Dear, have you still not bothered to sort things out about who and how taught the science of the OSA at one time? So I’ll remind you a little that the ARD is not a science, but a whole sphere of practical activity, in which the investigation is only an integral and difficult part of it.
The Internet is just a communications tool. No communication - no Internet, no access to information, including on other people's servers.
Therefore, the detective must relate to the Internet, respectively.
If you correctly fix the information set forth on any page on the Internet, this will become evidence in any case. At the same time, such evidence should be used with the utmost caution, since the information is sometimes well-falsified, and therefore false.
In my life and work I use the Internet using the following priority policies:
1. The Internet as a means of communication and communication.
2. The Internet, as access to open and public databases.
3. The Internet, as a means for collecting, compiling and analyzing information from unofficial sources and the possibility of using it to solve a problem.
4. The Internet, as a means of posting information and misinformation
5. The Internet, as a means of entertainment.
6. The Internet as a way to make money
Something like this was supposed to be a discussion, but went along the wrong track.
Truly, Dumas was right when he spoke about Russia, fools and roads.
Thanks to everyone, and especially Yegor227 for links to partly useful resources on the Internet. And gentlemen, dear ones, do not be offended, but we all become demagogues by old age, because we want to get something else out of life, and that's all, pipets, the resource is running out.