Contact us in messengers or by phone.

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Jan 9, 2011
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Екатеринбург +7-95-36-036-273
Greetings to colleagues!
Pleased to meet you!

Sincerely, Alexander.

Greetings colleagues!
Glad to get acquainted!

Sincerely, Alexander.
Original message
Приветствую коллег!
Рад знакомству!

С уважением, Александр.

Greetings colleagues!
Glad to get acquainted!

Sincerely, Alexander. Thailand Private Investigators

Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
Bangkok, Thailand
We are very grateful to Andrey for his invitation to join this forum and for the warm welcome from all of you.

At the present time we have no staff who speak or read Russian, so we respectfully request all inquiries to be made in English. We will be glad to answer as best we can about Thailand and South-East Asia, especially on matters of local customs and laws.

As you may know, Thailand is an increasingly popular destination for Russians on holiday, as well as citizens of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. This change has been most profound in the resort areas, especially Pattaya & Jomtien in Chonburi Province, as well as Phuket.

In 2010, per statistics of the TAT (Tourist Authority of Thailand), Russians were the # 1 nationality in terms of hotel check-ins at just less than one million, and 55% of all hotel check-ins by foreigners, for Chonburi Province .

Given these facts, we believe there is ample opportunity to work together with our Russian, Eastern European and Central Asian colleagues in a variety of types of investigations.

Our professional fees are charged at 3200 baht per day (approximately € 72 today). For assignments in Bangkok, our hub city, we can also provide a half-day rate. There are no travel expenses charged for assignments to Pattaya and Jomtien.

We can undertake as your subcontractor all non-criminal investigations including marital / loyalty cases, etc. In criminal matters, if you send your investigator here we can undertake a support role to make your agent more effective.

We are very grateful to Andrey for his invitation to join this forum, and for the warm welcome of colleagues.

We currently do not have employees who speak or read Russian, so we kindly ask everyone to make requests in English. We will be happy to answer your questions regarding Thailand and Southeast Asia as best as possible, especially regarding local customs and laws.

As you know, Thailand is becoming an increasingly popular holiday destination for Russian citizens, as well as citizens of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. This change is most affected in resort areas, especially in Pattaya and Jomtien in Chonburi province, as well as Phuket.

In 2010, according to statistics from the TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand), Russians were the first in terms of hotel accommodation - a little less than one million people, which is 55% of the total number of foreigners who arrived in Chonburi province.

Given these facts, we believe, we believe that we have great prospects for working together with colleagues from Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Our outdoor surveillance services cost 3200 baht per day (approximately € 72 today). In Bangkok, our central city, we can work half-time a day. When working in Pattaya and Jomtien, we do not take additional funds to pay travel expenses.

We can be your intermediaries on all matters except criminal matters, including family matters, issues of fidelity, etc. With regard to criminal matters, if you send your detective here we can support him to make his work more efficient.
Original message
We are very grateful to Andrey for his invitation to join this forum and for the warm welcome from all of you.

At the present time we have no staff who speak or read Russian, so we respectfully request all inquiries to be made in English. We will be glad to answer as best we can about Thailand and South-East Asia, especially on matters of local customs and laws.

As you may know, Thailand is an increasingly popular destination for Russians on holiday, as well as citizens of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. This change has been most profound in the resort areas, especially Pattaya & Jomtien in Chonburi Province, as well as Phuket.

In 2010, per statistics of the TAT (Tourist Authority of Thailand), Russians were the #1 nationality in terms of hotel check-ins at just less than one million, and 55% of all hotel check-ins by foreigners, for Chonburi Province.

Given these facts, we believe there is ample opportunity to work together with our Russian, Eastern European and Central Asian colleagues in a variety of types of investigations.

Our professional fees are charged at 3200 baht per day (approximately €72 today). For assignments in Bangkok, our hub city, we can also provide a half-day rate. There are no travel expenses charged for assignments to Pattaya and Jomtien.

We can undertake as your subcontractor all non-criminal investigations including marital/loyalty cases, etc. In criminal matters, if you send your investigator here we can undertake a support role to make your agent more effective.

Мы очень благодарны Андрею за его приглашение присоединиться к этому форуму, и за теплый прием коллег.

В настоящее время у нас нет сотрудников, которые говорят или читают по русски, поэтому мы убедительно просим всех делать запросы на английском языке. Мы будем рады ответить как можно лучше на вопросы, касающиеся Таиланда и Юго-Восточной Азии, особенно по вопросам местных обычаев и законов.

Как вы знаете, Таиланд становится все более популярным местом отдыха для русских граждан, а также граждан стран Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии. Это изменение больше всего отразилось на курортных зонах, особенно в Паттайе и Джомтьен в провинции Чонбури, а также Пхукете.

В 2010 году по статистике ТАТ (туристическое управление Таиланда), русские были первыми с точки зрения размещения в отелеях - чуть менее одного миллиона человек, что составляет 55% от общего числа прибывших иностранцев в провинцию Чонбури .

Учитывая эти факты, мы считаем, мы считаем, что у нас большие перспективы совместной работы с коллегами из России, Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии.

Наши услуги по наружному наблюдению стоят в 3200 бат в день (примерно € 72 сегодня). В Бангкоке, нашем центральном городе, мы можем работать за полставки в день. При работе в Паттайе и Джомтьене мы не берем дополнительных средств на оплату командировочных расходов.

Мы можем быть вашими посредниками по всем вопросам кроме уголовных, в том числе по семейным вопросам, вопросам верности и т. д. Что касается уголовных дел, если вы направляете своего детектива сюда мы можем оказать ему поддержку, чтобы его работа была более эффективной.

Частный детектив

Mar 11, 2011
Reaction score
Nice to meet you, Kiev will be happy to cooperate with you.

Very nice, Kiev will be glad to cooperate with you.
Original message
Nice to meet you, Kiev will be happy to cooperate with you.

Очень приятно, Киев будет рад сотрудничать с вами.
Jan 21, 2011
Reaction score
Tula (Russia) welcomes Thai colleagues! Good communication at the Forum and good luck in your work! :!:

Tula (Russia) welcomes Thai colleagues! Good communication on Forum and good luck at work! :!:
Original message
Тула (Россия) приветствует тайских коллег! Хорошего общения на Форуме и удачи в работе! :!:

Tula (Russia) welcomes Thai colleagues! Good communication on Forum and good luck at work! :!:


Private access level
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
Россия г. Саратов, ул. Вольская 11. +7 (927) 911-6
Saratov welcomes colleagues from Thailand !!!
I will be glad to cooperate.

Saratov welcomes colleagues from Thailand !!!
Glad to cooperate with us.
Original message
Саратов приветствует коллег из Тайланда !!!
Буду рад сотрудничеству.

Saratov welcomes colleagues from Thailand!!!
Glad to cooperate with us.
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
Россия, Киров
Vyatka (Homeland of the Dymkovo toy) welcomes colleagues !!! Welcome to our ranks!

Vyatka (the motheland of Dymkovo toy) welcomes colleagues !!! Glad to see you among us!
Original message
Вятка (Родина дымковской игрушки) приветствует коллег!!! С прибытием в наши ряды!

Vyatka (the motheland of Dymkovo toy) welcomes colleagues!!! Glad to see you among us!

частный детектив Хмельницкий

Mar 21, 2010
Reaction score
Glad to welcome and cooperate. Ukraine, Khmelnitsky
(Now we will know the real prices in Thailand, otherwise at one time we were given prices, which were difficult to calculate the numbers :))

Glad to greeting and cooperate. Khmelnitsky, Ukraine.
(now we know real rates in Thailand, earlier we were billed in such rates that it was difficult to count numbers :))
Original message
Рады приветствовать и сотрудничать. Украина, Хмельницкий
(теперь будем знать реальные расценки по Таиланду, а то в своё время нам выставляли цены, что и цифры посчитать было сложно:))

Glad to greeting and cooperate. Khmelnitsky, Ukraine.
(now we know real rates in Thailand, earlier we were billed in such rates that it was difficult to count numbers:)) Thailand Private Investigators

Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
Bangkok, Thailand
Детективное агентство. Хмельницкая группа розыска. said:
Glad to welcome and cooperate. Ukraine, Khmelnitsky
(Now we will know the real prices in Thailand, otherwise at one time we were given prices, which were difficult to calculate the numbers :))

Dear colleague, we hope we take the correct meaning of your message when using Google Translation:
Dear colleague, we hope we correctly understood the main idea of your message using the Google translator:

Pleased to welcome and cooperate. Ukraine, Khmelnitsky
(Now we know the real prices in Thailand, and then once we exposed the prices that and figures it was difficult to count :))

We have studied the prices of general investigative services in many major markets throughout the world. We have found that most typically the rate is 8x to 15x that of the local minimum wage. So it is with us; in most parts of Thailand the minimum wage is 200 to 250 baht per day. We are on the high end of the scale only because our equipment replacement costs (smartphones, digital cameras, etc.) are on a par with what is charged in Europe, North America, etc.

We believe we are the most affordable solution in Thailand for the quality of service that we provide. Most of our competitors here are asking 5000-6000 baht per day or more. In some cases it is justified if there is some specialization required, but in general we think they are just asking too much and preying on gullible offshore clients.

We conducted a pricing study on detective services in many large markets around the world. We found that they are usually 8-15 times more than the local minimum wage. The same applies to us, in most of Thailand, the minimum wage is from 200 to 250 baht per day. We have high prices only because our equipment (smartphones, digital cameras, etc.) are not cheaper than in Europe, North America, etc.

We believe that our prices in Thailand are reasonable, and the services we offer are of high quality. Most of our competitors here ask for 5,000-6,000 baht per day or more. In some cases, this is justified if some specialization is required, but in general, we believe that they simply ask too much and profit from gullible foreign clients.
Original message
Детективное агентство. Хмельницкая группа розыска. said:
Рады приветствовать и сотрудничать. Украина, Хмельницкий
(теперь будем знать реальные расценки по Таиланду, а то в своё время нам выставляли цены, что и цифры посчитать было сложно:))

Dear colleague, we hope we take the correct meaning of your message when using Google Translation:
Дорогой коллега, надеемся мы правильно поняли усновную мысль Вашего сообщения, используя переводчик Google:

Pleased to welcome and cooperate. Ukraine, Khmelnitsky
(Now we know the real prices in Thailand, and then once we exposed the prices that and figures it was difficult to count:))

We have studied the prices of general investigative services in many major markets throughout the world. We have found that most typically the rate is 8x to 15x that of the local minimum wage. So it is with us; in most parts of Thailand the minimum wage is 200 to 250 baht per day. We are on the high end of the scale only because our equipment replacement costs (smartphones, digital cameras, etc.) are on a par with what is charged in Europe, North America, etc.

We believe we are the most affordable solution in Thailand for the quality of service that we provide. Most of our competitors here are asking 5000-6000 baht per day or more. In some cases it is justified if there is some specialization required, but in general we think they are just asking too much and preying on gullible offshore clients.

Мы провели иследование цен на детективные услуги на многих крупных рынках по всему миру. Мы выяснили, что обычно они в 8-15 раз больше местной минимальной заработной платы. Тоже самое касается и нас, в большей части Таиланда минимальная заработная плата от 200 до 250 бат в сутки. У нас высокие цены только потому, что наше оборудование (смартфоны, цифровые камеры и т.д.) стоят не дешевле, чем в Европе, Северной Америке и т.д.

Мы считаем, что наши цены в Тайланде являются приемлимыми, а предлагаемые нами услуги - качественными. Большинство наших конкурентов здесь просят 5000-6000 бат в сутки или больше. В некоторых случаях это оправдано, если требуется некоторая специализация, но в целом мы считаем, они просто просят слишком много, и наживаются на доверчивых иностранных клиентах.
Nov 24, 2009
Reaction score
Беларусь, Минск
Hello from Belarus!
Glad to see you!
Best regards, Dmitry

Greetings from Belarus!
Glad to see you!
Best regards, Dmitry
Original message
Hello from Belarus!
Glad to see you!
Best regards, Dmitry

Привет из Беларусии!
Рад вас видеть!
С уважением, Дмитрий