The regiment is opposite (across the road) from the civilian airport. And the training center in the village of Slobodka is 30 km to the north along the Simferopol-Moscow highway.
By the way, is there a connection to the regiment? I want to find my commander! : mrgreen :: mrgreen :: mrgreen :: mrgreen :: mrgreen :: Dlol :: P
We have long arms! : D I think we can help you. The installation data of the person you are looking for, his last day, the position known to you, the approximate period when it was ... please send by e-mail. mail through the SCF "Budaev and Partners" website. Or call on Monday, preferably during business hours in Moscow. To the connection!

Растаман said:Константин! Добро пожаловать на форум. Привет из Якутии. Будем сотрудничать!
Пы.Сы. Не в обиду. В Туле десять десантных частей. В том числе 51 полк, четыре отдельных батальона, пять отдельных рот.
Полк находится напротив (через дорогу) от гражданского аэропорта. А учебный цент в п. Слободка - 30 км на север по трассе Симферополь- Москва.
Кстати есть там связи в полку? Командира своего хочу найти! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:![]()
У нас длинные руки!