And this, by the way, too ...))) is practiced as additional earnings and the provision of a range of services, as related to the direct collection of information (within the framework of the NPV) and the subsequent implementation of these collected information)))) Without an integrated approach to these issues at present you won’t live)))) But this is only one of the areas of activity carried out ....))))) After all, every black hole, in principle, of course, if there is a sufficient level of training and education, should not just collect any information ... he I also need to know and really imagine why this information is provided ... and know the possibilities of legalizing the information received ... Some BHs, in the absence of an adequate level of education and training, can of course work in tandem with a lawyer .... (in various categories cases, including civil law), which is practiced by some private detectives who receive the task of collecting information from a lawyer who really knows the possibilities of using of the necessary information .... And some BHs (with the appropriate training and level of education) themselves collect information with their subsequent implementation in various government agencies, including the courts .... Something like this ... and this- the current practice .... There’s already someone who has learned what))))))) In principle, the work is somewhat similar to the work of the same investigator, who collects the information himself and prepares the final documents. The only difference is that the work is carried out not only by criminal cases, but also in other areas of rights .....)))) But of course the work style itself is chosen only by BH .... Some prefer to simply work in tandem with a lawyer, although they themselves could completely “accompany” the whole process , so to speak .... And one must probably proceed from the fact that if you can yourself, why give extra money to another (the same lawyer) .... Well, here everyone again decides for himself))))))